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#404 : Prêtes à Tout

Adèle, la femme du chef accompagne sa nièce qui est hospitalisée au Seattle Grace. Richard se trouve alors avec la lourde responsabilité de jouer le rôle du médecin et accéder à la requête de sa nièce, ou jouer celui de l'oncle et de choisir à la place de Camille. George a tout avoué à Callie et elle lui a pardonné ; mais est-ce vraiment le cas ? Ne va-t-elle pas mettre sa carrière en danger en se désintérressant de ses patients ? Et alors que Callie donne rendez-vous à Izzie, tout le monde croit qu'il va y avoir une bagarre. Izzie avoue alors à Alex sa relation avec George et est surprise par sa réaction. Derek donne des conseils à Cristina pour qu'elle soit un meilleur résident et enseignant en donnant confiance par la même occasion à Lexie. Norman, l'interne le plus âgé, se retrouve sous les ordres de Meredith et annonce à une patiente quelque chose qui concernait un autre patient.


3.86 - 14 votes

Titre VO
The Heart of the Matter

Titre VF
Prêtes à Tout

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Grey's Anatomy 4x04 Promo

Grey's Anatomy 4x04 Promo


The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter


Photos promo

Richard, Adèle et leur nièce

Richard, Adèle et leur nièce

Richard et Adèle

Richard et Adèle

Une personne de la famille de Richard

Une personne de la famille de Richard

Richard Webber

Richard Webber

Richard, Adèle et une autre dame

Richard, Adèle et une autre dame

La nièce de Richard

La nièce de Richard

Plus de détails

Scénario : Shonda Rhimes et Allan Heinberg - Réalisation : Randy Zisk

Dans la vie, une seule chose est certain, en plus la mort et les taxes. Peu importe à quel point vous essayer fort, peu importe à quel point vos intentions sont bonne, vous allez faire des erreurs. Vous allez blessez des gens, vous allez être blessé. Et si jamais vous voulez vous en remettre, il n'y a qu'une seule chose que vous pouvez vraiment dire... Je te pardonne.

Georges et Callie sont dans la chambre d'hôtel et l'épisode commence juste après que Georges est avoué avoir couché avec Izzie. Il supplie Callie de dire quelque chose, n'importe quoi. Callie lui répond qu'elle lui pardonne, qu'il a fait une erreur mais qu'ils ont échangé des vœux et qu'elle lui pardonne son erreur.

Georges marche dans les couloirs de l'hôpital en parlant au téléphone. C'est la boite vocale d'Izzie et Georges panique. Il lui dit qu'il a tout avoué à Callie. En passant devant l'ascenseur il voit Meredith en sortir et il raccroche avant de pouvoir continuer. Meredith l'appel et il lui répond qu'il  doit trouver Izzie. Georges continu de marcher rapidement et Meredith lui dit qu'ils commencent leur ronde dans 5 minutes, et en ouvrant une porte pour partir, Georges lui répond ''dès que je trouve Izzie''.

Juste avant que la porte ne se referme complètement sur Meredith, Derek entre. Il lui demande si elle veut partir avec lui se week-end et Meredith lui demande pourquoi. Derek l'embrasse pour la convaincre, mais elle lui répond que les personne qui ne sont pas en couples ne s'enfuit pas et qu'ils ne sont pas un couple maintenant, il n'y a donc aucune raison pour eux de partir... Derek l'embrasse encore et Meredith fini par dire qu'elle va avoir besoin de trouver quelqu'un pour la remplacer parce qu'elle ne peut pas refuser de passer 48h de sexe avec  Derek et elle sort de l'ascenseur.

Christina croise Meredith. Elle se plaint parce qu'elle est coincé dans la pit avec ses internes alors que Meredith se fait McDreamy.  Meredith lui demande des nouvelles de Lexie et Christina lui demande si elles ne sont pas supposé la détesté mais Meredith soutient que non, elles détestent seulement l'idée de Lexie, car en fait elles n'ont pas de raison de la détesté pour vrai.

Meredith demande à Alex s'il peut la remplacer Samedi.  Alex lui demande a échange qu'elle s'occupe de son interne, Norman, et elle accepte. Georges passe en courant devant eux et Meredith lui cri ''ronde''. Georges lui répond qu'il n'a pas trouvé Izzie. Elle cri dans son dos qu'elle va devoir l'envoyer travailler a la clinique s'il manque les ronde avec elle, et Georges fait demi-tour en grognant et il court vers la Clinique.

Bailey rencontre une patiente et son copain à la clinique. La patiente est tombée d'une machine exercice la veille. Elle a pris des ibuprofène et est aller se coucher, mais en se réveillant se matin, sa cheville étais mauve et enfler.  Bailey lui dit qu'elle va l'envoyer passer des rayons X mais la patiente, Miss Sayles, demande si elle peut avoir une injection de cortisone a la place car elle doit partir, elle a rendez-vous avec son entraineur dans l'après midi. Bailey refuse car elle ne peut pas la traiter sans savoir a 100%  qu'elle est le problème.  Georges arrive en courant et interromps Dr. Bailey et sa patiente. Il demande si quelqu'un a vu le Dr. Stevens et Bailey l'envoie voir dans la pit. Georges repart en courant. Miss Sayles demande quand elle va pouvoir partir, car elle doit aviser son entraineur.

Georges entre dans la pit et voit Lexie, il lui demande si elle a vu Dr. Stevens, et elle lui répond en lui demandant s'il a vu Dr. Yang. Lexie lui dit que Christina lui avait donné rendez-vous ici mais qu'elle n'est toujours pas arriver. Georges n'écoute pas vraiment, il est en train de téléphoner à Izzie.

Christina arrive pendant que Georges se sauve, et elle cri a Lexie de venir l'aider avec le patient.  C'est un jeune homme blessé durant une partie de football. Le coach explique se qui c'est passer et on apprend que le coach est aussi le père du garçon. Derek demande à lexie de stabiliser son cou pendant que Christina coupe le casque de football avec une scie.

Georges descend les escaliers principaux en courant et croise le chef. Quand il lui demande se qu'il se passe, Georges réponds qu'il na pas le temps, qu'il doit trouver le Dr. Stevens mais il fonce dans un chariot médical. Le chef lui dit qu'Izzie est a la station des infirmières du 3e étage et il rajoute que quand il va la trouver, de lui dire que le Dr. Torres la cherche... et Georges repart en courant!

Izzie parle des dossiers de patients avec ses Internes et on voit en alternance Georges courir en se plaignant qu'un médecin normal répondrait toujours au téléphone. Izzie n'arrive pas à lire les dossiers que ses internes remplissent et elle leur dit que pendant une situation d'urgence si elle n'arrive pas distingué un 7 d'un 9, son patient meurt. Georges arrive enfin mais Callie arrive 1 secondes avant lui et Georges va se cacher pendant que Izzie salut le Dr. Torres. Callie lui dit que Georges lui a tout dit et elle lui donne rendez-vous à la cafétéria à midi et elle repart. Un des internes juste derrière Izzie dit a un autre interne que Callie va la mettre un raclé.

Georges et Izzie parle de se que Callie lui a dit se matin et les Internes sont toujours juste derrière. Izzie lui demande si elle est une erreur, mais Georges lui montre les internes et elle les fait reculer. Izzie dit que Callie va la tuer dans la cafétéria se midi, que son travail c'est de briser des os et qu'elle est folle. Mais elle va se battre.

Derek, Lexie et Christina regarde des images du scan du jeune joueurs de football. Lexie n'arrive pas à croire que le père du garçon engueule son fils sur le match alors qu'il est paralysé, mais Christina lui dit de focussé sur la médecine et non sur la tragédie. Derek demande a Lexie qu'est-ce qu'ils doivent faire pour le patient et Derek est très impressionné par Lexie. Il lui demande ensuite comment ca se passe avec Meredith et Lexie lui dit qu'elle pense que Meredith la déteste. Yang les coupe et demande à Lexie d'aller voir si une patiente a besoin d'aide, mais Derek lui dit d'aller voir elle-même la patiente.

Meredith présente Norman a Sloan et Sloan lui dit de l'appeler Mark puis il dit a Meredith qu'il croyait qu'elle étais dans son service aujourd'hui. Norman lui dit qu'il est interne et il fait des blagues sur son âge et le fait qu'il est interne. Quand Sloan part, Norman demande a Meredith si Sloan est McDreamy ou Mc quelque chose? Meredith le coupe en lui disant qu'ils doivent s'occupé des tests de lab. et des décharges.

Callie rentre dans la salle des radios, Bailey et Georges sont la, mais Callie ignore Georges pendant que Bailey lui présente le cas de Miss Sayles. Callie dit de réservé une OR pour opérer la femme car sa cheville est complètement brisé. Bailey lui dit qu'ils devraient peut-être faire plus de test. Callie dit que se n'est pas nécessaire car beaucoup de femme font de l'ostéoporose a un certain âge, mais Bailey lui dit que Miss Sayles a seulement 28 ans. Callie lui demande de l'appeler quand elle aura les résultats des tests et elle s'en va.

Meredith marche dans les couloir en expliquant à Norman comment annoncé de mauvaise nouvelles a des patients. Christina passe a coté de Meredith et elle dit que McDreamy et l'autre Grey s'amuse ensemble en parlant d'elle.

Christina, Derek et Lexie sont de retour avec le joueur de football et Christina explique au patient que sa colonne est déplacée et qu'ils vont utiliser des poids et des tractions pour la remettre en place. L'adolescent dit que sa a l'air douloureux, mais le père le coupe et lui dit que se qui est douloureux c'est de ne jamais remarché et il dit aux médecins de le faire.

Meredith et Norman viennent d'annoncer à une femme qu'elle va mourir et elle pleure. Meredith dit a Norman qu'i ne fallait pas être émotionnel et elle l'envoie s'excuser une dernière fois.

Izzie trouve Alex dans la pit pendant qu'il fait des points à un patient. Elle lui dit qu'elle a besoin d'aide et lui demande se qu'il fait se midi. Il lui répond que s'il se fit à ses internes, il va la regarder se faire mettre une raclé par Dr. Torres.

Quelqu'un cri qu'ils ont besoin d'aide et Alex se précipite avec Izzie.  La nièce du chef convulsionne sur une civière et Adèle demande qu'on appel son mari. La jeune fille n'arrive plus à respirer et Dr. Stevens lui fait une trachéotomie quand le Chef arrive.

Dans la salle d'opération, le chef dit a Izzie et Alex que sa nièce n'avait pas besoin d'une autre chirurgie mais Alex et Izzie lui disent qu'ils n'ont pas eu le choix. Ils trouvent une masse dans sa gorge mais ils ne peuvent pas l'enlever avant de faire plus de test.

Meredith arrive a coté de Christina avec Norman et elle lui dit qu'elle vient d'annoncer a une femme de 48 ans qu'elle va mourir. Christina lui dit qu'elle aimerait le dire à une fille de 24 ans elle. Meredith lève la tête et voit Lexie et Derek rire aux éclats un peu plus loin. Meredith est furieuse. Lexie s'approche et les salut. Mais Meredith s'en va sans lui répondre. Lexie dit au Dr. Yang  qu'elles ont rendez-vous dans la chambre d'Adam, le jouer de football dans 10 min mais Christina lui dit que pour le reste de la journée, Lexie na plus le droit de rien faire ou dire car elle est sous sa responsabilité et non sous celle de Derek et Lexie lui répond de l'appeler Lexie ou Grey mais pas trois.

Georges, Bailey et Callie sont avec Miss Sayles et Georges lui demande si elle est sur un régime. Son copain lui dit qu'elle a perdu 40 livres. Dr. Bailey leur dit que même si on l'opère, elle doit manger plus et faire moins d'exercice car sinon ca ne servira a rien.

Sloan demande à Meredith comment c'est passé la décharge. Mark est surpris que le patient est pleuré à se points la. Meredith lui dit que ce n'étais pas un patient mais une patiente. Sloan est vraiment furieux que Norman se soit trompé de chambre, ils ont annoncé à la chambre 2213 au lieu de la chambre 2212.

Christina prépare le patient pour les tractions. Lexie s'approche mais Christina lui dit de coller le mur. Derek prend sa défense et lui dit d'approcher.

Alex et Izzie parle de la nièce du chef et du fait d'apprendre qu'on a le cancer a 14. Alex la charrie a propos de se qui va se passer a la cafétéria sur l'heure du midi. Izzie avoue à Alex qu'elle a couché avec Georges et Alex réagit mal.

Meredith et Norman retourne a la chambre de la femme a qui ils ont annoncé qu'elle allait mourir mais elle est parti il y a une heure déjà.

Richard et Adèle sont au chevet de leur nièce, Camille, et Richard lui annonce que son cancer est revenu et qu'il s'attaque à sa gorge et ses poumons maintenant. Il lui parle des options possible; la chirurgie, la chimio, la radiation.... Camille lui dit qu'elle veut seulement rentrer a la maison et qu'elle ne veut plus se battre, qu'elle na plus la force.

Christina est en train de procéder aux tractions avec Adam et il lui dit qu'il ne pourra plus le supporter très longtemps, mais son père lui qu'il va le supporte aussi longtemps qu'il le faudra. Son père le stress beaucoup et lui dit qu'il ne veut pas que son fils soit un perdant. Adam demande quand même d'arrêter et il panique, il cri pour qu'on fasse sortir son père. Lexie prend sa main pour le calmer mais Christina lui cri de la lâcher, un seul mouvement peux lui être fatale en se moment. Lexie lâche la main d'Adam et s'excuse, elle avait oublié. Christina lui dit de sortir.

Alors que Lexie allait sortir, Derek entre et dit à Lexie d'aller remplacer Christina. Il sort avec Dr. Yang et lui dit qu'en tant que résidante elle doit enseigner et non être égoïste et il ne lui laisse pas le temps de s'expliquer. Derek lui dit que jusqu'à se qu'elle change d'attitude, elle ne fera qu'assister a ses chirurgie.

Adele, Richard et la mère de Camille parle de la décision de Camille de ne pas se faire soigner. Adele supplie Richard de la convaincre de se faire soigner.

Meredith laisse un message sur la boite vocale de miss Bitzer, la patiente a qui ils ont annoncé qu'elle allait mourir par erreur, et Sloan leur dit de se dépêcher de la trouver. Norman s'excuse mais Meredith dit qu'elle était distraite et qu'elle aurait du revérifier avant de le laisser faire.

Meredith et Christina se retrouve à la cafétéria pour diner. Christina se demande si elle est une mauvaise résidente. Elles se plaignent de leurs internes. Izzie arrive et essaie de se cacher de Callie et Christina se moque d'elle.

Georges se rend au comptoir des résultats de test et demande les résultats pour Miss Sayles. La technicienne lui demande pour qu'il il pari, Torres ou Stevens. Georges part en courant vers la cafétéria sans ses résultats.

Izzie se vante de savoir bien se battre pendant que Callie rentre et que tout le monde la regarde. Quand Callie s'approche tout le monde fait de la place et Izzie enlève ses souliers.  Izzie lui dit d'y aller, de commencer, mais Callie lui dit qu'elle voulait juste parler. Tout le monde est sous le choc. Izzie et Georges semble réaliser se qu'ils ont fait.

Mark et Derek se parle, Derek demande qu'elle est la meilleure place pour un week-end romantique et Sloan lui dit qu'il va tuer sa petite-amie. Sloan lui dit que les internes ont toujours des problèmes avec les patients et que Meredith est resté au stade interne.

Dr Bailey et Dr. Torres explique a miss Sayles la procédure pour l'opération. Son petit-ami trouve que 3 mois c'est trop long et Callie lui dit que ca va être encore plus long parce qu'elle ne mange pas assez pour que ses os reste en bonne santé. L'homme et Callie se chicane, mais miss Sayles se mets à vomir du sang.

Bailey opère Miss Sayles, elle a un ulcère. Bailey trouve qu'elle est chanceuse d'être encore en vie mais qu'elle est stupide de faire tout ca juste pour être aimer.

Derek et Lexie sont dans la salle d'op avec Adams et ils opèrent sa colonne. Derek demande à Lexie de cautérisé une artère mais Lexie panique un peu n'y arrive pas. Christina s'approche et lui explique comment faire. Derek lui demande de participer à l'intervention.

Norman arrive et Meredith est fâché parce qu'il avait disparu au milieu de son shift. Il lui dit qu'il est allé chez miss Bitzer et qu'elle arrive. Miss Bitzer dit a Meredith qu'elle a quitté son travail et son copain et qu'elle a acheté un allez simple pour l'Islande avant que Meredith ne lui dise la vérité. Miss bitzer prend très mal le fait qu'elle va finalement survivre...

Callie sort et trouve le petit-ami de miss Sayles en train de fumer. Elle lui annonce que Ruthie Sayles est morte sur la table d'opération parce que son cœur était trop faible. Elle s'entrainait trop et ne mangeais pas assez. Elle se met crier après l'homme, elle lui dit qu'on ne fait pas ça a quelqu'un qu'on aime. Bailey et Georges arrive et ils éloignent Callie.

Bailey demande 'c Callie si elle va bien et Callie lui dit que se n'est rien, mais Bailey ne la croit pas.

Richard et Camille parle de son cancer et de pourquoi elle a attendu aussi longtemps pour venir a l'hôpital. Richard lui dit qu'il va laisser retourner à la maison.

Callie et Izzie se croise dans un couloir et Izzie essais de lui parler. Elle s'excuse pour la cafétéria et pour Georges. Callie lui dit qu'elle est humilier et que c'est Georges qui a briser ses vœux, mais qu'elle lui faisait confiance et qu'elle essayait de se convaincre que ce n'étais que dans sa tête et que c'est Izzie qui doit se sentir mal et humilier et non elle.

Alex passe devant Izzie et Alex l'ignore mais Izzie lui dit que s'il la déteste, il fait comme tout le monde. Elle lui dit qu'il a couché avec Ava alors il n'est pas mieux qu'elle. Alex lui dit que ce n'est a cause du mariage qu'il est fâché, c'est a cause qu'elle lui a dit qu'elle n'était pas prête après Dennis, mais apparemment elle était prête pour Georges.

Meredith s'Excuse une dernière fois a Miss Bizter mais elle la serre dans ses bras en la remerciant avant de s'en aller. Meredith demande a Sloan se qui se passe. L'hôpital lui a apparemment acheté une maison en Islande pour ne pas qu'elle les poursuive.

Adele rejoint Richard et elle lui demande pourquoi il n'a pas convaincue Camille pour les traitements. Il lui dit qu'il na pas pu, qu'il est son docteur. Il s'excuse, mais Adele est fâché.

Il pleut des cordes et Georges va rejoindre Callie sous la pluie. Il lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas le pardonner comme ca parce que ce n'est pas pardonnable. Elle lui dit qu'il a raison et elle part.

Meredith rejoint Derek et lui dit qu'Alex la couvre, qu'elle doit faire une dernière ronde et elle est prête pour leur 48h ininterrompu mais Derek se rétracte. Meredith lui demande se qu'il se passe avec Lexie et Derek lui dit que ce n'est pas a cause de Lexie, qu'il veut l'épouser, avoir des enfants avec elle et une maison, etc... Meredith ne réagit pas et Derek lui dit qu'il comprend. Meredith lui répond qu'elle n'est pas prête maintenant mais qu'elle peut le devenir. Derek lui dit qu'il va l'attendre mais il lui demande qu'est-ce qu'il fait s'il rencontre quelqu'un qui est prêt pendant qu'il attend.

Pardonne et oublie. C'est ce qu'il dise.

Lexie retrouve Christina et la remercie pour la chirurgie d'aujourd'hui. Christina lui dit que c'est son travail et lui demande ou sont les résultats d'Adam postopératoires.

C'est un bon conseil mais se n'est pas faisable. Quand quelqu'un nous blesse on veut le blesser à notre tour.

Izzie pleure dans son lit quand quelqu'un cogne à sa porte. Alex entre et lui donne une boite de papier mouchoir.

Quand quelqu'un nous nous induit en erreur on veut avoir raison. Sans pardons, le pointage n'est jamais remis à zéro. Les veilles blessures ne guérissent jamais. Et le mieux que l'on puisse espérer, c'est qu'un jour, on sera assez chanceux pour oublier.

(Seattle scenes)

MVO: In life, only one thing is certain...apart from death and taxes...no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistakes.

(George and Callie are in their hotel room)

George: Callie.

MVO: You're going to hurt people. You're going to get hurt. And if you ever want to recover...

George: You haven't said anything in...in...just say something. Please. Anything.

MVO: There's really only one thing you can say.

Callie: I forgive you.

George: What?

Callie: You made a mistake. But we took vows...till death do us part...so...I forgive you.

(George is rushing through the hospital)

George: Izzie, why aren't you picking up your phone? You need to pick up your phone. I just talked to Callie and...

(George passes Meredith who is in the elevator)

Meredith: George.

George: I gotta find Izzie.

Meredith: We have rounds in five minutes.

George: Right after I find Izzie.

(George rushes off and Derek enters the elevator)

Derek: You wanna go away with me this weekend?

Meredith: Why would I want to go away with you?

Derek: Because of this.

(He kisses her)

Meredith: We didn't go away when we were a couple. Now we're not a couple, and not couples have no reason to go away together.

Derek: Meredith, you're not paying attention. I'm talking about 48 uninterrupted hours of this.

(He kisser her again)

Meredith: Where would we go?

Derek: Wine country.

Meredith: Wine country sounds like a couples' place.

Derek: Well, there's wine, there's country, and you wouldn't see any of it. We'd be in bed all weekend.

Meredith: Oh, a weekend of sex.

Derek: Now you're paying attention.

Meredith: Well, I would have to get someone to cover for me.

Derek: Okay, so you're in?

Meredith: 48 uninterrupted hours of this. I'm in.

(Cristina walks past as Meredith exits the elevator)

Cristina: Oh, great. I'm stuck in the pit protecting smack heads and gang bangers with my idiot interns, and you're getting McDreamied in the elevator?

Meredith: Really, smack heads and gang bangers at Seattle Grace, huh?

Cristina: My point is, I hate interns.

Meredith: Well, Lexie's not that bad, is she?

Cristina: Oh, are we not hating her anymore?

Meredith: Oh, no. We still hate the idea of her. We just realized we don't have a reason to hate the actual person.

Cristina: She's an intern. That's reason enough.

Meredith: I think you may be the new nazi.

Cristina: Damn right.

(To the interns nearby)

Meredith: I don't see any charts.

(Meredith walks up to Alex)

Meredith: Will you work for me on Saturday?

Alex: What's in it for me?

Meredith: What do you want?

Alex: Take Norman off my hands today.

Meredith: Who?

Alex: The world's oldest intern. I've got my interns in the pit, and he's only gonna slow me down.

Meredith: Ageist.

Alex: Deal?

Meredith: Fine.

(George rushes by again)

Meredith: Rounds.

George: Still can't find Izzie.

Meredith: I'm gonna have to put you in the clinic if you miss rounds.

George: Oh, the clinic!

(Bailey is in the clinic)

Bailey: Uh, Ms. Sales, hi. I'm Dr. Bailey. Oh, you are?

Will: Uh, the boyfriend who warned her not to read on the Stairmaster.

Ruthie: That's how I did this. I fell off last night. I took a ton of ibuprofen, but when I woke up this morning, it was huge and hideous.

Bailey: How much ibuprofen did you take?

Ruthie: I usually take some everyday anyway, because of the gym, so I doubled the dose, but it did nothing for me.

Bailey: Okay, let's get some x-rays and then...

Ruthie: Actually, can I just get a shot of cortisone or something? I'm supposed to meet my trainer this afternoon.

Bailey: Uh, Ms. Sales, I can't treat you until I find out what's wrong with you.

(George rushes in)

George: Have you seen Dr. Stevens?

Bailey: Check the pit.

George: Right.

Ruthie: What time do you think we'll be done? Just so I can tell my trainer.

(George enters the ER)

George: Lexie! Sorry. Uh, have you seen Dr. Stevens?

Lexie: No. Have you seen Dr. Yang?

George: No.

Lexie: She told me to meet her here in the pit, and she's not here. I don't want to give that woman any more reasons to hate me.

George: Good for you.

Lexie: I'm prepared. I'm gonna answer every question correctly. And I'm not gonna take any more of her crap.

(Cristina enters the ER)

Cristina: Three! Incoming, let's move.

(Derek is in the trauma room with Adam and Stanley Singer)

Stanley: He got hit during a scrimmage.

Derek: Are you the coach?

Adam: He's my dad.

Stanley: And his coach. He was charging the receiver after the kickoff. He got blocked, had his head down, couldn't see the other guy coming.

Adam: I had my head down because the guy blocking me was holding it down.

Stanley: You could've gotten past that guy.

Derek: I need you to leave the room. Okay, let's cut him out of his equipment. I need the saw. Dr. Grey, I need you to help me stabilize his neck and his head, please. It's very important, Adam, that you not move your head. I need you to keep perfectly still. Don't move. Relax.

(George rushes past the Chief)

Richard: O'Malley, what's the hurry?

George: Sorry, I can't talk, chief.

(George runs into a cart)

Richard: O'Malley?

George: I...sorry, I...I just gotta find Izzie.

Richard: She's at the third floor nurses' station.

George: Oh. Thanks.

Richard: Oh, and...and when you find her, tell her Dr. Torres is looking or her.

(Izzie is walking in the hall with her interns)

Izzie: Now I know charting doesn't seem as exciting as surgery, but it is every bit as important. Believe me when I tell you, people, penmanship saves lives.

(George is rushing through halls)

George: Pick up your phone. What kind of doctor doesn't pick up their phone?

(Izzie is with her interns)

Izzie: Is that a 7 or is that a 9? If I have to ask myself that question in the middle of an emergency, your patient is dead. You killed him with your handwriting. Think about that.

(Callie walks up)

Izzie: Callie. Hey. Hi.

Callie: We have to talk.

Izzie: Okay. Um, about?

Callie: George told me.

Izzie: He told you?

Callie: Everything. Cafeteria, noon, you and me. Be there.

Intern: Dude, is she gonna kick her ass?

(Izzie and George are in the hall)

Izzie: She forgave you?

George: She said I had a rough year, that people make mistakes, and that...that I made a mistake.

Izzie: Oh, so now I'm a mistake? (To her interns) Back off!

George: No, she said that. I didn't say that.

Izzie: What did you say?

George: Um, I didn't expect her to forgive me. I expected...rage, uh, bloodshed.

Izzie: No, she's saving all her rage and bloodshed for me. She's gonna kill me in the cafeteria at lunch.

George: No, she wouldn't.

Izzie: She breaks bones for a living, George. She's crazy.

George: No, she's not crazy.

Izzie: Well, she is if she thinks I'm not gonna put up a fight.

(Lexie, Cristina and Derek are in the viewing room)

Lexie: I can't believe that kid's dad. I mean, his son is paralyzed, and the guy's still riding him.

Cristina: Focus more on the medicine, three, and less on the tragedy.

Derek: Three? Is that a nickname?

Lexie: You could say that.

Derek: So how would you proceed, Dr. Grey?

Lexie: Oh, um...you won't be able to operate unless you realign his spine, would you?

Derek: And how would you do that?

Lexie: Traction halo?

Derek: Very impressive, Dr. Grey. Your intern year's off to a good start. How's it going? How are you and Meredith?

Lexie: It's weird, the whole family thing. And plus, I think she might still hate me.

Derek: She doesn't hate you.

Lexie: Really? Did she say that?

Cristina: You know, why don't you go see if Mrs. Cooley's dressings need changing?

Derek: Yang, why don't you go see if Mrs. Cooley's dressing needs changing?

Cristina: Certainly.

(Meredith is at the desk with Mark)

Meredith: Dr. Sloan, Dr. Norman Shales.

Mark: Oh, Dr. Shales, call me Mark.

Norman: Thank you.

Mark: I thought you were on my service.

Meredith: I am. He's my intern.

Norman: I know, right? It's like, "seriously, you're an intern?" But it's seriously true.


Mark: Glad to have you aboard Norman.

Norman: So is he the one you call, uh...McDreamy or, Mc, uh, Sleazy, or Mc, uh, wait a minute, what is it?

Meredith: Norman, we have labs to deliver.

Norman: Yeah.

Meredith: Labs and discharges.

Norman: Uh, this one's being discharged to hospice?

Meredith: When there's nothing else we can do.

Norman: So we have to tell someone they're dying?

Meredith: Don't worry. I'll teach you the protocol.

Norman: McSteamy! He's the one you girls call McSteamy.

(Callie enters the x-ray room where Bailey and George are)

Callie: You paged me, Dr. Bailey? Oh, I didn't know you were...

George: I'm in the clinic. Or I was...

Callie: What have you got?

Bailey: Ruthie Sales. Says she twisted her ankle falling off the Stairmaster.

Callie: She didn't twist it. She crushed it. We should book an OR right away.

Bailey: Dr. Torres, you don't think we should run a few tests first? Find out why Ruthie's bones are so fragile in the first place?

Callie: She's osteoporotic. I see it in older women all the time.

Bailey: Now you're seeing it in a 28 year old.

Callie: Oh, right. Call me when you get the test results.

(Callie leaves)

George: I can't talk about it with you.

Bailey: Well, is she all right?

George: Yeah.

(Meredith is walking in the hall with Norman)

Meredith: So when giving a patient the bad news, you want to be polite and detached, but not cold.

Norman: How can you be detached but not cold?

Meredith: You show that you care without actually allowing yourself to care, because if you get too emotional, then they get scared, and then they get emotional, and that's bad.

Norman: Seriously?

Meredith: Stop with the seriously.

Norman: Uh, I'm sorry.

Meredith: I know it must be hard being older than most of us, but I think you're gonna go a lot further if you just let everything else go and focus on the medicine.

(Cristina walks up)

Cristina: Hey, are you aware that McDreamy and the other Grey are bonding?

Meredith: Bonding?

Cristina: Over their mutual Meredith Greyness.

Meredith: What do you mean? They're talking about me? What are they saying?

Cristina: Oh, I don't know. He's making me deal with his patients while they focus on what's really important...you.

Meredith: Cristina! What was I saying?

Norman: You were saying how important it was to focus on the medicine.

Meredith: Just give me the chart.

(Cristina, Lexie, and Derek are in Adam's room)

Cristina: First we're going to apply halo, which uses weights and traction to pull your spine back into place.

Adam: Traction?

Lexie: Like at the gym. We stretch your upper body using weights until the tension pops the spine into position.

Cristina: Except unlike at the gym, Dr. Shepherd needs to attach the traction device directly to your head by screwing two bolts into your skull.

Adam: That sounds painful.

Stanley: Painful is if he doesn't fix your spine. Painful is you never walk again. Okay. We gonna do this thing or what?

(Meredith and Norman are in a patients room)

Meredith: I told you not to get too emotional.

Norman: I couldn't help it. What now?

Meredith: Go apologize one last time.

Norman: Once again, ma'am, we are very, very sorry...very sorry. And now?

Meredith: Now we slowly and respectfully back out of the room.

(Izzie enters a curtain in the clinic where Alex is)

Izzie: Alex, I need a favor.

Alex: I don't have time for favors. I'm working here.

Izzie: Well, what are you doing at lunch?

Alex: According to my interns, I'm watching Torres kick your ass all up and down the cafeteria.

Izzie: How do they know?

Alex: So it's true. What'd you do to her?

Izzie: Nothing.

Alex: Dude.

(Shouting is heard from a nearby room. Alex and Izzie enter to find Adele and Camille)

Doctor: We need a little help here!

Adele: Oh, thank god. Somebody I know. Will somebody please make sure they page my husband?

Alex: Is that?

Izzie: It's the chief's niece.

Doctor: Camille Travis, 18, I tried intubating 3 times.

Izzie: There's some kind of obstruction.

Arlene: My baby can't breathe.

Doctor: Sats staying down. They're at 82%.

Izzie: She needs a surgical airway. Somebody get me a crike tray.

Alex: How many emergency crikes have you done?

Izzie: Including this one? One.

Alex: Dude, it's the chief's niece.

Doctor: Pulse is getting weaker.

Izzie: So we better not screw this up.

Adele: What are you doing? Trying to help her breathe.

Arlene: She just slit her throat!

Izzie: Suction. I need suction. Get the retractors in.

Alex: There's so much blood. You didn't hit an artery, did you?

Izzie: No, not on purpose.

Adele: Oh, god. Oh, god.

Izzie: Get the tube.

Adele: Oh, god.

Doctor: Sats are going up.

Izzie: Oh, we did it.

(Richard enters)

Adele: Oh, Richard! What the hell are you doing to my niece?

(Alex, Izzie and Richard are in the OR)

Richard: One thing this child did not need was another surgery.

Alex: She wasn't breathing, chief.

Izzie: We didn't know what else to do.

Richard: You did the right thing. But Camille was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was 14. She's had both ovaries removed, a hysterectomy and now this...

Alex: There it is, the mass.

Izzie: No wonder she couldn't breathe.

Richard: I can take it out. But we won't know how many more there are until we do further studies.

Izzie: I'm so sorry, chief.

Richard: She beat it twice before. She'll beat it again.

(Meredith and Norman walk up to Cristina)

Meredith: I just had to tell a 48-year-old woman that she's gonna die.

Cristina: Yeah? I wish I could tell a 24-year-old woman she's gonna die.

(She looks up to see Derek and Lexie talking)

Meredith: I have gone out of my way to be nice to her, and this is what she does, talks about me behind my back?

Cristina: When were you nice to her?

Meredith: I was nice...once. My point is...

(Lexie walks up)

Lexie: Hey, Meredith. Hey, Norman.

Norman: 'Sup, Lexie?

Meredith: Come on, Norman.

Lexie: Um...Dr. Shepherd asked that we meet in Adam's room in ten minutes. You could at least acknowledge that you heard me.

Cristina: You're using the Grey sister angle to get in good with the attendings. I get that. But you're here on my license. So if you do anything, like kill someone, it's on me. So for the rest of the day, you're gonna hug the wall. You're not gonna say anything, you're not gonna do anything. You're an intern. Are we clear...three?

Lexie: Lexie.

Cristina: What?

Lexie: It's Lexie, or Grey. It's not three. I have a name.

(Bailey, George and Callie are in Ruthie's room)

George: Your blood tests show low electrolyte levels, low calcium and low vitamin D. Have you been dieting?

Will: She just lost 40 pounds.

Ruthie: Will told me if I ever got back down to a size 4,we'd move in together.

Bailey: How romantic.

Ruthie: We both just needed motivation. I told him I wouldn't live with a smoker, so he quit smoking.

Bailey: The problem is, even if Dr. Torres is able to repair your fracture, it won't do any good unless you're eating more and working out less. Am I right, Dr. Torres? Dr. Torres...hey, are you all right?

Callie: Uh, uh...Bailey's right.

Will: So what, you're saying that you won't operate unless she puts on a bunch of weight?

Callie: No, but, um...

Will: Then why are we still talking about this? We came here to get her leg fixed. So fix her leg.

Callie: Okay.

(Mark is at the nurses desk when Norman and Meredith walk up)

Mark: How'd that discharge-|to-hospice patient go?

Meredith: Not great. There was crying and tears and...more tears.

Mark: Tears? Really? Such a tough old bird. I thought he'd take it like a man.

Meredith: "He'd take it like a man"?

Mark: What, I'm sexist now?

Meredith: No, "he" as in "him"?

Mark: Joel Hanson in 2212.

Meredith: Not Gretchen Bitzer in 2213?

Norman: Oh, dear. I thought that "2" was a "3."

Mark: Dr. Grey, did you and your intern tell a woman who came in to have her moles removed that she was dying?

Norman: Oh, dear. I mean, crap. Oh, crap.

(Adam's room)

Stanley: You hear that? Like a weight room. There's nothing to be scared of. He's been weight training since he was 8 years old.

Cristina: What did I say about you and the wall?

Derek: Dr. Yang, this is still a teaching hospital, isn't it?

Cristina: Yes, sir.

Derek: You need to get a little closer if you want to learn something today, Dr. Grey. Okay, Adam, I'm going to attach the tongs now. I need you to stay perfectly still during this procedure. Let the weights do all the work. Okay, you're gonna feel a little pressure, but with the meds we've given you, you shouldn't feel any pain. All right. Here we go.

(Alex and Izzie are in the scrub room)

Izzie: Can you imagine being 14 years old and having some doctor tell you you've got cancer? What do you do with that?

Alex: Well, you fight. Camille's a fighter. You two have that in common. So what's it gonna be, Stevens gets her bones broken or Torres gets taken to the trailer park?

Izzie: Neither. It's not happening. But if it does, will you pull her off me?

Alex: You gonna tell me what you did to her?

Izzie: You have to promise not to say anything to anybody. Swear.

Alex: I swear. Jeez.

Izzie: I slept with George. I know. I'm a terrible person. Which is why I'm gonna let her get one good punch in. Maybe two. I deserve it. No, one. Then you pull her off me.

Alex: You slept with O'Malley?

Izzie: Alex, you just said you wouldn't say anything.

Alex: I won't, believe me. This...I'm embarrassed for you.

(Norman and Meredith are walking through the hall)

Meredith: You had one job... one job... read the charts.

Norman: You want to yell at me some more? You can, because I am an intern and according to Dr. Bailey, yelling is how we learn.

Meredith: Well, I'm not a very good yeller.

Norman: Oh, I'm sure it just takes practice. Perhaps Ms. Bitzer will show us how it's done.

Meredith: Just let me do all the talking.

Norman: Ms. Bitzer...

Meredith: Gretchen.

Nurse: She left about an hour ago.

Meredith: She's gone? Left the hospital?

Norman: Feel like yelling now?

(Richard is in Camille's room with Adele)

Richard: Your CT results showed that not only is the cancer back, it's spread to your chest, lungs and throat. We have options, though. We can operate. We can be even more aggressive with the chemo and radiation than the last time.

Camille: I just want to go home.

Richard: We could try to treat you at home, but, Camille, you...

Camille: No, you don't understand. I don't want any treatment.

Arlene: What? Camille, don't say that.

Camille: I've tried, mama. It's not working. I can't do it anymore.

Adele: You can and you will. You have no choice.

Camille: I'm 18 now, aunt Adele. I do have a choice.

Adele: You may be 18,baby girl, but you are clearly not capable of making life-and-death decisions for yourself right now. Tell her, Richard.

Richard: Camille...

Camille: No, you tell her. Tell her how the radiation almost killed me last time, how I got hepatitis and my kidneys shut down and my skin was so raw I couldn't be touched.

Richard: Camille...

Camille: I'm dying. We all know that. I don't want to spend what little time I have left in this hospital. I want to spend time with my friends. I want to sleep in my own bed, and I want to be home. So please don't be my doctor right now. Be my uncle who loves me. Let me go home.

(Adam's room)

Cristina: Try not to move your head, Adam.

Adam: I'm... I'm trying, but... I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Stanley: You'll take as much as they give you, son. Okay, now come on! You can do this.

Cristina: It's just another few pounds.

Lexie: Dr. Yang, maybe we should...

Cristina: No one asked you.

Adam: I...I can't. Please take it off.

Stanley: No, no. Can't quit. Push through it.

Cristina: Okay, just one more plate.

Stanley: Adam, you're strong. You can handle this. Want to be a quitter, do you? Huh, do you?

Cristina: Okay, you know what? That's it. That's it. That's 20 pounds.

Stanley: There, you did it. Right? Told you, you could do it.

Adam: Somebody get him out. Please. Somebody get him out.

Stanley: Adam, I'm just trying to help out.

Adam: Please get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!

Cristina: Adam, Adam, calm down. Try not to upset him. Adam. Adam, calm down.

Adam: Get...get...

Lexie: Adam, it's ok... it's okay.

Cristina: What are you doing? Don't touch him. The slightest movement could...put his hand down, gently.

Lexie: I'm so sorry. I forgot.

Cristina: Now step away from the patient and leave the room. Get out right now or I will throw you out.

(Derek walks in)

Derek: Dr. Grey, take over for Dr. Yang. Dr. Yang, a word. You are a resident now. Your job is to teach interns, not abuse them.

Cristina: I wasn't. She grabbed his...

Derek: Until you learn to be less competitive and less selfish, you will not assist on my surgeries. You will observe them.

Cristina: But she... Derek: You can go.

(Adele, Richard and Arlene are walking through the hall)

Adele: Arlene, she's just tired. She doesn't know what she's saying.

Arlene: But she's right. She's not gonna get any better.

Richard: We don't know that, Arlene. There's always a chance.

Adele: Not if she doesn't get treatment. You've got to talk to her, Richard. You've...you have to convince her. She loves you. She trusts you. And she's the closest thing we have to a child of our own. Richard, I'm begging you. Please. Save our baby girl.

(Meredith and Norman are at the nurse's station)

Meredith: Again, Ms. Bitzer, it's very important that you call us back.

(Mark walks up)

Mark: You idiots still can't find her?

Meredith: I called her home, her cell, her next of kin.

Mark: I don't care if you have to call every Bitzer on the planet. Find her!

Norman: I am really so very sorry about this.

Meredith: It's not entirely your fault, Norman. You're just an intern. I should've double-checked the charts. I was distracted by things I shouldn't be distracted by.

Norman: For what it's worth, Lexie Grey is a good girl. She's very sweet. I don't think she would say anything untoward...or uncool.

Meredith: I have Bitzers to call. But, you know, you could take the...Norman? Norman?

(Cristina and Meredith are in the cafeteria)

Cristina: I'm not a bad resident, am I?

Meredith: Don't ask me. I lost a patient today.

Cristina: Oh, you killed someone?

Meredith: Lost. Literally can't find.

Cristina: Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. What the hell is wrong with that? I kick ass. I'm an excellent resident.

Meredith: I'm not. In addition to losing my patient, I also lost my intern. Turned around, he was gone. AWOL.

Cristina: See, what... what is wrong with these interns? We weren't like this.

Meredith: We were great interns.

Cristina: I was great. You were... you were good.

(Izzie and Alex walk up and sit down)

Izzie: You guys seen Callie?

Meredith: No. Is it time for her to grind your bones into dust?

Izzie: You don't think I can take her?

Meredith: Are you guys really doing this?

Izzie: You heard?

Meredith: The whole hospital heard.

Izzie: Yeah, well, that explains the line at the salad bar.

Meredith: Well, what are you fighting about?

Alex: Believe me, you don't want to know.

Izzie: Alex.

Alex: I'm just saying, whatever it is, it's not worth it.

Izzie: Actually, it is. Some things are worth fighting for.

(George is at the lab)

Lab Tech: O'Malley.

George: Picking up repeat labs for Ruthie Sayles.

Lab Tech: So who's your money on, O'Malley? Guess you gotta back the wife, huh?

George: What? What are you talking about?

Lab Tech: The fight downstairs. Torres vs. Stevens. What are they fighting about anyway?

George: Oh, that's just a rumor. It's not happening. Callie is way too mature for that.

Lab Tech: That's not what my buddy in the cafeteria just said.

(George takes off at a run)

Lab Tech: O'Malley, your labs!

George: Gotta go! I'll be right back!

(Izzie is stretching in the cafeteria)

Izzie: I'm just saying, I learned how to fight in a trailer park. Okay? Where'd she learn to fight, boarding school? Not quite the same thing.

(Callie enters the cafeteria)

Izzie: I'm a street fighter. I've got some badass in me. I could take a girl down.

Meredith: Izzie.

Alex: Punch with your left. Protect your face with your right.

Cristina: No, your hands... protect your surgeon hands. Your face can heal.

Izzie: Here we go.

Callie: Stevens.

Izzie: Let's do this. Let's go. Let's go.

Callie: Go where?

Izzie: You know, go.

Callie: I wanted to talk.

Izzie: You want to talk. You don't want to kick my ass?

Callie: You thought I was gonna fight you? You...

(Callie finally realizes how many people are in the cafeteria)

Callie: That's cr...excuse me.

(Callie leaves)

Intern: That's a forfeit. Torres forfeits.

Izzie: Oh, my god.

Cristina: You were very ghetto fabulous.

Izzie: Oh, my god.

(George enters)

George: What happened? Was there a fight?

Alex: No. Guess they realized they were fighting over nothing.

(Derek enters the office where Mark is)

Derek: Hey, what do you thinks a better weekend getaway, Napa or Sonoma?

Mark: I hope you don't mind if I kill your girlfriend.

Derek: Well, first of all, she's not my girlfriend. Second of all, I do mind.

Mark: Interns should be seen and not heard. They shouldn't talk to patients.

Derek: That's how they learn.

Mark: Which means I have to teach, and then I have to deal with their problems when they screw up.

Derek: Meredith rarely screws up, and she's not an intern. So Napa or Sonoma, what do you think?

Mark: Sonoma.

Derek: Mm.

Mark: Smaller hotels, fewer tourists. And Meredith...she's still an intern. Don't kid yourself. She's green, she's a baby, and the only difference between her and that old guy she's got trailing her is

that you're not sleeping with the old guy.

(Callie enters Ruthie's room)

Callie: Sorry I'm late.

Bailey: Well, I was just explaining the surgery. Since your bones have splintered, Dr. Torres will place metal plates and screws to hold the ankle together.

Ruthie: How long will the recovery time be?

Bailey: It's hard to say. You'll be in a cast 8 to 12 weeks.

Will: Three months?

Bailey: Right, Dr. Torres?

Callie: Longer if she doesn't eat.

Will: She eats.

Callie: Not enough to keep her bones from snapping, but you don't seem too concerned about that.

Will: What is your problem, lady?

Callie: I don't have problem. I'm not the one who has to live with you.

Will: You know what? This...you have a problem...Ruthie!

(Ruthie is vomiting blood)

Bailey: In here go ahead. In here.

(George enters the OR where Ruthie's surgery has already started)

George: I thought Ruthie wasn't going into surgery till tomorrow.

Bailey: That's before she started vomiting blood. She's got a bleeding duodenal ulcer.

Callie: How did we not see this?

Bailey: She came in with a broken ankle. Her malnutrition and the amount of ibuprofen she's been taking, she's lucky to be alive.

George: Why did she do this to herself?

Bailey: 'Cause people are stupid and just want to be loved. That's the only reason anybody does anything.

George: Asystole.

Bailey: Ok, start CPR.

(Adam's surgery)

Lexie: You think he'll walk again?

Derek: It's not impossible. Mm. We have a bleeder. I need you to cauterize the vein, Dr. Grey.

Lexie: Oh, okay. I... I, um... I...I can't find it. I...I...I can't see where it starts. Um... it's coming too quickly.

Cristina: Stop. Suction around it. You have to see where the bleed is coming from first. Follow the flow to the source. Good. Okay, now Bovie it.

Lexie: Got it.

Derek: Good job. Dr. Yang, if you don't mind stepping in?

(Norman walks up to Meredith who is at the nurses station)

Norman: Dr. Grey.

Meredith: Norman, where have you been?

Norman: I was...

Meredith: Norman, do you think you can just cut out on me in the middle of a crisis?

Norman: I...I went...

Meredith: Where, Norman? Where did you go that was important enough to just disappear in the middle of a shift?

Norman: Ms. Bitzer's apartment.

Meredith: You went to Ms. Bitzer's apartment.

Norman: I told her she had a bill outstanding. She's right behind me.

Meredith: Oh.

Norman: Oh, but if I may say so, your yelling has improved remarkably.

Meredith: Thank you.

Ms. Bitzer: I...I'm sorry I missed your calls. I didn't mean to cut out on my bill. It's just, I got a lot of living to do and not a lot of time to do it in.

Meredith: Actually...

Ms. Bitzer: I quit my job, dumped my loser boyfriend, told my boss where he could shove it, and bought a one-way ticket to Iceland, where the sun never sets, which is fine by me. I'll sleep when I'm dead, right?

Meredith: You're, uh, not going to die, Ms. Bitzer.

Ms. Bitzer: I'm not?

Meredith: There was a mix-up with your labs. You're going to live, hopefully a very long, healthy life.

Ms. Bitzer: I quit my job. I broke up with my boyfriend. I gave up my apartment. You know how hard it is to find an apartment...with parking?

(Callie walks up to Will who is outside)

Callie: I thought you quit smoking. Wasn't that the deal? Ruthie loses 40 pounds, you quit smoking?

Will: My girlfriend's in emergency surgery. I think she'll forgive me for smoking.

Callie: No, no, she won't, because she's dead. Ruthie's dead. Dr. Bailey tried to stop the bleeding, but because she was starving herself and over training, her heart couldn't take the strain.

Will: You think this is my fault? She wanted to lose the weight. I just wanted her to be healthy.

Callie: She was healthy 20 pounds ago. You just wanted her to be hot, especially if you we gonna move in with her, right?

Will: No, that...I loved her.

Callie: You didn't love her. You just didn't want to be alone or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego or...or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her because you don't destroy the person that you love!

(George steps between them)

George: Callie!

Will: Get her away from me, man. Get her away from me.

Callie: You gonna hit me? You gonna hit me? Give me any excuse to kick somebody's ass today because I am dying to!

Will: Don't touch me!

Bailey: Dr. Torres! Uh, sir, we are so sorry for your loss. O'Malley, please take...

George: Sir, why don't you come with me? Come on.

Bailey: Okay, I'm gonna ask you one last time, are you all right?

Callie: I'm fine. It's nothing.

Bailey: Really? 'Cause nothing almost cost you your career just now.

(Camille's room)

Richard: The mass we removed from your throat was so big you couldn't breathe. Camille...what took you so long to come in?

Camille: I knew the cancer wasn't gone. It's never been gone. It's never gonna be gone. And...don't tell my mom, but the truth is...I was hoping it would kill me before I had to come back here. I'm just so tired, uncle Richard. I am so, so tired.

Richard: Camille...what I have here is a plan to keep you alive. It involves 12 oncologists,8 new drugs, six experimental treatments from three different continents. I have no idea if it'll work. But as your uncle...I'm begging you to take it. Because I know for a fact the world...my world...is a better place with you in it. However... as your doctor, I promise to do whatever you want.

Camille: I just want to go home.

Richard: Then let's get you home.

(Izzie walks up to Callie in the hall)

Izzie: Callie. Callie, wait. Please, wait. Please. I'm sorry...about the cafeteria. I didn't know that you wanted to talk to me. I thought you wanted to kill me. I'm sorry about everything. With George, I...I'm really sorry. I feel terrible.

Callie: You feel terrible? You took advantage. He was your best friend. I tried to trust you...so much, I had convinced myself that it was all in my head, that I was crazy. But I wasn't, was I?

And then you pull that thing in the cafeteria today? It's not bad enough that you humiliate me by getting in bed with my husband. You have to humiliate me at work, too. George might be the one that broke his vows, but you...we're women, Izzie. You did this to another woman. You...took something from me. You stole something from me like a petty little thief. You are the one who should be humiliated. You are the one who should be ashamed. You are the one who should... don't you dare come to me for forgiveness, you traitorous bitch.

(Alex walks past Izzie who is sitting in the hall)

Izzie: What, I'm invisible now?

Alex: What do you want?

Izzie: So you hate me now, too. Well, join the club.

Alex: You and O'Malley? O'Malley!

Izzie: What? What is it that I did that is so horrifying? I fell in love, Alex.

Alex: He's married.

Izzie: Yeah, so? You're carrying a big ol' torch for Ava or Jane Doe or whatever it is that you call her, and she's married. So what gives you the right to judge what I do? Why do you even care?

Alex: You told me you weren't ready yet...after Denny... to be with anyone. And then O'Malley? O'Malley. And then you tell me like I'm one of your chick friends. Come on.

(Meredith, Norman and Mark are saying goodbye to Ms. Bitzer)

Meredith: Ms. Bitzer ,I just wanted to apologize one more time.

Ms. Bitzer: Oh, and I just wanted to say thank you, Dr. Grey. And, you, too, Dr. Shales. Bless you. Bye-bye.

Meredith: She's not going to sue?

Mark: Nope. Our lawyer talked her into settling. Seattle grace just bought that woman four bedrooms and three and a half baths in Reykjavik.

Meredith: I'm so sorry.

Mark: Well, don't tell me. Tell the chief. I'm writing you both up. It wasn't Norman's fault. He's my responsibility. I'm the resident. I'm the only one you should write up.

Mark: That's very noble of you, Dr. Grey. Stupid...but noble.

Meredith: Oh.

Norman: For the record, Dr. Grey, I don't think you're stupid at all. I find you... quite smart.

(Adele walks up to Richard)

Adele: What did you say to Camille?

Richard: Adele...

Adele: I've already lost one baby. And now I have to lose Camille?

Richard: I am not going to use Camille to try and make up for the fact that I never gave you children.

Adele: I never asked you to. I asked you to talk to her, to convince her to...

Richard: I can't do that... I can't do that, Adele. I can give her all the options in the world,

but I cannot make her do what I want her to do. I'm her doctor.

Adele: I thought being a doctor was about saving lives. After all these years of choosing your job over your family, the one time I ask you to do your job to save this family...

Richard: Adele, I'm sorry. I'm truly, truly sorry, but...

Adele: So am I, Richard.

(George walks up to Callie who is standing in the rain)

George: Callie...you can't...just forgive me. What I did to you...is unforgivable.

Callie: That's how it works. That's what "I forgive you" means.

George: No, see, I...I think it means you don't forgive me. I...you don't know how to talk to me right now. I mean, look, you don't...you can't even look at me. You're so angry that...I think the only way you can deal with me is to say you forgive me and...what, we pretend it didn't happen?

I...it happened. And you don't forgive me.

Callie: You're right. I don't.

(Meredith walks up to Derek who is about to get in the elevator)

Meredith: So I got Alex to cover for me.

Derek: Oh.

Meredith: So I can leave right after I round on my patients.

Derek: Yeah.

Meredith: 48 uninterrupted hours...

Derek: Yeah, yeah. Um...you know what? Maybe this is not a good weekend.

Meredith: What did Lexie say about me?

Derek: She didn't say anything. I did all the talking. Look, don't blame her.

Meredith: So what, you're friends with my sister now? I mean, you talk to the other Grey about me?

Derek: Mm-hmm. You know what I talked about with the other Grey? All the things this Grey won't let me say.

Meredith: You can say anything to me.

Derek: I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. I want to build us a house. I want to settle down and grow old with you. I want to die when I'm 110 years old in your arms. I don't want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime.

(Meredith takes a step back)

Derek: Mm-hmm. Do you see what happens? I say things like that, and you fight the urge to run in the opposite direction. It's okay. I understand. I didn't, but now I do. I do...you're just getting started. And I've been doing this for a long time. Deep down...you're still an intern. And you're not ready.

Meredith: I'm not ready right now. But things could stay the way they are... And I can get ready. I'll get ready.

Derek: Things can stay the way they are. We can still meet in the elevator or the on call room. And maybe you'll be ready. And I'll wait. I'll wait until you're ready.

Meredith: Okay, then.

Derek: Yeah, but what if...what if while I'm waiting I meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from you?

Meredith: What if you do?

Derek: I don't know.

(Derek enters the elevator, leaving Meredith standing there)

(Stanley is in his sons room, Lexie walks up to Cristina outside his room)

MVO: Forgive and forget. That's what they say.

Lexie: I just wanted to say, um, thank you for...saving my ass today in surgery.

Cristina: Well, that's my job, three. Now where are Adam's post-op labs?

MVO: It's good advice, but it's not very practical.

Lexie: I'll get them, Dr. Yang.

MVO: When someone hurts us...we want to hurt them back.

(Izzie is on her bed crying. There is a knock at her door)

Izzie: Come in.

(Alex tosses her a box of tissues)

Alex: Keep it down, will you?

MVO: When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled...old wounds never heal.

(Callie is sitting on the edge of the bed and turns off the light)

MVO: And the most we can hope for is that one day we'll be lucky enough to forget.

Kikavu ?

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Derniers commentaires

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labelette  (07.11.2020 à 13:01)

Oui, Lexie est l'interne de Cristina. C'est "trois". Cristina les appelle 1, 2, 3, 4 et 5 car elle n'a pas envie de retenir leurs prénoms. Dans cet épisode, Lexie a essayé de lui tenir tête en lui disant qu'elle s'appelle Lexie, mais elle a laissé tomber.

stephe  (07.11.2020 à 12:42)

ah oui je me souviens de ce moment entre Callie et Izzie !! 

ils ont déjà des internes? mais oui c'est vrai puisque Lexie est celle de Cristina je crois ! 

en effet, Richard a su écouter sa nièce... dur moment

Pour Lexie et Mark, je pense qu'ils en ont mais rien qui fait penser qu'un jour.... 
labelette  (06.11.2020 à 22:38)

Ah ah tout le monde pense qu'il va y avoir une baston entre Callie et Izzie ! Et Izzie qui s'échauffe... alors que Callie voulait seulement parler.

Cristina s'est bien fait remettre à sa place par Derek. Ce qu'elle peut être dure avec ses internes ! Et contrairement à Bailey, elle ne leur apprend pas grand chose.

Dur dur pour la nièce de Richard. Adele est un peu gonflée : si elle veut que Camille suive un traitement, c'est plus pour elle (qui a "besoin" que sa nièce vive que pour sa nièce, qui elle est fatiguée et a envie de partir. C'est dur mais parfois il faut savoir écouter les malades. Ce que Richard a fait, mais qui n'a pas plu à sa femme.

Derek a encore fait une belle déclaration à Meredith... mais combien de temps va-t-il l'attendre ? Et si effectivement il rencontre quelqu'un qu peut le donner ce qu'il attend alors que Meredith n'est pas prêtre à le faire ?

J'ai lu le dossier "Relations" sur Mark et Lexie il y a pas mal de temps déjà et je crois me souvenir qu'en saison 4, il ne se passait rien. Je ne sais même pas s'ils vont avoir des scènes ensemble (pour l'instant, il n'y en a pas eu une seule), je suis un peu verte ! Même si c'est bien que pour une fois, tout ne se passe pas "trop" vite.


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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !