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#403 : Paroles, paroles

Les nouveaux internes sont impressionnés par le travail qu'effectue George. Ils ne savent pas qu'il a redoublé et Lexie l'aide à garder ce secret. Meredith aide sans conviction sa demi-soeur qui s'occupe de son premier patient aux urgences. Richard et Marc tentent une nouvelle opération afin de soigner une femme qui a un cancer de la langue, mais à jouer sans filet, un problème est vite arrivé et il auront besoin de l'aide de Derek. Alors que Cristina fait croire à Meredith qu'elle est triste pour avoir ses opérations, Alex doit s'occuper de son nouvel interne, envahissant et qui a l'âge de son grand-père. Izzie tente de persuader son patient, le très vieux monsieur qui est censé être dans le coma, de ne pas mourir et d'accepter la vie, mais c'est peut-être elle qui va apprendre une leçon. Bailey, après avoir fait plein de petites remarques à Callie sur son travail, décide de lui apporter son aide. George est contraint de dire la vérité à Callie sur son aventure avec Izzie.


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Let the Truth Sting

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Paroles, paroles

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Alex, Bailey et Norman le nouvel interne

Alex, Bailey et Norman le nouvel interne

Des patients

Des patients

Norman le nouvel interne

Norman le nouvel interne

Norman, le nouvel interne

Norman, le nouvel interne

Alex et son interne Norman

Alex et son interne Norman

Alex et son interne Norman

Alex et son interne Norman

Lexie Grey

Lexie Grey

Meredith et Lexie

Meredith et Lexie

Izzie et son groupe d'internes

Izzie et son groupe d'internes

Izzie Stevens

Izzie Stevens

Les internes dans une chambre

Les internes dans une chambre

Izzie et son patient

Izzie et son patient

Izzie et son patient

Izzie et son patient

Izzie qui oscule un patient

Izzie qui oscule un patient

George et Izzie

George et Izzie

Izzie et son groupe d'internes

Izzie et son groupe d'internes

Bailey, Alex et Norman le nouvel interne

Bailey, Alex et Norman le nouvel interne

Bailey et Alex

Bailey et Alex

Plus de détails

Scénario : Shonda Rhimes et Mark Wilding - Réalisation : Daniel Minahan

Les médecins donnent aux patients un certain nombre de choses. Des médicaments, des conseils. Et la plupart du temps, nous leur offrons toute notre attention. Mais la chose la plus difficile à donner au patient, c'est la vérité. La vérité est difficile. La vérité est déroutante. Et très souvent... La vérité blesse. Les gens disent vouloir la vérité. Mais la veulent-ils vraiment ?

Izzie fait les cent pas devant l'ascenseur. Dedans, Alex sourit à Lexie. Ils sont rejoints par les internes qui sont étonnés des connaissances de Georges et pensent qu'il est le meilleur interne de tous les temps. Alex demande à Lexie de qui ils parlent et elle lui dit que c'est de  Georges qu'il s'agit. Il est sur le point de répondre quand elle lui fait un signe de la main pour qu'il se taise. Les portes s'ouvrent sur Izzie. Alex lui raconte tout et elle lui dit que ça ne l'intéresse pas.

Derek rejoint Meredith et Cristina dans un autre ascenseur. Ils se parlent cordialement et Cristina comprend alors qu'il y a quelque chose entre eux. Elle sort et tombe sur Izzie, elle lui raconte que Meredith ne lui a rien dit mais Izzie semble ne pas être intéressée. Georges, qui sort enfin de l'ascenseur, fait comprendre à Izzie qu'il n'a rien dit à  Calie, cette dernière sort juste derrière lui. Il regarde Izzie et suit finalement sa femme.

Meredith et Derek se rhabillent dans une salle de fournitures. Elle lui demande de sortir avant elle. Derek comprend que c'est à cause de  Cristina. Meredith lui explique qu'elle veut être une bonne amie et c'est pour ça qu'elle ne lui a rien dit.

Alex est en train de donner leurs tâches à ses internes quand  Richard arrive avec un homme âgé, Norman. Alex pense que c'est le nouveau gynécologue  mais Richard lui fait comprendre que c'est en réalité son nouvel interne.

Meredith rejoint Cristina et  lui demande comment elle va. Cette dernière joue la comédie et lui répond que non prétextant sa rupture avec Burke et Mama qui lui a réclamé son collier. Meredith veut qu'elles en parlent mais elle refuse. Elle lui dit qu'une bonne opération lui remonterait le moral.

Marc et Richard présentent la patiente. Connie, qui est avec ses deux amies, a un cancer de la langue qui a évolué. Pour la soigner, ils vont lui greffer un morceau de chair  de sa jambe dans la langue, mais il se peut qu'elle ne puisse plus parler normalement.

Alex, accompagné de Norman, vient à la clinique voir Bailey. Elle comprend qu'il est là pour se débarrasser de Norman. Elle est d'accord à la condition qu'Alex d'un des patients présents dans la clinique. Le patient en question, Hunter, est un adolescent est, il est venu avec sa mère qui  est convaincue qu'il se drogue. Elle lui explique que son comportement est différent alors que son fils assure qu'il n'est pas un drogué.  Alex lui dit qu'il va faire des tests ais la mère s'adresse à Norman qui lui donne raison.

Izzie fait rentrer Georges dans la chambre du très vieux monsieur, elle veut savoir ce qui s'est passé. George lui explique qu'il n'a rien pu faire car Calie ne voulait qu'il parle. Ils sont interrompus par les internes d'Izzie arrivent pour la visite. Izzie demande à l'interne Graziella de présenter le cas du  très vieux monsieur. Ils s'apprêtent  sortir quand il  se met à parler et se présente sous le nom de Charlie.

Meredith et Alex arrivent pour voir si le vieux monsieur s'est réellement réveillé. Il les reconnaît et leur explique qu'il était dans un semi coma et que donc, il les écoutait parler. Il dit à Izzie qu'il ne veut plus de dialyses car il va mourir aujourd'hui.

Richard vient voir Marc et lui dit qu'il a une idée qui permettrait à Connie de parler.  Marc  pense que c'est risqué alors que  Georges pense que c'est  intéressant mais leur fait remarquer qu'ils n'ont jamais fait cette opération. Les deux chirurgiens le prennent mal et décident de la faire.

Callie étudie des dossiers quand Bailey arrive et lui parle  pour la tenir informée mais elle  ne l'écoute pas son esprit étant ailleurs car elle vent de voir George passait.

 Marc et Derek parlent ensemble des techniques opératoires modernes quand Derek lui raconte que Meredith n'a pas parlé d'eux à Cristina. Marc finit par comprendre que  Derek espère toujours que Meredith mûrisse et accepte leur relation.

Voyant Meredith arriver, Cristina se fait passer encore une fois pour une victime. Meredith et attendrie et lui propose d'assister avec Marc à sa  place avant de partir. Alex dit à Alors à Cristina d'arrêter car il a compris son manège. .

 Charlie ne cesse de crier Blondie pour appeler Izzie. Elle finit par aller le voir. Il lui demande du homard pour son dernier repas mais elle refuse en lui assurant qu'il ne va pas mourir. Il lui dit qu'elle est naïve de croire que George va quitter sa femme.

Meredith qui remplace Cristina à la mine, doit travailler avec Lexie.  Un patient en arrêt est amené et Meredith dit à Lexie de faire l'intubation ; mais le patient meurt. Meredith dit à Lexie que c'était bien pour une première intubation alors  qu'elle est toujours sous le choc. Meredith tente de lui expliquer qu'il était déjà mort en arrivant. Elle lui fait comprendre que c'est comme ça qu'on apprend mais Lexie pense que Meredith aurait pu faire plus. A son tour en colère, Meredith lui dit d'aller à la clinique puisqu'elle ne veut rien apprendre d'elle.

Izzie va voir Georges et lui rapporte les paroles de Charlie, elle voudrait entendre le contraire de la bouche de  Georges ; mais il ne le fait pas. Il prétexte qu'il doit en train d'étudier. Elle comprend qu'il ne le fera pas et part en colère.

Norman annonce fièrement à la mère d'Hunter que son fils n'est pas un drogué et parle de sa vie sans qu'Alex ne dise quelque chose sous le regard agacé de Bailey. Le jeune patient veut répondre mais dit une phrase qui n'a aucun. Se doutant de ce qu'il a,  Alex veut décide de lui faire subir un examen neuro complet.

George est dans la chambre de Connie. Ses amies tentent toujours de lui remonter le moral. Elles  croient qu'elle devrait profiter pour dire ce qu'elle a sur le cœur.  Poussée par Georges, elle se met à leur dire des choses blessantes.

Izzie vent dans la chambre du très vieux monsieur et l'infirmier lui dit qu'il enlève ses fils car il veut mourir. Enervée, elle commence à le faire elle-même quand il fait un arrêt. Elle le ranime.

Georges accompagne sa patiente au bloc. Elle s'en veut pour ce qu'elle a dit à ses amies et rejette la faute sur Georges.

 Lexie vient voir  Bailey lui disant ce qui s'est passé avec Meredith  ce qui provoque le mécontentement de Bailey. Elle la renvoie à Meredith mais Lexie lui demande de rester car elle ne veut pas travailler ave elle expliquant que Meredith la déteste elle, son père et sa mère.

Le scanner permet de faire découvrir la véritable maladie du patient d'Alex. Norman s'en veut d'avoir vite juger la situation. Alex l'envoie réserver un bloc puis avoue à  Derek qu'il n'arrive pas à l'engueuler car il a l'impression que c'est son grand-père.

Remarquant  Cristina en train de parler joyeusement à Izzie, Meredith comprend finalement son manège.

Charlie veut mourir mais il est énervé car Izzie ne le veut pas. Il lui dit alors qu'il y a peut-être de l'espoir pour elle et Georges.

Bailey  va voir Calie et la prévient  que Meredith et Cristina ont échangé leurs tâches ainsi que leurs internes. Elle lui fait des suggestions que Calie rejette froidement. Elle lui demande combien de temps elle compte rester cacher et si elle compte faire son travail de chef.  Elle lui répond qu'elle fait son travail mieux qu'elle t qu'elle compte uniquement s'occuper de la paperasse.

Marc et Richard opèrent leur patiente. Ils commencent à douter de leur capacité et font appeler Derek pour les aider.

George et Izzie discutent une nouvelle fois de leur situation et Georges conclut que c'est à lui de tout dire à Calie car c'est de son couple qu'il s'agit.

Bailey parle à Meredith de Lexie et lui explique qu'elle n'est pas seulement son interne mais c'est aussi sa sœur. Elle lui dit que Lexie pense que Meredith détestait Suzanne et qu'elle n'a donc pas tout fait pour la sauver.

Izzie rejoint l'infirmier qui l'a bipée, il l'informe que Charlie a signé une décharge pour ne pas être réanimé et qu'il veut quitter l'hôpital. Elle n'est pas d'accord et lui montre qu'elle lui a même ramené son homard.  

Alex a été bipé, l'état de son patient s'est aggravé, il en informe Derek. Ce dernier, bloqué, lui explique ce qu'il doit faire pour soulager le patient.  Alex revient auprès de son patient et fait ce que Derek lui a expliqué. Il demande fermement à Norman de faire sortir sa mère sous les yeux de Bailey.

Izzie ramène son homard à Charlie qui est, en costume, dans une chaise roulante, elle lui dit qu'elle a besoin de lui pour parler à mais il ne lui répond pas, elle s'approche de lui et découvre qu' il est mort.

Après avoir sauvé son patient, Alex va s'excuser auprès de Norman ce qui fâche Bailey qui explique que Norman l'a gêné toute la journée et qu'il ne doit pas prendre en considération son âge  quand il s'agit de vie ou de mort.

Marc et Richard sont heureux de la réussite de l'opération ce qui agace Derek qui leur passe un savon car avec leur expérience, la patiente a failli ne plus jamais reparler. Il leur explique qu'ils n'auraient jamais dû se lancer dans une opération qu'ils ne connaissaient pas.

Meredith vient voir Cristina et lui propose une soirée entre filles pour parler toute a nuit de Burke. Cristina comprend que Meredith a deviné son stratagème et elle lui dit qu'elle aussi sait pour elle et Derek. Elle lui affirme qu'elle s'en sort et elle ne veut pas être protégée.

Izzie a réuni tout le monde dans la chambre du vieux monsieur. Georges arrive en dernier. Elle les oblige presque à dire chacun un mot, ce qu'ils font d'ailleurs. Elle est la dernière à parler et elle le remercie de lui avoir rendu espoir d'attendre pour avoir ce qu'on désire le plus.

La patiente de Marc et Richard se réveille et constate tristement que ses amies ne sont as là. George est désolé pour elle quand ses amies arrivent. A leur tour, elles lui disent ce qu'elles ont sur le cœur.

Meredith rejoint Lexie et lui propose de lire ensemble le dossier de Suzanne. Elle lui explique que ce qui lui est arrivé est très rare et lui dit qu'elle aimait beaucoup Suzanne.

Bailey avoue à Calie qu'elle s'est habituée à être le numéro un alors que désormais, elle n'est que la numéro deux. Elle décide d'être la meilleure numéro deux, la numéro deux de Calie. Elle lui propose son aide pour qu'elle y arrive.

Les internes sont félicitent Georges pour son travail. Agacé,  Alex leur explique que  Georges refait son  année et qu'ils devraient prendre exemple sur les résidents. Georges est d'accord avec lui. Norman lance un regard réprobateur à Alex mais ce dernier le remet vite à sa place.

George rentre chez lui et trouve Calie qui l'attend, il finit par lui avouer qu'il a couché avec Izzie.


La vérité fait mal... Au fond, personne ne veut l'entendre surtout quand ça les touche de près. Parfois, nous disons la vérité... parce qu'elle est tout ce que nous avons à offrir. Et parfois, on dit la vérité... parce qu'on ne peut pas s'en empêcher. Et parfois... On leur dit... parce qu'on le leur doit. On leur doit au moins ça.


(Izzie is waiting near the elevator, pacing)

MVO: Doctors give patients a number of things. We give them medicine, we give them advice. And most of the time, we give them our undivided attention.

(Alex, Lexie and a bunch of interns are in the elevator)

Male Intern: I heard he saved a guy who coded yesterday, by himself.

Female Intern: He just knows things...never messes up in rounds, always has the answer.

Female Intern 2: And he's so calm. I'm always terrified, but he's, like, steady.

Male Intern 2: Best intern ever.

Alex: Hey, who are they talking about?

Lexie: George O'Malley.

Alex: Seriously? Don't they know that he...

(Lexie shhs him)

(Alex exits the elevator where is)

MVO: But by far the hardest thing you can give a patient is the truth.

Alex: You know O'Malley's got these morons snowed? They don't even know he's a repeater.

Izzie: Yeah, whatever.

(Derek, Meredith and Cristina are in the same elevator)

Meredith: Hey.

Derek: Hey.

Meredith: How are you today?

Derek: Good.

Meredith: Great.

MVO: The truth is hard. The truth... is awkward. And very often...the truth hurts.

(They all exit the elevator where Izzie is standing. Derek and Meredith walk away)

Izzie: Damn it.

Meredith: Bye.

Derek: Bye.

Cristina: She's doing McDreamy. She's doing McDreamy and lying about it.

Izzie: That's great.

Cristina: She thinks I'm weak, that I'm fragile. Like I can't handle it 'cause of Burke.

Izzie: Poor Cristina. All alone.

Cristina: Damn right. Poor Cristina.

(George finally exits the elevator)

Izzie: George, what happened?

MVO: I mean, people say they want the truth. But do they really?

(Derek and Meredith have just finished having sex in a supply closet)

Meredith: Do I have sex hair?

Derek: Uh, if I did my job right.

Meredith: You go ahead.

Derek: What?

Meredith: You go ahead. I'll wait a minute.

Derek: So this isn't just breakup sex. This is secret breakup sex. Is this about cristina, this

morning in the elevator?

Meredith: I don't know. I don't know what to do, you know? We don't talk about

it, the whole Burke thing. I mean, I want to be a good friend. I want to take care of her. But you don't take care of Cristina.

Derek: Okay, so by being with me you're cheating on Cristina?

Meredith: Just, if she knew about you and me...

Derek: You'd have to talk about it. You'd have to talk about you and me, and it'd be a long

conversation, and there'd be no time left over to talk about her.

Meredith: I told you, we don't talk about it.

(Alex is at the nurse's station with his interns)

Alex: Pierce, you're in the pit. James, need you in peds. Laura, you're on scut.

Laura: I was on scut yesterday.

Alex: Oh, and just for that, you're on scut tomorrow get lost.

(Richard walks up)

Richard: Dr. Karev, this is dr. Normal Shales.

Alex: Hey.

Norman: Oh, a strong handshake. That's a good sign.

Richard: Norman is transferring in from UCLA. I want him to work with you.

Alex: Oh, are you the new OBGYN guy?

Norman: I don't have a specialty yet.

Richard: Norman is an intern. You'll be his resident.

Alex: He's my intern?

Norman: Don't worry, son. This tugboat's ready to pull his own weight.

Richard: Age is just a number, right, Norman.

Norman: Absolutely.

Alex: Pretty important number.

(Meredith walks up to the nurses station where Cristina is)

Meredith: Hey.

Cristina: Hey.

(Cristina sounds sad)

Meredith: You okay?

Cristina: I don't know. I think it's all just hitting me...you know, stupid Burke dumping me and then stupid mama coming to reclaim her...magic necklace.

Meredith: Do you want to talk about it?

Cristina: No, not really, not... yet.

Meredith: Okay. Well, if there's anything I can do...

Cristina: You know, I just wish I had a good, bloody surgery. You know, bloody surgeries make me feel better. One, two, three, four... follow me.

(Mark, Richard Meredith and her interns enter Connie's room)

Elaine: Oh, Joanne, this is why you and I need to get sick, these doctors.

Joanne: One's more handsome than the next.

Connie: Oh, and here comes the handsomest one of them all. Hi, Dr. Webber.

Richard: Connie.

Connie: He took my appendix out three years ago. Barely left a scar. How's Adele?

Richard: Um, oh, she's good, good. Uh, marriage is hard. Uh, but we're dating again. Uh, and she agreed to date me tonight...but, um...more...more importantly, how...how are you doing?

Connie: Oh, I just had a little bump on my tongue removed is all. Couple of taste buds. Turns out it was a little touch of cancer. So I'm here to have the rest out. I mean, you know, the cancer, not the taste buds. I don't know exactly how bad it is because Dr. Sloan over there has been awfully quiet.

Joanne: 'Cause you don't let him get a word in edgewise is why.

Richard: Uh, how is she, Dr. Sloan?

Mark: Well, we just got back the pathology report. Connie, unfortunately, the cancer is a

bit more widespread than we'd hoped. It's over 60% of your tongue.

Joanne: Well, what... what does she do, chemo?

Mark: I think the, uh, best bet is a micro-vascular free flap. Dr. Grey?

Meredith: Uh, he'll remove the cancerous part of the tongue, and then reconstruct it with a strip of flesh from your legs. George?

George: Uh, the extra flesh will provide the bulk your tongue needs to breathe properly, chew, swallow.

Connie: And talk? Dr. Sloan...I'll be able to talk, won't I?

Mark: You will be able to talk, Connie. I just don't know how well you'll be understood.

Elaine: You'll be okay.

(Alex and Norman enter the clinic)

Bailey: What are you doing in my clinic, Karev? I thought you didn't work in the clinic anymore.

Alex: Oh, I don't, but I thought I could get my new intern Norman here settled in with you. Bailey's the best. You'll really learn from her.

Bailey: Oh, pleased to meet you. You want to leave Norman with me while you troll for surgeries.

Alex: The dude's got a bum hip, and he smells like arthritis cream. He can't keep up. Come on. Do me a favor ,and I'll do you a favor.

Bailey: I'm calling in my favor now. Curtain five. You can take your intern and show him how we do an H&P. Nice to meet you, Norman.

Norman: Thank you.

(They walk over to curtain five)

Alex: Hunter, uh, I'm Dr. Karev. This is Dr. Shales. What's, uh,what's going on?

Mrs. Chapman: My son is on drugs.

Hunter: I'm not on drugs, mom.

Mrs. Chapman: I wasn't born yesterday. I know the signs. He's lethargic, irritable, and the last two months, his schoolwork's gone down the drain.

Hunter: I'm not on drugs.

Alex: Okay, there... there are a host of reasons why your son could be exhibiting those symptoms. Um, I think we should run some tests, see if there's any...

Mrs. Chapman: But first a drug test, Dr. Shales. I'm right to want a drug test.

Alex: Yeah, I...I just said that...

Norman: Mrs. Chapman, you are not wrong. My Mary Beth, god rest her soul, was just like you. When one of our kids started heading down that slippery slope, she just knew it. You have a mother's instinct. Right, Dr. Karev?

Alex: Yeah, right.

(Izzie drags George into really old guy's room)

Izzie: Okay. What happened? George, it's really old guy. We could bring a marching band in here, and he wouldn't know the difference. What happened with Callie?

George: What happened? I...

Izzie: I thought you were gonna tell her last night.

George: I tried, but she would not let me. She... she wouldn't let me. I wanted to kill her, but then I couldn't kill her because she did help me through a lot of stuff. And it was a lot of stuff and, you know, she did help me through it. But then I wanted to kill her again, because who marries someone who just buried their father? And then I went to bed.

Izzie: So what does this mean?

(Izzie's interns enter)

Izzie: What do you guys want? I told you I needed a minute before rounds.

Intern: We heard you saved a guy yesterday.

George: What?

Izzie: Rounds.

George: Excuse me.

Izzie: We'll start in here. Graciella, what can you tell us about really old guy?

Graciella: He has a name.

Izzie: I know he has a name. We call him really old guy. Catch up.

Graciella: 82-year-old,semicomatose male, uh, came in a year ago, status post fall and is post-op day 352 from...

Izzie: Which basically means that he hasn't woken up for a year. So what's the treatment plan?

(They all hesitate)

Izzie: It's really very simple. Daily labs and dialysis three times a week.

Really Old Guy: Don't bother with any more dialysis. I plan to die today, so it won't be necessary. Nice to meet you. And while I think really old guy is charming, in a "neglected patient" kind of way, my name is Charlie. Charlie Yost.

(Izzie is in Charlie's room. Alex and Meredith enter)

Meredith: Hey, I just heard. Welcome back.

Alex: Is it true? Really old guy woke up?

Izzie: He has a name.

Charlie: This time tomorrow, you can call me really dead guy.

Izzie: Guys, I don't think Mr. Yost knows who you are.

Charlie: Sure I do. That's Meredith. She and the brain doctor are always running hot and cold. And you're, uh, Alex. You still got a thing for that old patient of yours? I was semi-comatose, blondie. I could still hear you guys.

Izzie: Get a CT, a CBC and chemistries. Your kidneys may be working again, which may be why you woke up. That's good news.

Charlie: Oh, it just means now I got two things to do today, take a pee and die.

Izzie: Nobody's dying.

(Richard walks up to Mark who is at the nurse's station)

Richard: Functional muscle transfer.

Mark: What?

Richard: For Connie Williams. I was reading up on glossectomies and saw the procedure. Could micro-surgically re-innervate her hypo-glossal nerve.

Mark: A nerve graft? It's too risky. A free flap's still your best bet.

Richard: Oh, even if that goes well, you and I both know she'll never speak the same. That woman loves to talk more than anyone I know.

(George walks up)

George: What's a functional muscle transfer?

Richard: You won't find it in the books, O'Malley. It's cutting-edge. You connect the nerves from the leg with the nerves from the tongue. Gives her a shot at really speaking.

Mark: If it works. They've only done a half a dozen of them.

Richard: Better than none. Sometimes you gotta push the envelope, Sloan.

George: Why? Why is it better to do a surgery that neither of you have done than to do a surgery that you know at least gives her a chance to he a normal life? Do you know how to do this procedure?

Richard: Are you saying that we're too old to learn new ways, O'Malley?

George: No.

Richard: Are you saying we're old dogs who can't learn new tricks?

George: No, I just...

Mark: We're not old dogs.

Richard: We still got it.

George: Okay.

Mark: I did do a functional muscle transfer to restore elbow function once.

Richard: Elbow, tongue... that's pretty close. Come on. What do you say? Let's light this candle.

Mark: Yes, sir.

Richard: Age is just a number, O'Malley.

George: Oh, yes, sir.

(Bailey enters the room where Callis)

Bailey: I got Karev down in the clinic all day. Hope that's not a problem.

Callie: Nope.

Bailey: I know how you like to be told these things, so I'm telling you.

Callie: Thank you.

Bailey: Oh, he tried to dump a new intern on me... Karev. Clearly he's not interested in teaching.

(George walks past the window)

Bailey: Thank you for letting me know.

(Mark and Derek are in an office)

Mark: Do you ever feel old?

Derek: I'm young. I'm a fetus.

Mark: Nah, I mean you ever feel like there's gonna be a time when new techniques pass you by?

Derek: I'm a genius and a scholar.

Mark: Shut up.

Derek: Meredith isn't telling Cristina about us. And, well, she tells Cristina everything.

Mark: I thought you broke that off.

Derek: I meant to.

Mark: You think she's gonna want to get back together.

Derek: No.

Mark: You think she's gonna grow up and get all whole and...want a relationship.

Derek: I do not.

Mark: You're a bad liar.

Derek: You're old.

Mark: I'm just gettin' started, my friend.

(Meredith walks up to the nurse's station where Cristina is)

Meredith: Hey. You feeling any better?

Cristina: I heard you're on that hemi-glossectomy.

Meredith: The tongue surgery? Yeah.

Cristina: Oh, here I am stuck in the pit with those know-nothing interns. You'd think eventually I'd catch a break.

Meredith: Cristina...are we ever gonna talk about this, the Burke thing?

Cristina: I'm not Izzie. I'm not gonna lie on the bathroom floor all day. I'm gonna lie here on the counter.

Meredith: I'll trade you the hemi-glossectomy.

Cristina: What?

Meredith: You take the hemi-glossectomy, and I will take the ER. And your interns.

Cristina: Are you sure?

Meredith: Take the surgery if it makes you feel better. You're starting to freak me out.

(Meredith walks away and Alex walks up)

Alex: I saw the whole thing, Yang. You can stop pretending.

Cristina: Oh, I'm not pretending. I'm sad. I'm very sad. Me so sad.

Alex: Maybe I should try it, see if I can get Grey to take my new intern.

Cristina: No. Hey, forget it. Sad is mine. Go find your own pretend emotion.

(Charlie is yelling to Izzie who is outside his room)

Charlie: Blondie! Hey, blondie.

Izzie: Charlie...I have a million charts to update. I'm busy.

Charlie: I want lobster.

Izzie: What?

Charlie: For my last meal. It's traditional. The dying man gets to choose what he wants to eat.

I want lobster.

Izzie: I'm not getting you lobster because you're not dying. I won't allow it.

Charlie: A man can only hang on for so long, blondie. After a while, it's just not worth it.

Izzie: Don't you have any friends, family, anyone?

Charlie: They're all dead or on their way to dead. You'll understand someday when you're older, less naive.

Izzie: I'm not naive.

Charlie: You and what's his face, that's not naive?

Izzie: I don't know what you're...we're not...he's not...you know about what's his face?

Charlie: I know you're crazy if you think he's leaving his wife. Guys always say that.

Izzie: Well, not that it's any of your business, but this is completely different.

Charlie: I'm sure it's true love. I'm sure he's told his wife. I'm sure he's moved out. And I'm sure all your friends know, right?

Izzie: Yeah.

Charlie: By the way, I want real lobster, not that fake whitefish crap.

(Meredith walks up to Lexie who is at a desk in the ER)

Meredith: Hey, I'm filling in for Cristina. So how's it going?

Lexie: I pulled a splinter out of a guy's toe, and now I'm writing about it.

Meredith: Okay. Well, if you have any questions...

Lexie: I have a lot of questions, just not about a splinter.

Meredith: Okay.

Lexie: Okay.

(Ambulance driver enters with gurney)

Ambulance Driver: 40-year-old unrestrained driver in a rollover MVC

Meredith: Trauma one.

Ambulance Driver: Lost vitals on the scene, and we were unable to intubate.

Meredith: Lexie, let's go. Open the intubation tray. How long's he been down?

Ambulance Driver: Took ten minutes to load him,14 to get here, so 24.

Meredith: Push another epi. You know how to intubate?

Lexie: Uh, I've never done it.

Meredith: But you've seen it done?

Lexie: Yeah, a couple of times.

Meredith: Okay, come do one now.

Lexie: Are you sure?

Meredith: Visualize the cords, pull straight up, watch the tube go through the cords.

Lexie: I...I...I can't see the cords. You should do this.

Meredith: Okay, you can do it. Just don't rock up against the teeth. Just pull straight up.

Nurse: Pulse ox is down to 86.

(Meredith and Lexie are alone and the patient has obviously died)

Meredith: That wasn't bad

Lexie: What

Meredith: That wasn't bad for your first intubation.

Lexie: Is that some kind of joke? The guy is dead. He died.

Meredith: He was dead when he came in here. He was dead on the scene. He was dead for 15 minutes in the ambulance. He was dead before I asked you to intubate.

Lexie: You're pretty cavalier, don't you think? I mean, they brought him here for help.

Meredith: They brought him here because they're legally required to. And I had you intubate because I'm required to teach you, and that is how you learn.

Lexie: No. No, you should have done everything that you could.

Meredith: That was everything I could.

Lexie: Well, what kind of doctor are you?

Meredith: What is this about? If you don't want to learn from me, that's fine. But I have to cover the pit today. So why don't you do both of us a favor and go help Bailey in the clinic?

Lexie: Fine.

Meredith: Fine.

(Izzie sits down at a table with George)

Izzie: Pretend I'm not here. Pretend I'm not busting in on you and pictures of... really disturbing tongues. But really old guy is giving me a hard time. I liked him so much better when he was sleeping, which he's not. He's awake. You've probably already heard. But my point is, is that he's stubborn. He's stubborn and really old, and he's telling me I'm an idiot for thinking yore gonna leave Callie. Seriously? We're in this together. You're gonna tell her tonight, right? George?

George: I...I...I have to get this research done.

Izzie: You're not gonna tell her.

George: Wasn't it just yesterday when you said that you didn't want me to tell her?

Izzie: Fine! Forget it. Just play with your stupid pictures of tongues.

(Alex, and Norman go to talk to Mrs. Chapman)

Norman: We got the tox screen back, Mrs. Chapman. Your son's not on drugs.

Mrs. Chapman: You're sure? There's no drugs in his system?

Norman: No, came back clean. Your son is fine.

Mrs. Chapman: This is not my son, Dr. Shales. It's... not.

Alex: Maybe we should order some more tests.

Norman: You know, he's a teenager. I've raised four of 'em myself. Teenagers don't like to do their homework, they talk back to their parents, and they never come out of their rooms.

Hunter: You have apple hair. I threw a pancake in the river, a pancake!

Mrs. Chapman: Hunter...

Alex: Do you know what you just said?

Hunter: I'm... I'm not sure.

Alex: Did you mean to say it?

Hunter: No, I...I was trying to say that I wanted to go home.

Mrs. Chapman: Oh, my god.

Alex: Yeah, we need to do a full neuro exam. Order a head CT and labs, now.

(Connie Williams room)

Joanne: It's gonna be okay, you know? It is. It's gonna be okay.

Connie: Do you think so?

Joanne: Dr. Sloan's gonna do this fancy new surgery. Maybe you'll make it into the medical journals. Maybe be famous.

Connie: What if the surgery doesn't work? What if this is my last chance to talk? I still have so much to say.

Elaine: Say it now, Connie.

Joanne: Don't be so morbid. The surgery will work. You'll be fine.

Elaine: She should say it all now, Jo, just in case. She shouldn't have any more regrets. You can tell us anything, Connie. We're your best friends.

George: You should tell them. I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry. But if you have something you

want to say, you should say it. I've been here a while. I've been here long enough to know that things don't always go the way that you want them to, and if there's something you want to say, you should say it.

Connie: Joanne, you've gotta stop wearing those pants.

Joanne: What?

Connie: Those pants make your ass look like two puppies are struggling to get out.

As a matter of fact, all of your pants are too tight. You have to buy some new pants. And, Elaine, your breath is god-awful.

Elaine: My breath?

Connie: I mean, you need to see a doctor or something because I know you have good hygiene, but sweet god, your breath is bad. And you've got to get a new hairdo. The '80s are over, honey.

(Izzie enters Charlie's room, Tyler is there)

Izzie: What now?

Tyler: He keeps pulling off his monitor leads. I told him he can pull 'em off all day, he's still not gonna die.

Charlie: I'm sick and tired of waiting.

Izzie: Yeah? Well, I'm sick and tired of coming to your room every five minutes.

Charlie: Sorry, blondie. It's time I took things into my own hands.

Izzie: Oh, you know what? You want to die? Fine. Here. Let me help you. You missed this one. Damn. You're still with us. Oh, wait. This looks promising. A nice, thick wire. How's that? Any luck? No? Well, no wonder. That's why. It's attached to this lamp. okay. Well, let's see what else we got.

Tyler: Dr. Stevens.

Izzie: What?

Tyler: Dr. Stevens, he's not breathing.

Izzie: What?

Tyler: He doesn't have a pulse. He's in cardiac arrest.

Izzie: I swear to god, I didn't do anything.

(Izzie, Tyler and the crash team are trying to revive Charlie)

Izzie: Are the epi and atropine in?

Tyler: Epi's in. I'm pushing atropine now.

Izzie: Hold CPR, let's see what happens.

Tyler: Looks like v-fib.

Izzie: Charge the paddles,300. Clear.

Tyler: No change.

Izzie: Charge again. Clear.

Doctor: I've got a pulse.

Izzie: Charlie? Charlie?

Charlie: Stop saving my life.

(George is walking through the hall with Connie on her way to surgery)

Connie: I can't believe I said all that. Do you believe I said all that?

George: Not really, no.

Connie: You think I hurt their feelings? I mean, real bad hurt their feelings? You think they'll forgive me? You told me. You told me to tell them. You told me to say everything. You said it would be okay.

George: I'm really sorry.

(Lexie enters the clinic and walks over to Bailey)

Lexie: Dr. Bailey, Dr. Grey sent me down here to work with you.

Bailey: Oh, she did, did she? And why is that?

Lexie: Truthfully? Uh, she didn't want to work with me anymore. She kicked me out.

Bailey: You can go and tell Dr. Grey that the clinic is not a dumping ground for strays. We are not the island of broken interns. Please go tell her that.

Lexie: Please don't make me do that. I...I can't work with her, with Meredith Grey. I...I...I can't work with her because I can't look at her. 'Cause she hates me, she hates my dad, she obviously hated my mother, and I am...please just...just let me work down here today. Please, Dr. Bailey.

Bailey: Kid in curtain three needs stitches. Go.

(Derek enters the CT examining room where Alex and Norman are looking at Hunter's CT)

Derek: Okay, what do you got, Karev?

Alex: A teenager came in...the clinic this morning, he was lethargic, irritable, dysphasic.

Derek: Right. I'm sorry. I don't know you.

Norman: Uh, Norman Shales, up from UCLA.

Derek: Are you neuro? I thought I knew all the neuro guys down there.

Alex: Norman's an intern, Dr. Shepherd. My intern.

Derek: Welcome to the program.

Norman: Thank you.

Derek: Good. Okay, what do we got? Oh, look at this. Kid's got hydrocephalus. It's pushing up against his Broca's area. Yeah, which explains the screwed up speech.

Norman: I was sure it was drugs. Well, that's what happens when you're...you're a pharmacist for 30 years. You're sure that everybody's hooked on pills or reefer.

Derek: Right.

Norman: I won't make that mistake again. No, sirree.

Derek: Right. Okay. Um, we need to put in a shunt. Yeah, schedule an OR. Then we'll go talk to Hunter and his mom.

Norman: Will do, captain.

(Norman leaves the room)

Alex: Guy doesn't know when to shut up. He does it with the patients, too.

Derek: Well, you're his resident.

Alex: I know, I know, but it'd be like yelling at my grandfather.

(Cristina walks up to Izzie who is at the nurse's station.)

Cristina: Hey. I heard about really old guy. What's the matter? Couldn't find his LVAD wire?

Izzie: It was a coincidence, and he's still alive.

Cristina: Well, have fun with really old guy. I'm off to do Meredith's... hemi-glossectomy.

(Cristina walks away and Meredith walks up)

Izzie: Oh, hey. Hey, has George said anything to you...

Meredith: She's faking. She's faking sadness, pretending to be sad to steal my surgeries.

Izzie: Okay, I have a really old guy trying to kill himself and problems of my own. So I don't have time for the two of you and your fake drama.

(Izzie is in Charlie's room)

Charlie: A person wants to die, you let them. It's polite.

Izzie: Not in a hospital, it's not. In a hospital, it's a lawsuit.

Charlie: I don't like you.

Izzie: Really? 'Cause I thought we were BFFs.

Charlie: You know what? Just for that, I'm dying right now.

(Charlie strains really hard)

Izzie: That might make you poop your pants, but it's not gonna make you die.

Charlie: Oh, damn it.

Izzie: You really think he's not gonna leave his wife?

Charlie: I think if a person wants to do something, like die, they do it. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's hope. Maybe he'll tell her, and you two will get together and end up happy.

Izzie: You think?

Charlie: Not that I'll be alive to see it.

Izzie: You're not dying, Charlie. Not on my watch.

Charlie: Dead man walking.

Izzie: I don't see much walking, Charlie.

(Bailey enters the room where Callie still sitting)

Bailey: Uh, you know Yang and Grey are playing musical chairs with their interns?

Callie: Oh?

Bailey: I mean, I just thought that might interest you, seeing as how one of Yang's interns

is actually one of Grey's relatives...and the two Grey's are having some kind of family feud.

I'm just saying, it would probably be best if the residents stuck with their own interns in the future.

Callie: Yeah. I got it. Thanks.

Bailey: You plan to hide out in here all day long, or you plan to emerge at some point and do your job?

Callie: Why would I come out there to do my job when you clearly do it so much better? I'm doing paperwork, Miranda, because I don't have any more fight in me. I...I don't want to fight

you. I don't fight my...I...I don't...I don't want to fight today. So...I'm doing paperwork. Okay?

(Mark and Richard are in Connie's surgery)

Mark: The graft's a perfect fit.

Richard: It's got good vascularization.

Mark: And at this rate, you may actually get to go on that date with Adele.

Richard: Yeah, I better. Can't very well have her take me back if I cancel our first date.

George: Where you taking her, chief?

Richard: Oh, there's a nice little Chinese restaurant we like to go to.

Mark: Hmm.

Cristina: What happens next?

Richard: Dr. Sloan, I don't...

Mark: I know.

George: Is everything okay

Mark: Um...we're not sure.

George: What does that mean?

Mark: It means we've never done this before.

(They are still trying to figure out how to proceed with Connie's surgery)

Richard: What about if we coapt the lingual nerve underneath here?

Mark: No, we'd end up losing the vascular supply. The graft might not work at all.

Richard: She likes to talk, Sloan. She likes to talk a lot.

Mark: We need an extra set of hands. Someone who knows nerves.

Richard: O'Malley, get Dr. Shepherd.

George: Yes, sir.

(George is walking in the hall with Derek)

Derek: A functional muscle transfer of the tongue?

George: It was looking good for a while, but, um...

(Derek walks toward the OR and George sees Izzie)

George: I'll be right there.

Derek: Yeah.

(George enters a conference room with Izzie)

George: Izzie...

Izzie: What? What is there to say, George, I'm a blondie. I'm the other woman. I'm a bad '50s clich�?

George: No, no, no. We're not in this together.

Izzie: Wow. Great. Well, thank you for letting me know.

George: Hey no, no. No. You don't get to be mad here.

Izzie: Seriously? We said...

George: No, no, no, no. There is no "we. " It's just me. I'm the one who has to tell Callie. I'm

the one who has to destroy her. This is not about you and me. This is about her and me. I'm ending a marriage to a wonderful woman. Me. I'm the one. It's not you. You... it's not something you just blurt out. It's not. I'll do it. I will do it. You have to back off and let me do it.

Izzie: I'm sorry.

(Bailey and Meredith are walking in the ER together)

Bailey: You traded...a hemi-glossectomy for the pit?

Meredith: It's a long story.

Bailey: A long story that ends with you pawning off Lexie Grey on me?

Meredith: I had her do an intubation on a dead guy. It's something you used to have us do all the time. I was trying to teach her. Whatever she told you...

Bailey: She told me you hate her.

Meredith: I don't...

Bailey: And that you hated her mother...

Meredith: I didn't say that.

Bailey: Her mother, who came to you with a case of hiccups and died in our hospital. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Meredith: She's not my intern.

Bailey: No, she's your sister, and you haven't had a kind word to say to her since she got here. And you were her mother's doctor. Now what is she supposed to think? Look, whether you like it or not, your job is to help that girl be a better doctor. So help her.

(Izzie walks up to Tyler)

Izzie: You paged me?

Tyler: Really old guy...He's checked out AMA. He's leaving the hospital.

Izzie: What? He can't leave. He's sick. He can barely walk, and I got him lobster.

(Alex enters the clinic to find Hunter on the floor)

Alex: I got a 911.What happened?

Nurse: He collapsed.

Mrs. Chapman: He started talking that nonsense talk and...

Alex: His pupil's blown. His brain's starting to herniate. Page shepherd. Norman, take over the bag. We gotta get him up on the bed.

Mrs. Chapman: What's happening?

Alex: Count of three. One, two, three.

Mrs. Chapman: What's happening to my son?

Alex: Spinal fluid's backing up. It's putting pressure on his brain.

Nurse: Shepherd's not answering his page.

Alex: Try it again.

(Bailey walks up)

Alex: What do I do?

Bailey: Uh, hyperventilation... mannitol... I don't know everything. Go. Get Shepherd. Go.

(Alex runs to and enters Connie's OR)

Alex: Dr. Shepherd.

Derek: I'm a little busy right now making medical history, Karev.

Alex: Hunter Chapman's brain is herniating. His right pupil just blew.

Derek: Okay, you need to do exactly what I say, or that kid's gonna be dead in the next ten minutes. Can you do that?

Alex: Yes, sir.

Derek: Okay, get the biggest needle you can find.

(Alex runs into the hall, grabs a needle then runs over to Hunter)

Mrs. Chapman: Dr. Karev, what's going on?

Bailey: Where's Shepherd?

Mrs. Chapman: Dr. Karev

Norman: I...I think it might help Mrs. Chapman...

Mrs. Chapman: What are you doing?

Alex: Get her out of here.

Norman: Well, she is the boy's mom.

Alex: Get her out of here, Norman. Get her out!

Mrs. Chapman: What are you doing?

Norman: Mrs. Chapman, he's trying to help.

(Norman moves Mrs. Chapman from the bedside)

Mrs. Chapman: What are you doing?

Bailey: What are you doing?

Alex: Hold his head. Shepherd told me what to do.

(Alex sticks the needle in behind Hunter's eye)

(Izzie enters Charlie's room)

Izzie: Charlie...you can't go. I know that you think your life is over. I know you feel like

you don't have anybody. But your life's not over and...and you have me. You have me. I need you. I need somebody to talk to. Because I think you may have been right before. I don't think George is gonna leave his wife. And I need you to tell me what to do. I...I need some...you can't go, Charlie. Charlie? (She walks over to him and finds that he has died) Charlie? Crap.

(Alex and Mrs. Chapman are at Hunter's side)

Mrs. Chapman: All this time he was telling me the truth

Alex: Once we get the shunt in, any excess spinal fluid will drain to his abdomen. He's gonna be okay. Excuse me.

(Alex walks over to Norman)

Alex: I'm sorry I unloaded on you, Norman. You know how it is? Heat of the moment.

Bailey: Don't apologize to him.

Alex: What?

Norman: Oh, Dr. Bailey's right. It...

Bailey: Shut up, Norman. I'm not talking to you. He got in your way. He's been doing it all day, and when that happens...when an intern gets in the way of a resident...you're not doing what's

best for your patient. Now you almost missed diagnosing that kid today because Norman here thought it was drugs. So don't apologize. He should be yelled at.

Alex: Dr. Bailey... he's as old as the hills.

Bailey: I don't care how old he is, Dr. Karev. He's still an intern, and interns are basically teenagers. We are not hard on them because it's fun. We're hard on them because this is a life-and-death job. They need to learn that. There is a reason why we have a pecking order in a hospital. It saves lives.

(Mark, Derek and Richard are in the scrub room cleaning up from the surgery)

Mark: I think that woman's gonna be able to talk for the rest of her life thanks to us.

Richard: I think I still got it.

Mark: I think you do, too. Now we just gotta figure out what you're gonna tell Adele.

Richard: Oh, man. I forgot about that.

Mark: Yeah. First off, don't tell her you want to move back in.

Richard: No?

Mark: Reeks of desperation. It's a deal breaker. Trust me.

Derek: You know what? I can't take this anymore. You guys are kidding yourselves. You know how close you idiots came to that woman losing her tongue, to her never speaking again? Oh, yeah, you were a couple of cowboys in there, telling yourselves you can do this, acting like the big boys. You had no business doing that surgery. No business. Lucky I came in when I did. Shame on you. And shame on you. As for Adele, tell her you can't imagine your life without her. Tell her for the last month you been walking around this hospital at night just thinking about her.

Tell her the truth. I'm sorry I called you an idiot.

(Derek leaves the scrub room)

(Meredith walks up to Cristina in the hall)

Meredith: Hey. So I've been thinking about how you're sad, and what I can do to help.

Cristina: Oh, you have another surgery?

Meredith: No, that's not what you need.

Cristina: Well, it kind of is.

Meredith: No, what you need is me and my time. So I thought we could go back to my house and get into our pajamas. Just sit and talk about this whole Burke thing and really get to the root of your feelings. Just talk all night long if we have to.

Cristina: Talk.

Meredith: Talk...and cry. Cry.

Cristina: You know.

Meredith: You're damn right I know, surgery stealer.

Cristina: So, person-who-is-sleeping-with-Derek?

Meredith: How'd you know that?

Cristina: What, you think I'm too fragile to handle your sex life?

Meredith: Well, he did leave you at the altar. And I'm your person.

Cristina: How, by...by "protecting me"? That's not how to be my person. That's not what we do. You know that. I'm dealing. Okay? The best I can. So if you need to take care of someone, you're gonna need to take care of someone else. Okay?

Meredith: Fine. But you owe me a surgery.

Cristina: Yeah, well, you owe me sex details.

(Alex walks up)

Alex: Are we doing this or not?

(They all enter Charlie's room)

Cristina: What are we supposed to say? We didn't even know the guy.

Izzie: We ate lunch in here for a year. The least we can do is say a few kind words about him.

George: Me? He...he didn't snore too loudly...

Meredith: He, um... never complained. And he always took his meds.

Alex: Hardly ever farted.

Meredith: Alex.

Alex: Fine. Uh, he had 12 surgeries this year, and he...he lived through them. That's...that's impressive.

Izzie: Thank you, Alex. Cristina?

Cristina: Uh, I got to practice stuff on him...central lines and IVs...it was good practice.

Izzie: Um...Charlie, the truth is...you were a bastard. You were. You were mean and stubborn and just...a bastard. But you were a bastard who knew what you wanted. And you stuck to your guns and proved that if you want something badly enough, if you're...determined enough and patient enough, eventually it will happen. It will. And that gives me hope, so...thanks for that. Bye-bye, Charlie.

MVO: The truth is painful...

(George is in Connie's room)

George: It went really well. Your friends, uh...I am so sorry. I haven't seen them.

(Joanne and Elaine enter)

Joanne: How'd she do?

George: Great. She did great.

Joanne: She's gonna talk again?

George: Yeah, the chances are very good.

Joanne: In that case, we have a few things we'd like to say.

your first husband, he put his hand on my ass every chance he got.

Elaine: And your second husband, he spat when he talked, and plus, he was ugly. We know that you thought he was handsome, but the man was a troll.

Joanne: And that guy you dated last year, comb-over guy...Oh, my god.

MVO: Deep down, nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home.

(Meredith walks up to Lexie who is in the clinic)

Lexie: What?

Meredith: I have your mother's death note here. Everything that happened on the day she died is in here, and I know because I wrote it. So, I'd like to go over with you if that's okay.

Lexie: Yeah.

Meredith: Ok first of all let me just say that everything that happened that day every set back there was one percent chance of each of those things happening one percent and your mother was the one percent. She came in complaining of persisting hiccups. We did an endoscopy out of obligation.

Lexie: You did an endoscopy?

Meredith: So it would be out-patient procedure, we wanted to avoid major surgery. For what it's worth I was very fond of your mother. She was...I was very fond of her. She got bacterial endocarditis.

MVO: Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give.

(Bailey enters the room where Callie still is)

Bailey: I've been having trouble with this whole pecking order of things it's...I've been having trouble cause I'm used to be a number one. But I am not number one, not any more. So the best I can come up with is to be number two. The best damn number two this hospital has ever seen But your number two. I will... I will help you. We'll be like a team. Because...look, girl, you just seem to be having a hard time and I know I am having a hard time but together...we could... do this. I just think we can do this together.

MVO: Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say aloud to really hear for ourselves.

(Ale, Lexie, George and some interns are in the elevator)

Female Intern: You got to reattach the woman's tongue.

George: I was there, I didn't actually do the reattaching.

Male Intern: Still you are the intern they wanted on that case.

Alex: He is a repeater.

Male Intern: What?

Alex: Your big hero here, he was an intern last year. That's why he got to know some of the stuff. He's already been through it. But if you want learn from someone really, really learn, go to a resident, not this dude.

George: All right, he's right if you want to emulate someone, it's definitely not me. I'm not that guy.

MVO: And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves.

(Norman stares at Alex)

Alex: What the hell are you looking at? Interns.

MVO: And sometimes we tell them because...we owe them at least that much

(George enters the hotel room where Callie is)

Callie: Just say it.

George: I slept with Izzie.

Kikavu ?

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labelette  (04.11.2020 à 22:28)

Génial, Richard Gilmore dans le rôle d'un interne ! J'ai reconnu "le grand-père de Rory" essentiellement grâce à sa voix... car ça fait bizarre de le voir avec de la barbe ! Il était nul comme interne, mais c'était sympa de le voir.

Bailey est toujours aussi géniale  crier sur tout le monde : que ce soit sur Alex dans l'épisode précédent ou sur ce vieil interne car Alex n'ose pas le faire.

Mark et Richard décide d'opérer une feme de la langue, mais sans trop savoir comment faire. Et en plein milieu de l'opération, ils hésitent... Euh, fallait peut-être mieux se renseigner avant, non ?

Cristina fait semblant d'être triste pour que Meredith lui remonte le moral en lui donnant ses opérations... Pas étonnant de sa part !

Et Meredith finalement explique à Lexie comment sa mère est morte. Très sympa cette fin d'épisode.


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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20.06 : The Marathon Continues (inédit)
Jeudi 2 mai à 21:00

Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.05 : Never Felt So Alone (inédit)
Jeudi 11 avril à 21:00
3.25m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.04 : Baby Can I Hold You (inédit)
Jeudi 4 avril à 21:00
3.23m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.03 : Walk on the Ocean (inédit)
Jeudi 28 mars à 21:00
3.26m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.02 : Keep The Family Close (inédit)
Jeudi 21 mars à 21:00
3.50m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.01 : We've Only Just Begun (inédit)
Jeudi 14 mars à 21:00
3.62m / 0.6% (18-49)

Toutes les audiences

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x05 sur ABC

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x05 sur ABC
Ce jeudi 11 avril, la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy poursuit sa diffusion sur la chaine ABC. Un nouvel...

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x04 ce jeudi 4 avril

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x04 ce jeudi 4 avril
La diffusion de la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy se poursuit ce jeudi soir sur ABC. L'épisode 4 "Baby...

La série Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 !

La série Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 !
C'est officiel !  Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 qui sera diffusée en 2024/2025. ...

Un nouveau design pour la saison 20 !

Un nouveau design pour la saison 20 !
Le 14 mars, la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy a débuté sur ABC. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau design est...

Diffuson de l'épisode 20x03 ce jeudi 28 mars sur ABC !

Diffuson de l'épisode 20x03 ce jeudi 28 mars sur ABC !
Un nouvel épisode inédit de la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy sera diffusé ce jeudi 28 mars sur...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !