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#402 : Tous accros

Les résidents et les internes tentent de soigner des victimes d'un immeuble qui a explosé. Alex essaye de trouver la cause de l'explosion et il semblerait que les responsables soient un couple de trafiquants de drogue. La mère de Burke est de retour à l'hôpital juste au moment où Cristina veut échanger ses cadeaux de mariage contre des opérations. Lexie aimerait avoir une discussion à coeur ouvert avec sa demi-soeur mais Meredith n'est pas vraiment disposée à cette idée. Callie est submergée par ses responsabilités de résidente en chef et Bailey cherche des solutions à ses problèmes. De leur côté, Meredith et Dereck ont rompu mais ont trouvé un arrangement assez particulier alors que George a fait son choix entre Izzie, sa meilleure amie, et Callie, sa femme.


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Tous accros

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Grey's Anatomy 4x02 George/Izzie You Can't Tell Her

Grey's Anatomy 4x02 George/Izzie You Can't Tell Her


Grey's Anatomy 4x02 Alex Is Awesome

Grey's Anatomy 4x02 Alex Is Awesome


Photos promo

Meredith qui parle à la mère de Burke

Meredith qui parle à la mère de Burke

George O'Malley

George O'Malley

Les internes avec Bailey

Les internes avec Bailey

Les médecins

Les médecins

Meredith et Izzie qui parlent à Cristina

Meredith et Izzie qui parlent à Cristina

Mark Sloan (Eric Dane)

Mark Sloan (Eric Dane)

La mère de Burke qui cherche Cristina

La mère de Burke qui cherche Cristina

La mère de Burke qui arrive à l'hôpital

La mère de Burke qui arrive à l'hôpital

Un interne

Un interne

Les nouveaux internes

Les nouveaux internes

La mère de Burke

La mère de Burke

George O'Malley

George O'Malley

La mère de Burke

La mère de Burke

Meredith Grey

Meredith Grey

Mark qui soigne un patient

Mark qui soigne un patient

Callie et Mark avec un patient

Callie et Mark avec un patient

Mark avec un patient

Mark avec un patient

Izzie Stevens

Izzie Stevens

Mark Sloan

Mark Sloan

Izzie Stevens et un patient

Izzie Stevens et un patient

George qui parle à la mère de Burke

George qui parle à la mère de Burke

George et la mère de Burke

George et la mère de Burke

Un patient

Un patient

La mère de Burke

La mère de Burke

Izzie, Callie et Mark

Izzie, Callie et Mark

Plus de détails

Scénario : Shonda Rhimes et Debora Cahn - Réalisation : James Frawley

A l'hôpital, nous côtoyons la dépendance chaque jour. Le nombre de dépendances existantes est choquant. Ce serait trop facile si ce n'était que la drogue, l'alcool et les cigarettes. Je pense que la partie la plus difficile quand on se débarrasse d'une manie, c'est de vouloir s'en débarrasser. C'est-à-dire que nous sommes tous accros pour une raison, n'est-ce pas ? Souvent..Trop souvent...Les choses qui débutent come une banalité dans votre vie à un certain point, passent la ligne de l'obsession...deviennent compulsives, hors de contrôle. C'est l'euphorie que nous pourchassons. L'euphorie qui fait tout disparaître.

Georges est avec Izzie, il est tout excité par ce qu'il vient de lui avouer. Il a l'impression de s'être enfin réveillé. Meredith est avec Derek dans son lit et ils plaisantent en pensant que c'est la meilleure rupture de leur vie et qu'ils auraient du rompre depuis longtemps. Derek veut passer la nuit à la maison mais Meredith le met à la porte, il commence à se moquer de ses blocages émotionnels et tous deux se mettent d'accord pour que leur relation soit basée sur le sexe et les moqueries. Retour au salon où Georges finit par comprendre qu'il n'aurait jamais du se marier.

Cristina  est toute seule dans son salon au milieu des cadeaux puis commence à les ouvrir frénétiquement.

Georges dit à Izzie qu'il pensait qu'il avait raison mais ce n'est pas le cas. Izzie se penche pour l'embrasser mais il se dégage et lui dit qu'il doit avant le dire à Calie et sort puis revient sur ses pas content de a sortie qu'il a faite, ce qui rend Izzie fière de lui. Izzie se replace dans le canapé heureuse de savoir qu'il l'aime aussi.

A l'hôpital, Richard regarde le tableau des opérations et explique à Derek qu'il ne l'a pas fait car il délègue pour se retrouver avec sa femme. Derek croit qu'ils se reparlent mais Richard lui explique que ce n'est pas encore le cas. Il veut modifier le tableau et Derek le traite de drogué.

Marc demande à Derek ce qu'à le chef et il lui répond que c'est un drogué. Marc lui rétorque que c'est plutôt lui qui a en l'air. Il comprend qu'il s'est remis avec Meredith et lui dit qu'il est dépendant d'elle. Derek lui rappelle que c'est lui qui couche avec les infirmières, donc c'est lui qui a un problème mais Marc lui dit que ce n'en est pas un, que c'est l'aventure. 

Cristina a ramené ses cadeaux de mariage et veut les échanger contre des opérations quand Meredith arrive et lui fait remarquer qu'elle doit les renvoyer mais elle refuse prétextant les utiliser pour un but professionnel. Marc et Izzie, qui tient déjà fermement un autre robot,  sont intéressés par un robot. Marc l'obtient en laissant Cristina assister avec lui sur une opération. Izzie la supplie de lui laisser l'autre robot mais Cristina est contre car Izzie n'a rien à proposer. Elles sont interrompues par Bailey qui fait comprendre à Cristina qu'il faut  tout ranger avant que le biper de cette dernière ne signale un carnage aux urgences. Elle s'y dirige alors en compagnie de ses internes.

Georges vient retrouver Calie, elle s'excuse de ne pas être rentrée la veille. Il lui dit qu'il faut qu'ils parlent. Richard arrive et on lui dit qu'il y a eu une explosion et qu'on ramène cinq blessés. Cristina pense que c'est excellent avant de dire que c'est horrible quand Richard et Calie se tournent vers elle. 

Les ambulanciers arrivent avec les blessés. Cristina s'occupe du cas de la femme avec le chef et envoie deux de ses internes à la clinique. Le mari arrive avec le bébé. Calie désigne Alex pour s'en occuper.

Marc et Calie s'occupent du troisième blesse qui s'avère être le voisin du couple. Il leur explique tout ce qui s'est passé.

Derek questionne le père du bébé, qui n'arrête pas de pleurer, ce qui s'est passé. Celui-là lui répond de manière évasive. Derek s'en va rejoindre le chef et laisse Alex s'occuper du bébé.

Meredith et Georges s'occupent du quatrième blessé avec Bailey. Ils comprennent qu'il doit avoir une hémorragie interne.

Bailey demande à Calie d'affecter un résident à la clinique mais elle refuse en lui disant de prendre tous les internes qu'elle veut mais pas de résidents.  Elle s'en va laissant Bailey interloquée.

A l'accueil, l'infirmier réussit à avoir l'appareil à gaufre qu'il voulait en prévenant à temps Cristina de la présence de Mama Beurk à qui il ment en lui disant qu'elle n'est pas là.

Meredith vient voir Cristina qui l'a bipée. Elle lui dit que Mama est là. Izzie les rejoint et elle leur dit qu'elle va tuer Calie et lui demande si elle a vu Georges. Cristina demande à Meredith d'aller voir Mama mais elle refuse. Izzie veut bien le faire à condition d'avoir le mixer. Le chef appelle Cristina et avant de suivre le chef, elle dit à Meredith de se débarrasser de Mama.

Le bébé ne veut pas se calmer alors Alex le prend dans ses bras et il remarque que son odeur est étrange. Il demande alors à une des ses internes de faire subir au bébé des tests toxiques.

Bailey fait la visite de la clinique aux internes et leur explique tout ce qu'ils doivent faire. Elle leur rappelle fermement qu'ils ne peuvent rien faire son l'accord d'un de leur supérieurs.

Meredith vient voit Mama qui la réprimande très vite à propos du fait qu'elle ait profité de la situation pour rompre avec Derek. Gênée, Meredith fait ses excuses et part à toute vitesse. Mama lui dit que quand elle ira voir Cristina, qu'elle lui demande de venir la voir.

Izzie est dans la salle d'examen avec Marc et Calie et elle n'arrête pas d'être maladroite. Le patient leur explique qu'il est très proche de ses voisins surtout du petit. Ils parlent avec Marc  et Calie de la solitude et  cette dernière leur dit qu'elle est heureuse en mariage.

Izzie demande à Georges de ne rien dire à Calie car il ne le peut pas. Elle lui explique qu'elle est maintenant sa patronne et qu'ils doivent attendre avant de tout lui dire.

Meredith vient voir Bailey et lui parle de leur patient mais Bailey lui demande d'aller travailler à la clinique à laquelle elle tient beaucoup. Elle lui explique qu'elle a peur que les internes la saccage  et lui rappelle en passant qu'elle lui a sauvé la vie. Meredith est donc alors obligée d'y aller.  En y entrant, elle est embêtée de voir Lexie toute heureuses qui  vient à sa rencontre.

Georges fait passer le scanner à son patient quand celui-là panique et ne comprend pas comment il est arrivé là alors qu'il passait juste voir des amis.

L'interne vient voir Alex et lui montre les résultats du labo.  Alex s'en va et demande à l'interne de rester avec le bébé et son père.

Au bloc, Richard questionne Cristina sur la présence de Mama, elle lui dit qu'elle ne sait rien.

Georges est toujours avec son patient, il n'arrête pas de parler quand  il se rend compte que ce dernier est inconscient.

Alex vient voir le chef qui est toujours dans le bloc pour le prévenir que le bébé est accro aux métamphétamines et qu'en réalité la maison où il y au l'explosion était un labo de drogue.

On revient à Georges qui tente de ranimer son patient qui reprend finalement conscience.

Le chef demande à Alex  de dire à Calie d'enclencher le protocole d'exposition les enfants drogués. Derek lui demande s'il est sur de vouloir laisser Calie s'occuper de ça et il lui répond qu'il essaie de récupérer sa femme alors il délègue.

Alex en parle à Calie qui lui demande d'appeler la police et les services sociaux, il veut savoir ce qu'il faut faire pour le père et elle lui répond de laisser la police s'en charger.

Marc vient dans la pièce et demande au voisin s'il se drogue. Il lui répond que non et Marc lui apprend alors la véritable activité de ses voisins mais le patient n'arrive pas à le croire.

Miranda  et Calie veulent savoir ce qui s'est passé avec le patient de Georges et il leur explique ce qui s'est passé. Calie leur apprend qu'il doit être un toxicomane. Georges est ravi de l'avoir ranimé et Calie est étonnée d'apprendre que Meredith n'était pas avec lui et il lui apprend qu'elle est à la clinique. Elle se tourne alors vers Bailey qui lui dit qu'elle ne voulait pas d'internes dans sa clinique. Georges est confus et Bailey lui dit qu'il y des choses qui ne doivent pas être révélées.

Meredith ausculte une patiente qui est mal à l'aise car elle croit que Lexie la fixe mais elle lui dit que c'est elle qui la fixe. Cristina vient la voir pour savoir comment ça s'est passé avec Mama. Meredith lui raconte comment ça s'est passé et lui demande d'aller la voir. Cristina décide de rester à la clinique et fait remarquer à Meredith que Lexie n'arête pas de la fixer. Pour  se débarrasser d'elle, Cristina décide de l'envoyer lui chercher du café.

Georges reconnaît  Mama et vient lui parler. Il se présente et demande de ses nouvelles. Elle lui dit qu'elle ne le sait pas vraiment et ne sait pas quoi lui dire. Georges lui dit de lui dire qu'il n'a pas fait d'erreur. Elle s'étonne de savoir qu'il est marié par obligation et lui dit que ce n'est ni une façon de vivre ni une façon d'aimer.

Meredith vient voir Derek qui l'a bipée, elle lui propose d'aller en salle de garde mais il préfère qu'ils aillent à la cafétéria mais elle ne le veut pas et lui donne rendez-vous le soir dans le hall.

Alex est avec le bébé qui ne cesse de pleurer et il finit par exploser et crier sur le père. Ce dernier assomme Alex et prend son bébé.

Le chef vient réprimander Calie pour la manière dont elle a traité l'affaire. Izzie tente de la réconforter et Calie comprend que quelque chose cloche, elle lui demande de quitter son bloc.

Meredith soigne Alex qui dernier veut savoir pourquoi Cristina tourne autour d'eux et elle lui dit que c'est à cause de Mama, surtout qu'elle ne sait pas pourquoi elle est là. Lexie passe et Alex la regarde ce qui agace Meredith d'autant qu'il lui dit que sa sœur est canon. Elle lui rappelle qu'elle est fille unique.

Derek vient à la rencontre de Mama et lui dit que son fils ne répond même pas à ses coups de fil. Elle veut savoir si Cristina l'aimer vraiment et il lui répond qu'elle faisait de son mieux. Mama pense que ce n'est pas assez et pense que ça n'aurait pas suffi à Derek aussi, elle lui demande si lui aussi a mis fin à sa relation. Derek lui répond que Burke est plus fort que lui. Elle comprend donc qu'il ne l'a pas fait et lui dit que les hommes honorables savent quand ils doivent mériter plus.

Georges est dans la chambre de son patient et lui explique son état.

Calie cherche partout le bébé et Marc veut savoir comment elle va et elle lui dit qu'elle ne va pas bien ca à quoi Marc répond par l'affirmative. Elle lui avoue qu'elle pense que Georges la trompe. Il lui dit qu'elle doit lui en parler.

Lexie vient parler à Meredith qui la rembarre méchamment avant de lui présenter ses excuses en lui disant que c'est à cause d'elle qu'elle est comme ça car d'habitude, elle n'est pas aussi méchante avec les autres. Elle l'est juste avec elle car elle ne veut pas la connaître.

Derek vérifie l'état de sa patiente quand il entend des bruits venant de a salle de bain. Il ouvre la porte et tombe sur son mari qui tient leur bébé inconscient dans ses bras. Derek réussit à le lui prendre.

Pendant qu'il est en train de l'opérer, Alex et Bailey regarde de la galerie. Alex la laisse le réprimander car il l'a bien mérité et quand elle a fini, Bailey le remercie.

Lexie revient voir Meredith et lui dit qu'elles ont le même père mais Meredith lui répond que non car son père l'a laissée alors qu'elle n'avait que  cinq ans et qu'elle ne l'a jamais revu et lui demande si c'est ce même père qu'elle a. Lexie baisse la tête. Meredith lui dit qu'elle  ne veut pas la connaître.

Le patient de Georges commence à ressentir le manque. Il lui raconte comment il est tombé dans la dépendance avant de faire soudainement un arrêt.

Cristina vient finalement voir Mama qui lui explique qu'elle est venue chercher les clefs de l'appartement pour récupérer les affaires de son fils. Elle lui dit qu'elle est désolée qu'elle ait perdu l'homme qu'elle aimé mais surtout son professeur. Mama lui dit que c'est une femme forte et qu'elle aurait aimé être comme elle. Cristina lui demande de prendre les cadeaux aussi. Avant qu'elle ne parte, Cristina lui dit qu'il ne reviendra même pas pour dire au revoir et Mama lui rappelle que c'est une femme forte.

L'équipe emmène le corps du patient de Georges sous les yeux d'Izzie qui vient le rejoindre. il lui dit qu'il va tout dire à sa femme.

Calie  vient voir le chef qui lui dit qu'il a énormément de paperasse à remplir à cause de la disparition du bébé. Elle lui propose de l'aider mais il pense qu'elle en a fait déjà assez pour la journée.

La patient se réveille et veut savoir ce qui c'est passé. Cristina lui répond. Elle demande des nouvelles de son mari et de son fils et Cristina lui explique tout. Elle commence à respirer difficilement et Cristina la calme et lui dit que ça va passer.

Lexie est assise toute seule dans le noir dans les vestiaires et commence à pleurer

Marc vient voir Derek qui lui avoue qu'il a un problème. Il ne veut pas en parler, mais il reconnaît  qu'il en a un.  Il lui dit que c'est sa seule famille et qu'ils sont en fait des dealers. Izzie le rassure en lui rappelant que même si les gens font des choses horribles, ça ne veut pas dire qu'ils le sont.

Le patient d'Izzie veut savoir ce qui va se passer pour le bébé et elle lui répond que sa grand-mère va s'en occuper.

Georges rejoint sa femme devant l'ascenseur. Il veut parler mais elle ne veut rien entendre du moins pas ce soir et lui demande de faire ça pour elle, sa femme. Ils s'en vont ensemble.

Marc vient voir Meredith dans le hall et lui ment que Derek a été retenu. Ce dernier les regarde d'en haut. Il lui propose de se rendre chez Joe avec lui mais elle préfère rentrer chez elle. Elle est sur le point de partir quand Derek l'appelle et la rejoint.

Cristina rentre chez elle et trouve l'appartement vidé de tous les cadeaux qu'il y avait. Elle s'assoit dans un fauteuil les larmes aux yeux.

 Le truc avec la dépendance, c'est que ça ne finit jamais bien. Parce qu'en fin de compte ce qui nous faisait planer ne nous plus de bien et commence à nous faire mal. Il est dit qu'on ne lâche pas sa dépendance tant qu'on n'a pas touché le fond. Mais comment sait-on qu'on y est ? Parce que peu importe combien quelque chose nous blesse...Parfois, l'abandonner fait encore plus mal.



(Seattle scenes)

MVO: In the hospital, we see addiction every day.

(George is at Meredith's house talking with Izzie)

George: I...I feel this, uh, this...this, uh, this exhilaration. It's like I...it's like I finally figured it out. You know what it's like? It's like when...it's like I was sleeping, and I...it's like I woke up. And it's just...it's just amazing.

MVO: It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist.

(Derek and Meredith are in bed and just finished having sex)

Meredith: This is the best breakup ever.

Derek: I don't know why we didn't break up a long time ago.

Meredith: What are you doing?

Derek: Sleeping.

Meredith: No. No sleepovers.

Derek: Please. It's 3:00 in the morning. I gotta work tomorrow.

Meredith: We agreed. No sleepovers. Broken up people don't sleep over. Sex only. It's the only part of the relationship that works.

Derek: I know. Why screw it up with everything else, right? Dinner, conversations.

Meredith: You're mocking my severe emotional limitations.

Derek: You know, I could live without conversation. I could live without meals or sleepovers. Well, we shouldn't have sleepovers because you snore. But mockery? Mockery, unh-unh.

Meredith: Okay, sex and mockery it is.

MVO: It would be too easy if it was just drugs and booze and cigarettes.

(George and Izzie)

George: She said she loved me, and...And, you know, my dad, he...oh, god, he loved her. And...and, you know, when he died then he...I...I shouldn't have gotten married.

(Cristina is sitting in her empty apartment with all of the wedding presents)

MVO: I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted

for a reason, right?

(Cristina frantically tears open the presents)

(George and Izzie)

George: I thought it was right, but it wasn't. It's not.

Izzie: It's not.

George: No.

MVO: Often...too often...things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive... compulsive... out of control.

George: I...I gotta tell her. I have to tell her that the marriage is over. It's the right thing to do.

(George leaves then reenters)

George: Did you see how I walked out of here all determined?

Izzie: It made me proud.

MVO: It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else...fade away.

(George leaves again)

Izzie: He loves me, too.

(Derek and Richard are at the OR board)

Richard: What do you think of the board?

Derek: Good. It looks good.

Richard: Oh, I didn't do it. I'm delegating. I am being a delegator. I'm doing it all different, making time for my wife.

Derek: Oh, yeah? She talking to you yet?

Richard: She will when she sees I'm a delegator. I...I should move that surgery up there.

Derek: Junkie.

Richard: Yeah. Right, right. It's good. It's fine. Okay. I'm delegating. See? Being a delegator.

(Richard walks away and Mark walks up)

Mark: What's wrong with the chief?

Derek: He's a junkie.

Mark: Him? You're the one who looks all strung out.

Derek: I'm just tired.

Mark: Let me guess. You and Meredith are back together, and you've been up all night doing the horizontal salsa.

Derek: Mambo. Horizontal mambo. And Meredith and I, we're just friends.

Mark: Sexy friends?

Derek: You're like the worst, most juvenile human being I've ever met in my life.

Mark: You know the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem?

Derek: How many nurses have you slept with this week?

Mark: That's not a problem, man. That's an adventure.

(Cristina is at the nurse's station surrounded by appliances)

Tyler: It is beautiful.

Izzie: I know. It's a Belgian flip round pro.

Tyler: What do you want for it?

Cristina: What do you got?

Tyler: Next time I get a projectile vomiter, I could lose your pager number.

Cristina: You gotta do better than that. Surgeries, baby. Preferably cardio.

(Meredith walks up)

Meredith: Are these all, wedding gifts?

Izzie: Yes. She's giving them away.

Cristina: I'm not giving you the Mixmaster.

Meredith: I think the tradition is you're supposed to return them.

Cristina: Well, Burke registered for this crap. Now I'm the one stuck dealing with it. So I'm using it for professional gain.

(Mark walks up)

Mark: You sure you're ready to part with this?

Izzie: She's not. I want it.

Cristina: I am if I can help on the rhomboid flap in your next Mohs defect repair.

Mark: Come to daddy.

Alex: You steal this stuff?

Izzie: Make her give me something.

Alex: Give her something.

Izzie: Give me the Mixmaster.

Cristina: Face it. You have nothing I want.

(Bailey walks up)

Bailey: Would you look at the residents? Big, snazzy residents, standing around playing with house wares.

Cristina: Turn a blind eye and the soup tureen's yours. Four! Take this mix...hey! Take the Mixmaster and all this crap and put it in my locker. Carnage in the pit. My day's improving. Follow.

Lexie: Uh, we're not gonna round?

Cristina: Carnage trumps rounds, three. Write that down. Carnage always trumps rounds.

(George walks up to Callie in the hall)

George: Callie.

Callie: Oh, hey. I know, I know. I never made it home last night. But I got swamped with paperwork

and fell asleep in an on call room.

George: I need to talk to you when you have time.

Callie: I have no time. I'm out of time. This chief resident thing is kicking my ass.

George: Later, then. Tonight, when we're alone?

Callie: Is it serious?

(Richard enters)

Richard: What do we got?

Callie: A gas main blew in an apartment building. Five injured, some badly.

Cristina: Excellent. Horrible. It's horribly sad.

(Ambulance bay)

Ambulance Driver: Marla Kristler, 34-year-old female, abdomen blown out, skull fracture, third-degree burns over at least 40% of her body.

Richard: Okay, I got this. Open OR two. Page Dr. Shepherd. Torres, triage the rest.

Callie: Yes, sir. Yang, you're with the chief. Go.

Cristina: Oh, thank you. Uh, one, four, come with me.

Lexie: What about us?

Cristina: Uh... go help Bailey in the clinic.

(Another ambulance pulls up Dave Kristler and his son get out)

Dave: my wife...she came in...in another ambulance. Is she here? Where...where'd they take her?

Callie: Yeah, yeah. She'll be going straight to surgery. Sir, are you injured?

Dave: No. My son!

Ambulance Driver: 18 months old, contusions, possible head injury. BP and pulse are elevated.

Callie: Karev!

Alex: I'm supposed to be on plastics.

Izzie: I'll take it.

Callie: I called Karev. You're with the Kristlers.

Izzie: What about me?

Callie: Oh, you up late last night? You look a little tired. Perhaps you should sit this one out.

Izzie: I'm fine. Not up late. Went to bed early.

(Another trauma room)

Mark: Hello, Mister...

Archie: Roche. Archie Roche.

Callie: Age 60,second and third-degree burns over chest and upper abdomen, facial contusions and possible shoulder fracture.

Archie: One minute I'm reading the sports section, the next I'm flat on my back looking up at a hole in the ceiling right into Dave and Marla's apartment.

Mark: These burns should be debrided while he gets worked up.

Callie: All right. We'll do a trauma series and shoulder films. Stevens.

Izzie: Got it. Where's your pain?

Archie: Just promise me you'll take care of Marla and the baby, okay?

Mark: Are they your family, sir?

Archie: They might as well be.

(Derek is examining the Kristler baby)

Derek: How close to the explosion was he?

Dave: Oh, we were, uh, we were in the living room, his mom was in the kitchen.

Derek: The gas line blew?

Dave: I...I think it was the stove.

Derek: All right, we're gonna run some tests on your baby. Karev, I'm going into surgery with the chief. Keep me posted.

(George, Meredith and Bailey are in another trauma room with Clark)

Clark: Marla and David are friends. I was just leaving when the...when the kitchen blew up. The blast knocked me into a wall.

Meredith: Have you seen this?

Clark: Grim. You guys look grim.

Bailey: Uh, Clark, we need to get a CT to check for internal bleeding.

Clark: Internal bleeding? I was on my way to work.

(Bailey is in the ER hallway)

Bailey: Um, hey, I need a resident to help me out in the clinic to oversee the new interns while I'm working on this patient.

Callie: No, I'm sorry. I can't help.

Bailey: You can't help?

Callie: The clinic is voluntary, Bailey. I'm not gonna force any residents to go in there with this much going on in the pit, but you can have as many interns as you need, okay?

(Cristina is at the nurse's station)

Cristina: And tell Dr. Kent he's gotta find himself another OR, the chief's taking his.

Tyler: I want the waffle maker.

Cristina: Haven't we already covered this?

Tyler: Yeah, but now I got something you want.

Cristina: Oh, yeah? What?

(Mama Jane Burke enters and Cristina ducks behind the desk)

Jane: Hello I'm Jane Burke.

Tyler: Dr. Burke's mother. How nice to see you.

Jane: Uh, I'm looking for Dr. Cristina Yang.

Tyler: Yang, Yang? Let me see. Dr. Yang...I'll page her, but I think she's in surgery.

Jane: I'll wait.

Tyler: Waffle maker?

Cristina: Fine.

(Meredith enters)

Meredith: What's the 9-1-1?

Jane: Mama is here.

(Izzie enters)

Izzie: I'm working with Callie. Callie. Gotta find George.

Meredith: Your mother? What?

Cristina: Mama. Mama is here.

Izzie: Seen George, Mer? He's your intern.

Meredith: Oh, Burke's mother.

Cristina: Yeah, make the synapses fire a little more quickly, Meredith.

Meredith: You know, I was just with a patient. I'd be very happy to go back there.

Cristina: No, no, no. You have to help me.

Izzie: I'll help for the Mixmaster and George's current location.

(Richard walks past on his way to the OR)

Richard: Dr. Yang, you scrubbing in?

Cristina: Yes, sir. Absolutely.

Cristina: Just get rid of her, okay? Politely.

(Cristina leaves and Izzie just stares at Meredith)

Meredith: What?

Izzie: George!

(Dave is in the trauma room with his son who is still screaming loudly)

Dave: Come on, B. It's okay. Brian, stop crying, baby. I can't...I can't think, baby. I'm...why won't

he stop crying?

Alex: Hey there, Brian. Whoa, you're a big boy. Do you work out, huh? You take care... take care of yourself.

Female Intern: Dr. Karev. CT Results. Should I page Shepherd?

Alex: No, he's in surgery. Let me take a look.

Dave: What do you see?

Alex: Uh, there's nothing acute.

Dave: Acute? Nothing?

Alex: Yeah, I'm gonna...I need to run a couple more tests, okay?

(He whispers to the Intern)

Alex: Schedule an MRI.

Female Intern: Why?

Alex: Because I said so, Nancy Drew. Just do it.

(Bailey is walking Lexie and another intern through the clinic)

Bailey: Rooms one and seven are private and should be used for private conversations with patients, not for closed-door socializing. All carts are setup the same. Memorize where everything is.

Male Intern: Will we be able to do procedures on our own?

Bailey: No. You are interns. All procedures will be discussed and overseen by an upper level. All charts will be signed out by an upper level. And all patients will be looked at by someone other than you!

Lexie: And what if...ooh! I'm sorry. Uh, I, uh, sorry. What if we can't find anyone?

(Meredith enters the waiting room where Jane Burke is)

Meredith: Mrs. Burke. What a surprise to see you here. Are you visiting someone?

Jane: You're the maid of honor. Miss Grey.

Meredith: That's me.

Jane: When you stood up in front of Preston's friends and loved ones and you said, "It's over. It's over. It's so over" were you trying to smash the hopes of the best man, or were you just trying to be funny?

Meredith: I...

Jane: Because making light of that situation would be inappropriate. And to use that moment to send a message to your boyfriend... well, that's... selfish. So were you being inappropriate, or were you being selfish?

Meredith: I, uh... am, uh...I apologize for that, Mrs. Mama, ma'am. I'm just gonna go. Okay.

Jane: Miss Grey?

Meredith: Yes, ma'am.

Jane: When you report back to Cristina, would you tell her, please, that I am waiting for her and that I will continue to wait for her?

Meredith: Yes, ma'am.

(Izzie, Callie and Archie are in his trauma room. Izzie knocks over some instruments)

Izzie: Sorry. Sorry.

Archie: Any news on Marla? My neighbor. I promise, as soon as I hear something, I'll, uh, give you an update.

(Izzie knocks over some more instruments)

Izzie: Crap. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.

Callie: 3-part proximal humerus fracture. He's gonna need a percutaneous reduction and internal fixation.

Archie: That boy of theirs...Brian...gorgeous. Sometimes they're not...kids. Sometimes they're ugly. You have any kids, doctor?

Mark: Not that I know of.

Archie: Not married either, are you?

Mark: I'm afraid I haven't found anybody who will put up with me.

Archie: Well, get on the stick. Don't do like I did. Don't be a bachelor your whole life. You can only play the field for so long. Then suddenly one day, your whole life passes you by, and those parts aren't working like they used to.

Mark: They have medicine for that now.

Archie: They don't have medicine for that "all alone" part, now do they?

Mark: No, I suppose not.

Archie: You got some pretty ones right here.

Callie: Oh, I'm off the market, Mr. Roche. I...I'm very happily married.

(Izzie knocks over even more instruments)

Izzie: I'm really sorry. Sorry.

(Izzie is in the hall with George)

Izzie: You can't tell her.

George: What? We decided. I'm supposed to tell her. I have to tell her tonight.

Izzie: No, I know. You can't. You just...you can't, okay? I'm working with her. She's my boss.

George: Damn it!

Izzie: Maybe it'll just work itself out if we wait. You'll grow apart.

George: Izzie...she's been working long hours.

Izzie: Maybe she's avoiding you. Maybe she's having an affair.

George: Izzie...

Izzie: Don't tell her.

George: How long would you suggest I wait until I tell her about us?

Izzie: I don't know. At least until she's not in such a bad mood.

George: A week? A month?

Izzie: I'm sorry.

George: But...well, then, you know, we can't, uh...

Izzie: I know.

George: Then you better walk away.

Izzie: I better walk away. Yeah, I really better walk away.

(Bailey passes Meredith in the hall)

Meredith: So George has Clark in line for his CT.

Bailey: Grey.

Meredith: Yes

Bailey: Grey.

Meredith: Yes.

Bailey: Okay, I need you to work in the clinic, Grey.

Meredith: Well...

Bailey: No, no. Before you open your mouth and tell me all the reasons why you can't, just...just let me say this...I need this, because I have idiots...you understand me, Grey? Idiot interns are down there in my clinic, a clinic dripping with my blood, sweat and tears, Grey, and I am not convinced...not at all convinced...that they will not burn it down with their ineptitude. Look, no, I'm not telling, 'cause I...I understand I do not have the authority to tell. So I'm asking...nicely. Okay, I'm just saying, if I ever did anything for you, like, I don't know, save your life...if you ever felt you owed me a debt of thanks, now is when I'd like to collect. Please.

(Meredith enters the clinic and suddenly sees Lexie)

Meredith: Oh, no.

Lexie: Hey, are you working down here today?

Meredith: Uh, I don't, um, know.

Lexie: Great. Well, we have no idea what we're doing. Plus, I was really hoping we'd get a chance to speak. So...yay.

Meredith: Yay.

(George is giving Clark a cat scan)

Clark: I can't believe this. This is surreal.

George: You claustrophobic?

Clark: No, I'm not claustrophobic. It's just, I was on my way to work, you know? I was on my way to work and I stopped at a friend's house, and the next thing you know, I'm in a cat scan machine. It's like...how did this happen?

(Female Intern enters the room where Alex is with Dave and Brian)

Female Intern: Dr. Karev.

Alex: Lab work?

Female Intern: It's crazy, isn't it?

Alex: Stay here. Stay in this room and do not leave. Do not leave that man alone with that child.

Richard: Dr. Yang, was that Dr. Burke's mother I saw in the waiting room earlier?

Derek: Mrs. Burke is here?

Cristina: I don't think...I wouldn't know, sir.

Richard: Okay. How are we doing up there, Shepherd?

Derek: Good. She looks good from my end.

Richard: That's the best part about the job, don't you think? Giving good people second chances.

(George is talking with Clark)

George: Believe me, I know. I get it. But, you know, it's life. It happens. You know, you're going down one path, and all of a sudden, then you realize, like, oh, no, no, no, this is the...this is the wrong path. This is...no, this isn't the path for me. And...and it's...and it's good because you learn and you realize that you can handle it. And you can. You can handle this. You...Clark. Clark! Clark...code blue. We need a crash cart in here.

(Alex enters Martha's OR)

Alex: Chief. The 1 year old...Brian Kristler? He's strung out on meth.

Richard: What?

Alex: Yeah, it was a meth lab that blew up. This woman and her husband are running a meth lab.

Richard: Oh.

(George is trying to revive Clark)

George: Clear.

(Clark suddenly breathes)

(Martha's OR)

Derek: Ah yes. The joys of surgeondom. Saving the lives for those who deserve it the most.

Richard: Tell Dr. Torres to follow exposure protocol for children. Tell her I am counting on her to take care of this.

Alex: Got it

Derek: Sure you don't want page somebody to take over so you can go handle that?

Richard: I'm trying to get back with my wife, Derek. In order to get back with my wife, I have to learn how to...

Derek: Delegate.

Richard: Dr. Torres can handle this.

(Callie and Alex are walking in the hall)

Callie: They were shooting him up with...

Alex: No, they weren't shooting him up. When you cook meth, the fumes, they coat the walls, the floors. The baby walks around, crawls around, puts it's hands in its mouth, it gets in his bloodstream.

Callie: God. Okay, um, call the police and social services. I'll spread the word.

Alex: Wait, what about the dad? He's still in therewith the kid. You call the police and social services. You let them take care of the dad. You take care of the baby.

(Callie walks up to Mark as Alex walks off)

Callie: Sloan. We got a situation.

(Izzie is debrieding Archie's burns)

Archie: You're doing a fine job. You were acting awfully odd before, had me a little nervous, but...

(Mark enters)

Mark: Mr. Roche, I'm gonna ask you a question. I don't want you to be offended by it, but the answer could affect your surgery.

Archie: Fine. Fire away.

Mark: Are you a crystal meth user?

Izzie: You're kidding, right? He's, like, 60.

Mark: No judgment, sir. All I need's a yes or no answer.

Archie: Crystal what?

Izzie: It's a drug, sir. Um, it's addictive and very dangerous.

Archie: Well, unless you put it in my blood pressure medicine, I never touched the stuff.

Izzie: What's going on?

Mark: The Kristlers had a meth lab in their apartment. It's what caused the explosion.

Archie: Marla and Dave had a drug lab in their apartment?

Archie: No. Impossible. Absolutely not. I've known those two for five...five years. We go on picnics, to ball games. I babysit for them. I babysit for drug dealers?

(George is walking through the hall with Clark when Bailey and Callie walk up)

Bailey: O'Malley! What happened?

George: He coded.

Callie: He coded?

George: Coded, out of nowhere. Heart stopped. Coded.

Callie: Probably a drug addict.

George: What?

Callie: That's what I came here to tell you. That fire that he was in, it was a meth lab explosion. He could have cardiomyopathy from meth use. That would explain it.

George: Oh... it's a miracle I got him back.

Callie: Wait, you ran the code yourself? Where's Grey?

George: She's covering in the clinic.

Callie: What the hell is she doing in the clinic? I thought I told you to take interns.

Bailey: I didn't want interns.

(Callie storms off)

George: Sorry about that.

Bailey: Some things, O'Malley, some things just don't need to be told.

(Meredith is examining a woman in the clinic)

Meredith: How about here? Does it hurt here?

Patient: Weird.

Meredith: It feels weird?

Patient: No. That lady is staring at me... or my fat.

Meredith: Oh, don't worry. She's staring at me. I'll be right back, okay?

(Cristina enters the clinic)

Cristina: Well?

Meredith: How'd surgery go on the mom?

Cristina: Yeah, she'll live. Whatever.

Meredith: Oh, I tried. I tried. Mama is not budging, and she is very scary.

Cristina: Yeah, obviously. What does she want? Did Burke send her?

Meredith: I don't know. I mean, you have to go. You have to go deal with mama. Just go get it over with and then when you're done, come back and tell me all about it because I could really use a pick-me-up.

Cristina: Okay, mama showdown is not for your enjoyment. Besides, my patient is stable and until

I'm paged, I'm gonna stay right here.

(They look back and Lexie is still staring)

Cristina: She keeps staring at us.

Meredith: I know.

Cristina: Make her stop.

Meredith: You make her stop.

Cristina: You're her sister.

Meredith: I'm an only child. You're her resident.

Cristina: If you have time to stare, you have time to get me coffee, so move, move, move. Two, stay.

Meredith: Now see? If you could just do that with mama...

(George walks past the waiting room where Jane Burke is)

George: Mrs. Burke!

Jane: I don't think I know you.

George: I'm George O'Malley. I'm a friend of Burke's. I was Burke's guy.

Jane: Hi, George O'Malley...Burke's friend, Burke's guy. Please sit.

George: I guess I have a minute. You know one time he let me live on his sofa when I had no place else to stay? How is he? Is he...okay?

Jane: He's Preston. He's a gentleman. And so... he doesn't like to talk about it. And I just really don't know what to say to him.

George: Maybe, uh...I don't know. Maybe you can tell him that he dodged a bullet. I mean, marriage is...once you're in, you're in. Burke is smart, you know? He didn't make a mistake.

'Cause it's a mistake that, you know, it's hard to take back. Which, even if you want to take it back, you can't. So you can tell him that.

Jane: Once you're in, you're in. Make sure you have that engraved on your wedding ring when you get married.

George: Oh, I'm already married.

Jane: You're already married? George O'Malley...Burke's friend, Burke's guy...staying in a marriage out of obligation? That's no way to live. That's no way to love. But I think you know that.

George: I do. Sometimes I do.

(Meredith enters the nurse's office where Derek is)

Meredith: Oh, your timing could not have been more perfect. Where are we going?

Derek: What do you mean, where are we going?

Meredith: You paged me, right?

Derek: I did.

Meredith: Good. So on call room?

Derek: You know, I was thinking maybe we could, uh, go to the cafeteria. Thought you might be hungry. Why are you looking at me like that?

Meredith: Derek, we agreed..."s" and "m" only.

Derek: "S" and "m"?

Meredith: Sex and mockery.

Derek: Right, "s" and "M.

Meredith: So you're eating lunch?

Derek: I am. Want to come?

Meredith: No. Meet me in the lobby at 8:00. And eat your dinner first.

Derek: Yeah, great. Perfect.

(Alex is in with Dave and Brian)

Dave: That's a really big needle, man. Do you have to use such a big needle?

Alex: His IV came out, and he needs to be hydrated.

Dave: Okay, okay. Look, I'm...shh. It's all right Look, I'm just...I'm freaking out a little bit here. I mean, do you think you could get me an update on my wife?

Alex: Your wife has a crater in her abdomen, so even if she does survive surgery, it's gonna be a

long, hard, painful recovery.

Dave: She's gonna be okay, right? I mean, she's gotta be okay. Brian, please, sweetheart, look

at me. Brian, okay, stop crying. Brian, please. Brian, stop crying!

Alex: He can't stop crying! Okay? He can't stop crying because his nervous system is shot. He can't stop crying because his brain and his heart and his renal system are all compromised. He can't stop crying because he's in withdrawal from crystal meth, you son of a bitch.

Dave: No, no. That's impossible. He wasn't in the room when we were making it.

Alex: It was all over your apartment, okay? I tested him 'cause I smelled it on his skin.

Dave: I love my son. Okay, we...we were broke. I lost my job. And I'm a good dad, and I love my family.

Alex: Well, now you can love your family from jail.

(Dave punches Alex knocking him out then takes Brian)

Dave: I'm sorry.

(Richard enters the OR where Callie and Izzie are)

Richard: Dr. Torres.

Callie: Yeah, chief.

Richard: "Yeah, chief"? Is it that you don't know what's going on in my hospital, Dr. Torres, or that you don't care?

Callie: Um, I'm sorry. I guess I don't know.

Richard: I delegated the meth lab situation to you. And now one of your residents has

been attacked and a baby is missing.

Callie: I don't understand. I told Karev to take...

Richard: I don't want to hear any of your excuses. Finish up here. You better hope that baby shows up.

(Richard leaves)

Izzie: I think you're a good chief resident.

Callie: What?

Izzie: I know...I know that you've been having a hard time with it, and...and this thing with the

baby... clearly it's not an easy job, and I think you're doing a good job at it.

Callie: I can take it from here.

Izzie: What?

Callie: Get out of my OR, Stevens. Now!

(Meredith is in the clinic stitching up Alex's laceration)

Meredith: So the happy little family makes meth.

Alex: There's no such thing as a happy family.

(Cristina is pacing)

Alex: What's with her?

Meredith: Well, mama Burke is here, and we don't know why. My guess is that she's here to kill Cristina. She's hovering again.

Cristina: If you're done with the charts, go fold something, like, you know, sheets.

Meredith: What are you lookin' at? Don't look at her.

Alex: Your sister. She's hot.

Meredith: I'm an only child. Don't talk to me about Lexie.

Alex: Oh, the police want to talk to me.

Cristina: You know, all I want to know is why she's here. Is that too much to ask?

(Derek sits down in the waiting room with Jane Burke)

Derek: He's not returning my phone calls anymore.

Jane: He's doing his best. Do you think...do you think she really loved him...Cristina?

Derek: I...I think she loved him the best that she knew how.

Jane: And that would not have been enough for you either?

Derek: No. It wouldn't have been enough for me either.

Jane: So you would've ended it, too?

Derek: Well... burke and I are...are built differently. He's stronger than I am. He was strong enough to... and, um, we're not built the same.

Jane: Honorable men are all built the same.

Derek: And you think I'm an honorable man?

Jane: Do you know when to walk away? Do you know when not to take less than you deserve? If you do, then you're an honorable man.

(George is talking with Clark)

George: When you got injured in the fire, the shock to your body combined with the drugs and the damage...your heart seized up, and you went into cardiac arrest. You're also bleeding internally, so you need to stay for observation, which means that you are probably about to go into withdrawal. But you can't leave because it is still quite possible that you'll need surgery.

Clark: You got any good news, Dr. O'Malley?

George: I wish I could say yes.

(Callie is frantically looking for Brian)

Callie: Come on. Where are you? Damn it!

(Mark walks up)

Mark: How's the surgery on the old guy?

Callie: Fine.

Mark: Callie?

Callie: Damn it. I can't talk right now. I have to find a baby.

Mark: Are you okay?

Callie: A baby was lost... on my watch. I am chief resident. I am responsible. And the chief, he gave this to me, and I blew it. And...and now a baby's missing. So no, I'm not okay.

Mark: No. No, you are not okay.

Callie: Plus, I think...I think my husband's having an affair.

Mark: Well, if that's true, he's an idiot. and if that's true, you need to talk to him. You know, as an alternative to destroying your career.

(Lexie walks up to Meredith who is in the clinic)

Lexie: Um, Dr. Grey...I was wondering, do you know where the thermometers are? 'Cause...

Meredith: Do you really not know where the thermometers are, Lexie? Or are you just looking for an excuse to talk to me?

Lexie: I...

Meredith: Simple question, Lexie. Are you an idiot or a stalker? Okay, that was a mean thing to say. I'm aware of that because I'm generally not a me but I'm a person who just doesn't want to know you. And you are a person who's making that very difficult. So please, just stop making it so difficult for me to not know you. Okay?

(Derek is examining Martha when he hears Dave's voice from inside the bathroom)

Dave: Brian, oh, my God. Please, wake up, baby. Please.

Derek: Mr. Kristler.

Dave: He won't wake up. He was shaking, and then he just...he just...he won't wake up.

Derek: Let me take him, Mr. Kristler.

Dave: No, I love my baby. I don't want to leave my baby.

Derek: It sounds like he had a seizure. Okay, please let me...

Dave: I don't want to go to jail.

Derek: You don't want him to die, so if you love him, please let me take him. I'm sorry! Let me take him.

Dave: Baby, please.

(Brian is in an OR now. Bailey and Alex are in the viewing room)

Bailey: He had a stroke. A one year old with a stroke.

Alex: You can yell, you know?

Bailey: Not my job anymore.

Alex: I'm just saying, you can if you want. I...I deserve it.

Bailey: Oh, you do deserve it. You do deserve, Dr. Karev, to be chastised for your stunningly poor decision making. You...you've certainly earned a-a reprimand for your unbelievably destructive tactical error. You got in the face of a drug dealer? You got in the face of a drug dealer before the police had arrived...you got in the face of a known felon while his 1-year-old child was still in the room? Are you stupid? Are you without intelligence? Because I know you were taught better than that. I taught you better than that, Dr. Karev. Gettin' in the face of a drug dealer. Fool.

Alex: Thank you.

Bailey: Oh, no. Thank you.

(Lexie walks up to Meredith who is still in the clinic)

Lexie: I am a nice person. Okay, I...I am. And...I don't know what it is that I did to you, but, you know, we have the same dad. So I was just thinking that a simple conversation...

Meredith: We don't have the same dad, Lexie. You and I, we do not have the same dad. My dad disappeared when I was 5 years old, and I never saw him again. Does that sound like the daddy you grew up with? I kicked a man out of my bed in the middle of the night...the world's most perfect man, who loves me, and I can't let him. And it doesn't take a shrink to figure out why. Because our dad chose you. So I'm sure you are a very nice girl, Lexie. But I hope you can understand, you're not a girl I ever wanted to have to know.

(George is sitting with Clark who is going into withdrawal)

Clark: I never even tried drugs until I was 30. Stupid. I'm so stupid. I went to a party, and there was all this...this meth floating around and...I just figured, what the heck? Once won't kill you. And then...and then it's more than once, then it's all you can think about, and then...then you're outside your dealer's house at 7:00 in the morning. This isn't me. It...it isn't. I'm not this guy. I'm...I'm not this guy. I'm not this guy.

George: Clark?

(Clark codes)

(Cristina finally goes to talk to Jane)

Cristina: Hello.

Jane: It took you long enough.

Cristina: Yes.

Jane: I came for Preston's key. I'd like to pick up some of his things and the necklace I gave you for the wedding.

Cristina: Of...of course. Just, uh, leave it under the mat when you're done.

Jane: And I wanted to say I'm sorry. I... I've come to know you, I think. And what you love even more than Preston is being a surgeon. You are planning to continue with cardiothoracic surgery like my son, am I correct?

Cristina: Yes.

Jane: So I'm sorry you lost the man you love. But more than that, I'm sorry you lost your teacher. With him by your side...you could've become a brilliant heart surgeon.

Cristina: I see.

Jane: You're a strong woman, Cristina. I respect that. I wish I could've been born at another time. I might be more like you. So I shall leave the key under the mat.

Cristina: Uh, can you take the gifts? There are all these wedding gifts, and I can't...can you...can you please take them away?

Jane: Of course I can.

Cristina: He's never coming back, is he? Not even to say good-bye.

Jane: Remember... you're a strong woman.

(George is talking with Izzie as Clark is rolled out)

George: His heart couldn't take it. There was just too much damage. He couldn't take it. I'm not this guy. I won't be this guy who...I'm going to tell her.

(Callie walks up to Richard)

Callie: Oh, chief.

Richard: I, uh...I've got paperwork, Dr. Torres. Kidnapped babies make for a lot of paperwork. I was planning on maybe going to see my wife tonight. But instead, I get to do this.

Callie: I could help. I mean, I...I could...I could help.

Richard: No, you've helped enough for one day.

(Martha wakes up)

Martha: What... how did I get...

Cristina: You were cooking crystal meth and the substances exploded.

Martha: Where's...where's my...

Cristina: Your husband and your son, uh, sustained only minor injuries. Although it seems, um, your son had been passively ingesting methamphetamine. He suffered a stroke earlier today and went into surgery this afternoon. I believe the surgery went smoothly. Your husband was taken by the police, and I'm sure they'll be wanting to speak to you as well. Oh, okay. Okay, you know what? Just try...try to breathe. Slowly. Slowly. Breathe. I'm sure it must feel...as though everything is coming apart. But you can get through this. Just...breathe. breathe.

MVO: The thing about addiction is it never ends well.

(Lexie is in the locker room and breaks down crying)

MVO: Because eventually whatever it is that was getting us high...stops feeling good and starts to hurt.

(Derek is sitting in a dark room and Mark enters)

Mark: Want to grab a drink?

Derek: I have a problem.

Mark: What's up?

Derek: No, I'm just...I'm admitting I...I have a problem.

(Izzie is in Archie's room)

Archie: What's gonna happen to them and the baby?

Izzie: Um... his grandmother is coming for him. I think she's gonna take custody.

Archie: They were it. They were my family. Can you imagine? After 60 years on this planet...my family's a couple of drug dealers and their kid.

Izzie: You know, just because people do horrible things, it doesn't always mean they're horrible people.

MVO: Still, they say you don't kick the habit 'til you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you're there?

(George walks up to Callie in the hall)

Callie: So I take it you still want to talk?

George: Yeah, I do.

Callie: No.

George: No, I...

Callie: No, you don't. George, please. Just...please, please don't say anything. Please. I am asking you as your wife. I am asking you not to say anything. I am asking you to just not. Not tonight. I am your wife. Do this for me?

George: Okay.

(Meredith is waiting in the lobby when Mark walks out)

Mark: Dr. Grey. I'm heading over to Joe's. You want to grab a drink?

Meredith: Oh, no, thanks. I'm, uh, meeting someone.

(Derek is watching from the balcony)

Mark: Yeah. Derek asked me to track you down. He's, uh, stuck with a patient. Not gonna be able to meet you. Sends his apologies.

Meredith: Oh, okay.

Mark: So... Joe's?

Meredith: I think I'm going home.

(Derek sees her walking away dejected and calls to her)

Derek: Meredith.

MVO: Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us...sometimes letting it go hurts even worse.

(They walk out together)

(Cristina enters her apartment to find the gifts as well as all of Burke's things gone. She sits down in the chair looking very sad)

Kikavu ?

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labelette  (04.11.2020 à 21:19)

Cristina qui échange ses cadeaux de mariage contre des opérations, c'est tellement elle ! Mais ça ne marche que moyennement puisqu'elle les donne ensuite pour qu'on ne la fasse pas rencontrer la mère de Burke.

Le bébé d'un an addict à la meth, c'est fou ! Je m'en souvenais très bien. Pauvre enfant...

Lexie veut bien s'entendre avec Meredith, qui une fois de plus est très dure avec elle. Puis elle lui explique pourquoi elle ne veut pas la voir et ça peut se comprendre. Même si elles ont le même père biologique, ce n'est pas le même père. l'un a été absent, l'autre présent et aimant. Et c'est vrai que Lexie a l'air toute gentille !

J'ai adoré la réponse de Sloan quand on lui demande s'il a des enfants : "non, pas que je sache"

C'est tout à fait ça ! S'il savait...


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Activité récente
Prochaines diffusions
Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.06 : The Marathon Continues (inédit)
Jeudi 2 mai à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.07 : She Used to Be Mine (inédit)
Jeudi 9 mai à 21:00

Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.05 : Never Felt So Alone (inédit)
Jeudi 11 avril à 21:00
3.25m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.04 : Baby Can I Hold You (inédit)
Jeudi 4 avril à 21:00
3.23m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.03 : Walk on the Ocean (inédit)
Jeudi 28 mars à 21:00
3.26m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.02 : Keep The Family Close (inédit)
Jeudi 21 mars à 21:00
3.50m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

20.01 : We've Only Just Begun (inédit)
Jeudi 14 mars à 21:00
3.62m / 0.6% (18-49)

Toutes les audiences

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x05 sur ABC

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x05 sur ABC
Ce jeudi 11 avril, la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy poursuit sa diffusion sur la chaine ABC. Un nouvel...

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x04 ce jeudi 4 avril

Diffusion de l'épisode 20x04 ce jeudi 4 avril
La diffusion de la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy se poursuit ce jeudi soir sur ABC. L'épisode 4 "Baby...

La série Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 !

La série Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 !
C'est officiel !  Grey's Anatomy est renouvelée pour une saison 21 qui sera diffusée en 2024/2025. ...

Un nouveau design pour la saison 20 !

Un nouveau design pour la saison 20 !
Le 14 mars, la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy a débuté sur ABC. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau design est...

Diffuson de l'épisode 20x03 ce jeudi 28 mars sur ABC !

Diffuson de l'épisode 20x03 ce jeudi 28 mars sur ABC !
Un nouvel épisode inédit de la saison 20 de Grey's Anatomy sera diffusé ce jeudi 28 mars sur...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !