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#204 : Faux semblants

Alors que Cristina récupère lentement après son opération, elle s'avère être une patiente très difficile, et une visite de sa mère n'améliore guère son comportement. Jérémie, un malade atteint d'une fibrose cystique, pourrait bénéficier des connaissances médicales du docteur Addison Shepherd, mais sa participation à l'opération pourrait retarder fortement son départ de l'hôpital de Seattle. De son côté, Derek doit signer les papiers du divorce que lui a donné Addison mais il ne semble pas prêt.


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Deny, Deny, Deny

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Faux semblants

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Scénario : Dr. Zoanne Clack - Réalisation : Wendey Stanzler
Guest stars : Don McManus, Lee Garlington, Katherine La Nasa, Kate Walsh, Kate Burton, Steven W. Bailey, Tsai Chin, Thomas Ian Nicholas 

204. Deny, Deny, Deny

La clé pour survivre à l’internat en chirurgie c’est de faire semblant. Nous faisons semblant de ne pas être fatigué, de ne pas avoir peur, de ne pas être poussé par l’ambition et surtout nous faisons semblant de ne pas nous en rendre compte. Nous ne voyons que ce que nous voulons voir, nous ne croyons que ce que nous voulons croire et ça marche. Nous nous mentons tellement à nous-mêmes que très vite nos mensonges ont l’apparence de la vérité. Nous sommes tellement dans le déni que nous sommes incapable de reconnaître la vérité même quand elle est sous notre nez.

Izzie est chez Joe. Elle ne cesse de regarder Alex qui joue aux fléchettes un peu plus loin. Lui la regarde aussi. Ils se sourient. Izzie rejoint Meredith et George à une table, ils parlent de Cristina qui est encore hospitalisée. Izzie ne comprend pas qu’elle ait pu accepter si facilement ce qui lui est arrivé. Elle la trouve froide. George pense que c’est une énorme qualité pour devenir un bon chirurgien. Derek entre et vient s’asseoir au comptoir, à côté de Bailey. Il lui confie qu’il espère qu’Addison va retourner à New York et que lui et Meredith vont tout recommencer à zéro. Bailey dit qu’il est stupide de croire ça. Il ne sait que faire.

Le lendemain matin, la tournée des patients commence par le cas que présente Izzie : la patiente, Kalpana, dit être atteinte de troubles cardiaques. Cristina surgit en pyjama avec sa perfusion. Elle répond à la question posée à Izzie. Bailey la renvoie immédiatement dans sa chambre. Les autres internes se moquent d’elle. Quelques minutes après, Meredith présente le cas de Cristina, dont la mère est présente. Il est évident que les deux femmes se supportent difficilement. Cris veut reprendre le boulot le plus rapidement possible, et pour ça, dissimule le fait qu’elle a de la fièvre. Bailey exige qu’elle se repose. La mère de Cris rappelle à sa fille que la carrière n’est pas ce qu’il y a de plus important dans une vie.

C’est au tour de George de présenter le cas de Ellis Grey, qui pense toujours être un chirurgien en exercice et corrige tout ce que dit l’interne. Elle refuse également que Meredith fasse partie de son équipe, sous prétexte qu’elle n’est encore qu’une enfant. Bailey fait sortir la jeune femme qui croise alors Derek. Il veut lui parler, elle lui rappelle qu’il a une femme et que sa vie est très compliquée. Elle ne veut pas avoir de complications supplémentaires. Derek lui sourit et assure qu’Addison quitte SGH. puisqu’elle n’y a plus de patient. Il va lui caresser la joue quand sa femme surgit. Meredith préfère s’esquiver.

Les deux époux se disputent et s’insultent. Addison rappelle à Derek qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps, il la considérait comme sa meilleure amie. Il rétorque qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps, il la considérait comme l’amour de sa vie. Elle lui tend les papiers du divorce. S’il les signe, elle les signera aussi. Il va s’exécuter immédiatement lorsqu’elle lui dit que, même si elle est Satan, elle pourrait tout de même rester l’amour de sa vie. Meredith observe la scène de loin et constate que Derek ne signe pas les documents.

Burke va voir Cristina dans sa chambre. Il la trouve en train de compléter son propre dossier médical. Il lui suggère de se comporter en patiente et non en docteur. Il veut savoir comment elle se sent. Elle dit que tout va bien. Il lui reproche de s’être tue à propos de sa grossesse. Elle estime que puisque tout est fini entre eux, elle ‘navait pas à le lui dire. L’arrivée de la mère de Cris les empêche de poursuivre la conversation. Elle dit à Burke qu’il est très séduisant et se demande pourquoi sa fille n’a jamais ramené d’hommes aussi charmants à la maison. Burke est mal à l’aise et s’en va.

Alex invite Izzie à dîner le soir même. Elle accepte. Meredith assiste Bailey sur le cas d’un jeune homme de 26 ans, Jeremiah, atteint de mucoviscidose. Il récolte des fons contre la maladie en courant le triathlon. Mais ces derniers temps, il souffre plus et se sent faible. Alex est chargé de soigner d’un homme qui a une balle dans la tête mais qui semble ne pas du tout en souffrir. Le patient dit s’être infligé la blessure lui-même en nettoyant son arme. Alex est dubitatif d’autant plus que l’homme insiste lourdement sur le fait qu’il s’est fait ça tout seul.

La mère de Cristina interroge sa fille sur le père de son bébé. Elle imagine que la relation était uniquement sexuelle car elle sait que Cris a terriblement peur de s’attacher à quelqu’un. Un infirmier surprend Cristina en train de fouiller dans les dossiers des patients. Il lui rappelle qu’elle ne peut se déplacer qu’en chaise roulante. Elle en prend une et s’en va, le dossier de Kalpana à la main.

Ellis continue de traiter George comme un des internes de son équipe. Le jeune homme demande à Richard d’exercer une autre tâche. Le chef refuse sous prétexte qu’Ellis a besoin de stabilité.

Cristina surprend Kalpana qui avale un comprimé, ce qui est strictement interdit quand on est hospitalisé. Elle le signale à Izzie mais la patiente prétend qu’il ne s’agit que d’une pilule contraceptive. Izzie demande à sa camarade de s’occuper de ses affaires. Kalpana fait un arrêt cardiaque. Izzie parvient à la réanimer.

 L’état de santé de Jeremiah est très inquiétant. Bailey hésite à l’opérer et demande l’aide d’Addison. Meredith est étonnée que la gynécologue traite un cas de mucoviscidose. Addison précise qu’elle connaît bien le sujet pour avoir fait des recherches pendant deux ans. Meredith prévient Derek qui ne pense pas qu’Addison restera encore longtemps. Il explique que Bailey a fait appel à elle uniquement parce qu’elle est un bon médecin. Meredith l’accuse de toujours prendre la défense de sa femme. Il lui rétorque qu’il a reçu les papiers du divorce, il va les signer, après ils seront libres.

L’épouse du patient d’Alex confirme la version de son mari. Dans l’ascenseur, Derek reproche à Bailey d’avoir fait appel à Addison. A cause d’elle, elle va rester plus longtemps que prévu. La résidente stoppe l’ascenseur et le sermonne : elle ne veut pas tenir compte de ses affaires de cœur. Seule la santé de son patient lui tient à cœur. Elle pense que Derek est écartelé entre 2 femmes remarquables et qu’il ne sait laquelle choisir. Il se sert de l’hôpital comme excuse. En fait, il espère que quelqu’un lui dise qui choisir mais cela n’arrivera pas. Il veut se défendre, elle l’en empêche.

Burke apprend que Cristina ne renonce pas à s’occuper des patients. Il demande à Izzie de faire passer une échographie à Kalpana. Celle-ci ne lui cache pas qu’elle préfèrerait être opérée, ce qui l’étonne. Cristina et Meredith sont dans les sous-sols. Cristina étudie le dossier de Kalpana. Meredith explique qu’Addison a donné les papiers du divorce à Derek mais son amie l’écoute à peine. Elle vient de découvrir que Kalpana a fréquenté de nombreux hôpitaux avant d’arriver à SGH. Meredith constate que sa mère a disparu de sa chambre. George la rejoint, il ne sait pas où est sa patiente.

En réalité, elle a enfilé une tenue de chirurgien et est avec Alex en salle de scanner. Elle pose un diagnostique sur le patient qui a une balle dans la tête et explique à l’interne les modalités de l’opération à effectuer. George vient chercher Ellis et se fait réprimander par Richard qui l’accuse de négligence.

Addison et Bailey expliquent à Jeremiah l’intervention qu’elles vont pratiquer. C’est risqué mais il n’a guère le choix s’il veut avoir une infime chance de survivre encore un peu.

La femme du patient d’Alex tente de convaincre Derek qu’il ne s’agit que d’un accident. Elle panique lorsqu’il la prévient qu’il est tenu de prévenir la police. George confie à Cristina qu’il est fatigué de faire de faux examens sur de faux patients pour Ellis. C’est à ce moment que la jeune femme comprend que Kalpana aussi fait semblant d’être malade. Elle pense qu’elle est atteinte du syndrome de Munchausen : elle provoque ses malaises en ingérant des médicaments. En surprenant une conversation, Derek et Alex réalisent que l’homme qui a une balle dans la tête a été blessé par son épouse, lorsqu’elle a découvert son infidélité. Ils téléphonent à la police. Cristina explique à Burke ce qu’elle soupçonne au sujet de Kalpana. Il ne la croit pas, il veut bien admettre que la jeune femme a menti à propos de sa pilule, mais tout le monde ment, Cristina la première. Quand il essaie encore de parler de leur situation, elle rétorque qu’il n’a eu aucun scrupule à rompre avec elle et que leur relation n’était que de la frime. Elle s’en va.

Bailey fait signer des papiers à Jeremiah attestant qu’il refuse d’être réanimé. Il lui demande de prévenir ses parents. Elle refuse, il les appellera lui-même une fois qu’il sera sorti de l’hôpital. Une fois de plus, George a perdu la trace de Ellis.

Lors de l’examen de Kalpana, Burke et Izzie constatent que ses urines sont bleues, preuve que Cristina avait vu juste. Richard dit à George qu’il va s’occuper lui-même de son amie. L’interne va pouvoir aller au bloc, puisqu’il n’y a que ça qui l’intéresse. Alex et Derek opèrent leur patient. L’interne ne comprend pas qu’il ait accepté de couvrir l’acte de sa femme. Derek, lui, le comprend : il se sentait coupable d’avoir trompé sa femme. Alex trouve que c’est cher payé. Derek n’est pas d’accord, dans certains cas, c’est amplement mérité de recevoir une balle dans la tête. Richard retrouve Ellis dans un bloc. Elle l’embrasse et il ne la repousse pas. Elle a alors un éclair de lucidité et se rend compte qu’elle ne devrait pas être là.

Jeremiah décède durant l’intervention. Bailey veut le ranimer, bien qu’il ait refusé cette éventualité. Burke et Izzie annoncent à Kalpana qu’ils ont découvert son stratagème. Elle essaie de les convaincre du contraire, elle est réellement malade. Burke n’est pas dupe, il va la faire transférer en psychiatrie. Bailey et Meredith se relaient pour effectuer le massage cardiaque sur Jeremiah. Addison leur dit que c’est inutile. Bailey refuse la réalité. Il faut que le moniteur affiche une flatline pour qu’elle accepte de prononcer le décès. En se lavant les mains, Meredith constate qu’Addison porte toujours son alliance. Addison surprend son regard et lui dit qu’il est toujours dur d’accepter la fin quand on est trop proche de quelqu’un. Elle ajoute qu’elle ne veut pas d’un homme qui ne veut pas d’elle, mais s’il y a la moindre chance que Derek change d’avis à son sujet, elle ne quittera pas Seattle. L’homme à la balle dans la tête reconnaît que c’est complètement idiot de tromper la femme qu’on aime car on risque de tout perdre. Ça interpelle Derek. Cristina est nerveuse et elle fait les 100 pas à côté de son lit. Ele se chamaille encore avec sa mère. Izzie vient lui annoncer qu’elle avait raison au sujet de Kalpana. Elle fond en larmes.

Richard annonce à Alex qu’il a raté ses examens de dextérité opératoire. Il dispose de 4 mois pour les repasser, s’il rate encore, il sera exclu du programme de SGH. Derek ne se résout pas à signer les papiers de son divorce. Izzie et George sont dans la chambre de Cristina qui ne peut plus s’arrêter de pleurer. Meredith arrive en courant, elle veut prendre son amie dans ses bras mais celle-ci ne la laisse pas faire. Elle ne supporte pas qu’on la touche. Quand sa maman se permet un commentaire, Cristina se met à hurler et demande à Meredith de la mettre à la porte. Elle supplie ses amis de trouver un moyen de l’empêcher d’encore pleurer. En passant devant la chambre d’Ellis, George voit que Richard ne se décide pas à passer les bracelets de contention aux bras de son amie. Il le fait lui-même. Bailey appelle les parents de Jeremiah. Elle est en larmes.

Burke aperçoit Cristina qui pleure silencieusement sur son lit. Il s’approche d’elle et, passant outre les recommandations de sa mère, s’allonge près d’elle et la prend dans ses bras. La mère comprend alors qui il est pour sa fille. Alex rejoint Izzie chez Joe. La jeune femme est très élégante. Quand elle veut embrasser Alex, il s’écarte assez brusquement. Ils partent au restaurant.

Derek et Meredith s’installent à une table. Par inadvertance, il fait tomber les papiers du divorce. Meredith s’aperçoit qu’ils ne sont pas signés. Derek a un sourire embarrassé.

Parfois la réalité nous surprend sans crier gare. Et quand la digue explose, il ne nous reste plus qu’à nager. Les faux-semblants nous emprisonnent au lieu de nous libérer. On ne peut se mentir à soi-même que peu de temps. Nous sommes fatigués, nous avons peur, ignorer cela ne change rien à la vérité. Tôt ou tard, nous devons renoncer aux faux-semblants, affronter le monde avec courage et détermination. Il n’y a pas de petits faux-semblants, il n’y a qu’un océan de mensonges. Comment faire pour ne pas se laisser engloutir ?

[INT. Joe’s Bar – The Emerald City Bar]

(Ben Lee’s ‘Catch my Disease plays in the background. Opens with Joe mixing drinks. Dr. Bailey is eating nibbles at the bar. Izzie is sitting at the bar waiting for a drink, taking sneaking glances at Alex who is throwing darts. Alex sees her looking and smiles. She smiles back)

MEREDITH VOICE OVER (MVO): The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. We deny that we’re tired; we deny we’re scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed and most importantly we deny that we’re in denial.

(Izzie grabs her drink and walks over to table where George & Meredith are sitting with their own drinks and nibbles)

GEORGE: I don’t know when I left Cristina said she was okay.

IZZIE: Nobody goes what she went through and is totally over it by now.

GEORGE: Cristina can.

MEREDITH: She’s fine.

IZZIE: Too fine. She’s cold.

GEORGE: No she’s hardcore. She’s got ice in her veins. She does what she has to do to get through it.

IZZIE: She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube and she’s acting like she doesn’t even care. She’s all hello, I’m totally fine person. I mean she’s my friend too but she’s acting like she has no emotions or warmth, like she’s missing a soul.

GEORGE: God she’s gonna make a great surgeon.

IZZIE: George!

GEORGE: It’s true. You show no weakness, you make it to the top.

MEREDITH: Some people just keep their feelings to themselves.

(Meredith sees Dr. Shepard walk into the bar. He doesn’t see her and sits down at the bar next to Dr. Bailey)

MVO: We only see what we wanna see and believe what we want to believe. And it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth.

DR. SHEPARD: Meredith kissed me. Addison kissed me. (speaks to Joe now who is serving him a drink) My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day.

DR. BAILEY: Joe, do I look friendly to you?

JOE: No, you’re a tiny little kitten of joy and love. (Dr. Bailey makes a face) What? He saved my life.

DR. BAILEY: His first mistake. Mc Dreamy go sit next to someone who cares.

DR. SHEPARD (half laughs): Oh gee…

(but he doesn’t move)

MVO: We deny so much that we can’t recognize the truth…right in front of our faces.

DR. SHEPARD: Everything is going to be fine. Addison will go back to New York. Meredith and I’ll start over. Everything is going to be fine. Right?

DR. BAILEY (smug): You so damn stupid.



(Cut to Dr. Bailey making rounds with Alex, Izzie, Meredith & George)

DR. BAILEY: I want everyone focused today. With Cristina out we’re short an intern and I have a feeling it’s gonna be one of those days. And Karev see the chief by the end of the day.

ALEX: What for?

DR. BAILEY: Do I look psychic to you? He is the chief. He asked. You go.

MEREDITH (whispers to George): What did he do now?

GEORGE: Maybe he gave the chief syphilis.

(Cut to patient’s room who is over crowded with interns, doctors and nurses listening to her tell a story)

PATIENT: So we’re in the middle of the Bilasian jungle and this jaguar rundi jumps out and bites one of the guys.

(Dr. Bailey enters the room with her interns)

PATIENT: They all look at me, you’re a doctor, help him. This is one time a Phd does no good.

DR. BAILEY: I’m sorry did I miss the bell for social hour?

(Everybody starts to leave except Bailey’s group)

PATIENT: Tales of missionary life.

IZZIE: You’re a missionary?

PATIENT: No my parents. We traveled a lot. They still do.

IZZIE: Oh wow. This stuff looks great.

(She is looking at some artifacts. She then sees Dr. Bailey looking annoyed.)

IZZIE: Um this is Dr. Burke’s patient (pronounces name very American) Kalpana Vera.

KALPANA: KULL-puh-na. Named by villagers in Nepal.

IZZIE: Uh she presents with a multiple syncopal episodes and ventricular arrhythmias.

DR. BAILEY: So you’ve been passing out?

KALPANA: Yeah and having palpitations.

IZZIE: Past medical history of rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve stenosis.

KALPANA: They had to ship me from Zambia to the States for 3 months of treatment when I was 8. Rheumatic fever almost killed me.

DR. BAILEY (to Izzie): Dr. Stevens, what are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmias?

(Izzie moves to speak but is interrupted by Cristina who has come to the doorway in her hospital gown with her IV stand)

CRISTINA: Valvular disease. Mitral valve prolapse, stimulants, drugs and metabolic abnormalities.

(She looks pleased with herself. Everyone else looks exasperated or amused)



CRISTINA: I’m fine.

DR. BAILEY: Out! You better be in your room by the time we round on you.

CRISTINA: And when will that be?

DR. BAILEY: In 15 secs. 14. 13. 12. 11.

(Cristina starts walking away, but you can see her underwear through the slip at the back of the gown. George, Izzie & Meredith laugh. Dr. Bailey turns away.)

ALEX: Nice panties Yang.

(Cristina closes the back of the gown so nothing shows and turns back to Alex.)

CRISTINA: In your dreams evil spawn.

(Cut to Cristina’s Room. They are now doing her charts for rounds. She is lying in bed. Her mother Helen is also there sitting on a couch, doing some sewing beside a window)

MEREDITH: Cristina Yang. Post op day 3 from a unilateral salpingectomy.

CRISTINA: And ready to get back to work.

HELEN: Is she?

CRISTINA: I’m taking solids and my pain is controlled with oral meds. I’m ready.

HELEN: Didn’t the nurse say this morning you had a fever?


DR. BAILEY: Cristina did you have a fever?

CRISTINA: Temp spiked to 101 last night. Big deal.

GEORGE: She worked 2 shifts last month with a 102 degree flu.

CRISTINA: Yes exactly George. Thank you.

DR. BAILEY: And we appreciate your dedication but you’re staying in bed until it normalizes.

HELEN: I keep telling her there’s more to life than surgery and career.

CRISTINA: Mother, go post or something.

DR. BAILEY: Look I need you to relax. Shut up and get better. You’re a patient this week so you can be a doctor next week. Understand?

(They move out of the room. Cristina pulls Meredith back)

CRISTINA: Mer. Mer. You cannot leave me alone with her. I’m flying over the cuckoo’s nest. You have to save me.

MEREDITH: You need time to heal.

CRISTINA: I’m healed. (Meredith walks out of the room) I’m healed!! (Cristina looks annoyed, looks at her mother and then looks away) Oh god.

(Cut to Ellis Grey’s room. Dr. Bailey and her group walk in. Ellis is lying in a pink robe in bed)

DR. BAILEY: Okay Dr. O’Malley you’re presenting.

GEORGE: Okay Dr. Grey is post-op day 3 from a tumor re-section.

ELLIS: Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

GEORGE: She’s…

ELLIS: He’s got it all wrong. It’s not asthma it’s gerd. He needs a nissen fundoplication. (George sighs) I don’t want her in the room.


ELLIS: She’s a child and I won’t have her on my team.

DR. BAILEY: We’ll meet you outside Dr. Grey.

(Meredith walks out a little stunned)

(Cut to Dr. Shepard being beeped down the hall, arriving at an elevator. He sees Meredith walking by)

DR. SHEPARD: You skipping rounds?

MEREDITH: Avoiding mother.

DR. SHEPARD (he stops her): Meredith.

MEREDITH: You’ve got a wife.


MEREDITH: You’re life is complicated.


MEREDITH: I don’t need complicated. I have complicated all on my own.


MEREDITH: Stop saying yes.

DR. SHEPARD (smiling): Try not to make any sudden movements.

MEREDITH: You think this is funny.

DR. SHEPARD: Addison’s leaving. She doesn’t have any more patients in this hospital. There’s no reason for her to be here.

MEREDITH: No reason?

DR. SHEPARD: None what so ever.

(He moves in and strokes her cheek. Addison appears suddenly)

ADDISON: Well isn't this cozy. Can I join in or are you not into threesomes?

MEREDITH: I have to go. (She walks away)

DR. SHEPARD: Meredith ... (to Addison) You really are Satan, you realize that right? If Satan were to take physical form he'd be you, everywhere all the time.

ADDISON: I am so not Satan.

DR. SHEPARD: How come you haven’t got on your broomstick and gone back to New York where you belong.

ADDISON: Stop being petty.

DR. SHEPARD: Stop being an adulteress bitch.

(An elevator bings open but they don’t get on)

ADDISON: You know you are going forgive me eventually, right? I mean you can’t just … I mean there was a time when you thought of me as your best friend.

DR. SHEPARD: There was a time I thought you were the love of my life. Things change.

(Addison sighs and walks back to the button to get another elevator and presses it. She pulls out papers out of her bag and hands them to Dr. Shepard.)

DR. SHEPARD (looking at the papers): Divorce papers.

(We can now see Meredith looking from the stairs nearby watching Dr. Shepard & Addison)

ADDISON: You’re lawyer said they’re ok. I haven’t signed them yet. The ball’s in your court. If you sign, I’ll sign. I’ll sign and be on the 1st plane out of here.

DR. SHEPARD: I’ll sign them immediately. I want you out of here as soon as possible.

(Addison looks upset and walks into an open elevator but pops out quickly)

ADDISON: Derek, have you ever thought that even if I am Satan and an adulteress bitch that I still might be the love of your life?

(She gets back in and the door closes. Derek half nods to himself. Meredith is still watching but he can’t see her) 



(Opens with Cristina making notes in her chart. Dr. Burke looks in and sees no one else is in there, so he walks in. He removes the chart from Cristina. Cristina looks up and sighs)

CRISTINA: It’s my chart.

DR. BURKE: You’re the patient. Not the doctor. Act like one. (He looks through her chart) It’s been tough finding you alone.

CRISTINA: Yeah, well …

DR. BURKE: How’re you doing?

CRISTINA: Well you have my chart, you tell me.

DR. BURKE (more forceful): How’re you doing?

CRISTINA: I’m fine. Perfectly okay.

DR. BURKE: I had a right to know.

CRISTINA: Well now you do.

DR. BURKE: Cristina (she cuts him off)

CRISTINA: Look now you know. It’s over. There’s nothing for you to deal with. So I don’t know what else there really is left to say.

DR. BURKE: Plenty. For starters you could’ve come to me (she interrupts again)

CRISTINA: Oh look it’s my mother.

(Helen has just obviously come out of Cristina’s bathroom. She walks up to Dr. Burke)

DR. BURKE: Dr. Preston Burke. Nice to meet you Mrs. Yang.

HELEN: Actually it’s Rubenstein. Dr. Saul Rubenstein, Beverley Hills? (Dr. Burke smiles and nods in understanding) The oral surgeon. I remarried. I’ve been remarried since Cristina was what about 3?

CRISTINA: Mom. That’s too, too much information. He has other things to do.

HELEN: You’re good looking. He’s good looking. Why don’t you ever bring home a man as good looking as him?

CRISTINA (quiet): Stop.

HELEN (laughs): What?

CRISTINA (quiet): Stop talking.

HELEN: Cristina! (to Dr. Burke) Forgive her. I don’t know what I ever did to raise such an unpleasant girl.

CRISTINA (now loud): Oh me un, I’m unpleasant?

DR. BURKE: Excuse me. (He leaves the room quickly)

CRISTINA: Do you know who that was? That was … that was my boss!

HELEN: I only said nice things.

CRISTINA: Why’d you have to call me unpleasant in front of my boss?

HELEN: Lighten up, please!

(Cut to Alex & Izzie walking down a hallway in the hospital)

IZZIE: Okay I was thinking that maybe we might wanna … you might … we both have tonight off, so…

ALEX: You are so into me.

IZZIE: Oh shut up.

ALEX: It’s sad the wash up. The adoration. Ah, I’m so handsome. I intoxicate you.

IZZIE: Okay you know what? Forget it.

ALEX: Izzie would you like to go out with me tonight? On a date? You wear something gorgeous. I pay for food.

IZZIE: Are you making fun of me?

ALEX: I’m not making fun of you.

IZZIE: Okay then.

ALEX: Good.

IZZIE: Good.

(Cut to another patient’s hospital room. A guy is in there reading a book. Dr. Bailey & Meredith have just walked in.)

DR. BAILEY: I thought I told you I never want to see you again.

PATIENT: That’s only cause you’re too lazy to learn anything more.

DR. BAILEY (huffs): Dr. Meredith Grey, Jeremiah Tait. He thinks he knows so much cause he was one of my first patient’s as an intern.

JEREMIAH: I knew as much as she did. She was clueless about how to treat cystic fibrosis. A simple collosectomy turned into a month long stay.

DR. BAILEY: Better not be alleging malpractice. Guy raises about a 100 grand a year for cystic fibrosis running triathlons. Thinks he’s a big shot.

MEREDITH: You run triathlons?

JEREMIAH: Why not?

DR. BAILEY: Pain for one. Says here you’re finally admitting to feeling a little.

JEREMIAH: A little.

DR. BAILEY: How little? Truth.

JEREMIAH: Oh enough to keep me awake at night. Had some seizures. Um…too weak to work out.

DR. BAILEY: Anyone been through here with your CT results?

JEREMIAH: No. … It’s probably just my pancreatitis kicking up again.

DR. BAILEY: Alright then. We’ll be back with your results and a plan. (she walks to the door) Huh, where do your parents think you are this time?

JEREMIAH (he smiles): Hmm. New Jersey.

(Dr. Bailey smiles back and leaves the room. Meredith follows)

MEREDITH: What about his parents?

DR. BAILEY: No he doesn’t like to bother them until he’s well or he’s about to get discharged. He understands his reality. He just chooses to ignore it. Denial works for him Grey.

(Cut to Alex looking periodically through each file at the nurses station)

ALEX: Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain. Perirectal abscess. Gun shot wound to head.

(He looks confused and pulls out the file completely)

ALEX (mutters to himself): Where the hell is the GSW to the head? (calls out loudly) Why wasn’t the trauma team called? Hello, are you people insane?

(A nurse comes to Alex)

NURSE #1: There’s your gunshot wound. (She gestures to a waiting room where a guy is sitting reading a magazine looking perfectly okay except for the slight reddish tinge on his forehead)

ALEX: Him?

(Cut to Cristina’s room where her mother is painting her toe nails red)

HELEN: I’m redoing the living room in beige silks I’m thinking. And modern. Very mid-century. And the dining room…

CRISTINA (interrupts): Mother, give me back my toes.

(Helen stops and closes the nail polish bottle)

HELEN: Okay. I change the subject. (She moves to put it away) Who’s the father?

CRISTINA: Mid-century did you say?

HELEN: Someone you work with right? Was it just for sex? You made such a point of not forming attachments.

CRISTINA: 20 minutes. Just give … All I want is 20 minutes of peace and quiet.

HELEN: The daughter I raised would appreciate her mother’s help.

CRISTINA: The daughter you raised is begging for you to go. Now!

HELEN: I didn’t have to come here. You know I’m very busy.

CRISTINA: Yeah. I know, I know. Redecorating your house. (Helen huffs. They look at each other.) Well can you get me a mocha latte please?

HELEN: A non fat one.

CRISTINA: No, a fat one!

(Helen walks out of the room clutching her gorgeous brown birkin bag)

(Cut to a hospital room where Alex is giving the GSW guy a physical exam)

ALEX: You can walk … and talk … and there’s no exit wound. It’s monocular. Looks like a burn.

GSW: I’m telling you I shot my self. Pulled the trigger when I was cleaning my 22, the clip was out. If you’re thinking suicide, don’t. People make mistakes. I made a mistake. (sounds resigned) And now I’m paying for it. (sighs) But I did shoot myself.

(Alex and Nurse #1 look like they don’t believe him)

(Cut to Cristina dressed in her blue scrubs at the nurses station looking through patient charts)

MALE NURSE #1: Where’s your IV?

CRISTINA: I’ve taken solids. I have locked it.

MALE NURSE #1: On whose orders?


MALE NURSE #1: Okay. (searches for her chart) Yang. (looks through her chart) How about this order: bed rest, out of bed to chair, bathroom privileges. Nothing about stealing charts at the nurses station.

CRISTINA: Ok, you know what (signals to man pushing a wheelchair) Hey, hey! Give me that. (sits down) There, satisfied? I'm out of bed to chair.

MALE NURSE #1: I'm telling your intern on you.

CRISTINA: Meredith?

MALE NURSE #1: Yeah.

CRISTINA (mockingly) Ooh, I'm so scared.

(She wheels off with a patient’s chart)

(Cut to Ellis Grey sitting in her room going through some papers. George comes into the room)

GEORGE: Dr. Grey how are you doing?

ELLIS: You here, good. I need the results of the barium esophagram or the EGD. (George looks stunned) And you have neither. Okay. No worries I’ll be here when you get back.

(Richard comes to the door now)

RICHARD: So today you’re her intern. Well that’s better than being her husband.

GEORGE: Well that’s a matter of opinion.

RICHARD: Good morning Ellis.

ELLIS: Richard good to see you. (to George) I need those labs immediately.

GEORGE (softly): Chief, um … she’s not a surgical patient anymore and I’d really like to get back to the O.R. So ah … do you think I could hand her off to someone else?

RICHARD (softly): O’Malley. Alzheimer’s causes her reality to shift depending on situation. Her mood. She needs stability right now. That’s why I’m depending on you to keep a special eye on her.

GEORGE: Yes … I know sir … but you know it doesn’t seem fair to me.

ELLIS: I need those studies yesterday.

RICHARD: You heard the doctor. Get moving.

(Cut to Kalpana’s room where she has just taken a pill. Cristina outside in the hall sitting in her wheelchair witnesses this)

CRISTINA: I saw that. (Kalpana swallows) I saw you take that pill.

KALPANA: Oh it’s, it’s my pill. You know … the pill.

CRISTINA (looking over her chart): It’s ah not in your chart and you’re supposed to tell us the meds you’re on.

(Izzie sees Cristina and starts walking over)

KALPANA: You’re not my doctor. You shouldn’t even be here.

IZZIE: She’s right. You shouldn’t be here.

CRISTINA: I saw her take unauthorized medication.

KALPANA: I’m on the pill and I had grapefruit juice this morning, so since the juice inhibits enzymes involved in the metabolism of OCPs I thought I’d avoid the interaction by taking it two hours after my meal.

IZZIE: She’s has a doctorate in neuropharmacology Cristina.

CRISTINA: Well Izzie I don’t see oral contra…

KALAPNA (looking weak and in pain): Guys…

IZZIE (interrupt): So now you will.

(They start fighting)

(Kalpana’s heart monitor starts racing. Kalpana falls to the floor unconscious. Izzie rushes to her.)


IZZIE: Call the code.

(Cristina presses the code button. Over the intercoms it plays ‘Code blue 2nd floor. Code blue 2nd floor’. Cristina joins Izzie on the floor. Izzie thumps Kalpana’s chest hard. Kalpana lets a loud gasp of air. Her heart monitor returns to normal. The code team comes to the door)

MALE NURSE #1: No code?

IZZIE: Not anymore. Can you help us get her back into bed?

CRISTINA (struggles to get back into her wheelchair): I’ll help just give me a minute.
(Male nurse moves to help Izzie)

IZZIE: Would you just go back to bed? Please seriously go.

CRISTINA (struggling to reach Kalpana’s chart): Oh god. You know Izzie if she’s on OCPs can we mark it down, okay?

IZZIE: Yeah.

(Cut to the radiology viewing room where Meredith and Dr. Bailey are looking over Jeremiah’s x-rays put up on an x-ray board)

MEREDITH: Jeremiah’s got a mass in his mid-epigastrium. Defused enlargement of the pancreas. That with his hypoglycemic seizures …

DR. BAILEY: He’s going to need an exploratory laparotomy. But despite his triathlon’s his lungs still make me hesitant to cut.

MEREDITH: What are we going to do?

DR. BAILEY: I don’t know that yet.

(Addison walks into the room and up to the x-rays)

ADDISON: Doctors.

DR. BAILEY: Dr. Montgomery Shepard.

ADDISON: How old is he?

DR. BAILEY: He’s 26. (Meredith is looking annoyed that Addison is still here)

ADDISON: Survivor, huh?

DR. BAILEY: And them some. My patient for at least 5 years. I’m not gonna lose him now.

ADDISON: You planning a laparotomy?

DR. BAILEY: Yeah but his lungs.

ADDISON: Hmm. You know I think I could help you with this. I’ve seen one case like this before in a 9 year old. We ended up having to do a total pancreotectomy.

DR. BAILEY: I’d be honored to take any help you can give me.

MEREDITH: You’re a neo-natal specialist. What … uh … this isn’t your area. (Dr. Bailey looks annoyed. She shakes her head at Meredith) I’m just saying that…

ADDISON (interrupts): I did 2 years genetic research in cystic fibrosis. I’ve pretty much seen it all Dr. Grey.


(Cut to elevator outside nurse’s station. Ellis Grey is standing outside it in her robe. She walks into the elevator. Pans across the floor to Dr. Shepard and Meredith walking down the stairs together)

DR. SHEPARD: Just because she offered her services doesn’t mean she intends to stay.

MEREDITH: Well what does it mean? Because it seems to me …

DR. SHEPARD (interrupts): It means that she’s a good doctor.

MEREDITH (half laughs sarcastically): Oh ho ho. Why are you suddenly defending her?

DR. SHEPARD: I’m not. Meredith … she gave me divorce papers. She filed.

MEREDITH: Oh … well that’s good.

DR. SHEPARD: All I have to do is sign and I’m free … We’re free.

MEREDITH: Is there anything to think about?

DR. SHEPARD: No of course not. I have to read through them. Sign them and then Addison is on the next plane out of here.

(Cut to CT viewing room where Alex and CT guy is looking at the films of the GSW guy. Well the CT guy is looking; Alex is flipping through a magazine)

CT GUY: You say he got shot in the head?

ALEX: He says he got shot in the head. I say it’s a mental defect.

(A blonde woman in her mid-40s enters the room)

WOMAN: Um hi.

ALEX: Ma’am you can’t be in here.

WOMAN: No I’m looking for Samuel Linden he … (she sees GSW guy getting into the CT machine) Oh my god, Samuel. Well how, how, how bad is it?

ALEX: Ma’am, are you his wife?

MRS. LINDEN: Yes for 21 years. Just tell me how he is.

(Alex gets up to meet her)

ALEX: Fine for a man who says he shot himself.

MRS. LINDEN (adamant): He shot himself! He was cleaning his gun. What is wrong with you people?

ALEX (tries to get her to leave): We’ll know everything when we finish his CT. This is a restricted area ma’am. You have to …

MRS. LINDEN (interrupts): No! My husband has a bullet in his head!

ALEX: Then we’ll find it. If you could wait outside I’ll be with you soon as we know something. I promise.

(He escorts her out and slides the door shut)

(Cut to elevator where Dr. Bailey is standing by herself, the door is about to close when Dr. Shepard pushes it open and steps in)

DR. SHEPARD (angry): Oh fine doctors I see. You accept a consult from Addison Shepard.

DR. BAILEY: Montgomery Shepard innit?

DR. SHEPARD: The point is she should be on her way home. (he stares at her) You’re trying to drive me crazy aren’t you?

(Dr. Bailey smiles annoyed and pulls the red elevator stop button. A loud ringing starts)

DR. SHEPARD (backing against the elevator wall): Oh hang on don’t do this.

DR. BAILEY (loud & upset): You think this (Dr. Shepard groans) has something to do with you? You think I’m even thinking about you and your romantic problems? I’m trying to help a patient very near and dear to my heart. And if consulting with your wife…your ex…your mistress whatever it is that she becomes, if that’s the thing I have to do to save my patient then I’m damn well gonna do it.

DR. SHEPARD (moves from the wall looking slightly confused): I understand … and I deserved that. It’s just that…

DR. BAILEY (makes a face): Just …you look. You have put yourself between two very fine women and you looking for an easy way out and you wanna use me. And the hospital and dzz … somebody to make the decision for you and it’s not gonna happen.

(Dr. Shepard still looks confused. She pushes the stop button off.)

DR. SHEPARD: Could I just, could I just say a couple of things?

DR. BAILEY (puts her hand up in a no gesture): Dzz!

(Dr. Shepard looks at her but doesn’t say anything.)

(Cut to Kalpana’s room where she is back in bed. Dr. Burke, Izzie and the male nurse are there as well)

DR. BURKE: You scared us a little there. (to Izzie) How’s her workup coming?

(Male nurse leaves)

IZZIE: Uh electrolytes are within normal limits. Urine tox was negative and EKG is fine. Till test is scheduled for noon. Oh and she’s on contraceptives.


KALPANA: That’s what I said. That other doctor made such a big deal of it.

IZZIE: She didn’t tell us before so I documented it in her med list.

DR. BURKE: What other doctor?

IZZIE: Cristina. She was wandering the halls.

(Dr. Burke nods and smiles)

DR. BURKE: Fine. Take her down for an echo.

KALPANA: An echo? What about cardioversion or ablation? Won’t I need a pacemaker or a permanent internal defibrillator?

DR. BURKE: Although it would be unusual for rheumatic heart disease to cause ventricular dysrhythmias we still gotta check your valves.

(Dr. Burke leaves the room. Kalpana looks after him)

IZZIE: I thought your doctorate was in neuropharmacology not medicine.


(Izzie nods and leaves)

(Cut to Meredith and Cristina at their hangout in the abandoned hallway. They’re both sitting on an empty bed. Cristina is looking over Kalpana’s chart with medical books at her side)

MEREDITH: Addison gave Derek divorce papers which is good. I mean she’s still here being Addison but it’s not like I’m jealous or anything.

CRISTINA (looking at the chart): That’s odd.

MEREDITH: That’s odd I’m not jealous?

CRISTINA: No you have every right to be jealous. It’s your territory and she’s peeing all over it. (looks back at the chart) What’s odd is Burke’s patient. She’s been in 4 other hospitals this year. You know something’s not right.

MEREDITH: You seem awfully interested in Burke’s patient.

CRISTINA: This has nothing to do with Burke.

MEREDITH: Cristina you lost a fallopian tube, a baby and a boyfriend all in one day. You have the right to be upset.

CRISTINA: And you’re losing Mc Dreamy to his perfect wife. You have a right to be jealous.

MEREDITH: I did not lose Mc Dreamy. Divorce papers, remember? And I’m not jealous.

CRISTINA: And I’m not upset.

MEREDITH: You really should be in your room.

CRISTINA: Okay if the situation was reversed would you wanna spend time with your mother in a confined room with one window?

MEREDITH: Do you think we’re like them? Our mothers?

(Cristina gives her a look)

(Cut to Meredith standing in her mother’s room. The bed is empty. Ellis isn’t there. The male nurse comes in and stops when he doesn’t see Ellis there either.)

MALE NURSE #1: Uh where’s your mom?

MEREDITH: Exactly. Where is my mother?

(George comes in)

GEORGE: Where’s your mother?

MEREDITH: Funny you should ask!

GEORGE: Oh crap.

(He leaves the room)

(Cut to CT viewing room. CT guy is looking at Samuel’s scans. Alex is writing stuff.)

CT GUY: Oh man you are not going to believe this.

(Alex looks up. It’s obvious on the scan that a bullet is inside the guy’s head at the edge of his skull)

ALEX: No. It can’t be. The guy was reading a freaking magazine.

ELLIS: It’s definitely a bullet. (Alex & CT guy turn around. Ellis has entered into the room unannounced dressed in dark blue scrubs) One that tracked clear through his head. Now are you people just going to sit here or you gonna get him into surgery?

(Alex and CT guy look at each other)

(Cut to Ellis pointing to the CT scans explaining stuff to Alex)

ELLIS: Here’s the missile track. As you can see it doesn’t even cross the mid-line.
(CT guy is standing at the door. Dr. Shepard walks up to him)

CT GUY: She’s over there.

ELLIS: He’s lucky. This guy may be even better talking to. (Dr. Shepard and CT guy walk in) He’ll need debrement of the entrance wound and repair the dura. But we won’t need to remove the bullet.

(George comes in with a wheelchair)

DR. SHEPARD: That’s an excellent diagnosis Dr. Grey. I’m Dr. Shepard. I’m your neuroconsult.

GEORGE: Dr. Grey. They need you upstairs.

(Ellis gets up)

ELLIS (to Dr. Shepard): You’ll book the O.R and staff?

ALEX: I’m on it.

(Ellis gets into the wheelchair. Dr. Shepard looks at Alex disapprovingly. Alex shrugs. George comes up to the screen with the CT scan)

GEORGE: Unbelievable.

(Richard has come to the room as well)

RICHARD: O’Malley. Can you not handle this doctor?

GEORGE (walks back to Ellis, muttering): I can handle a lot of things.

(He pulls the wheelchair out of the doorway)

(Cut to Jeremiah’s room where Dr. Bailey, Addison and Meredith are explaining the surgery to Jeremiah)

ADDISON: We won’t know for sure until we go in there but it looks like that I’m going to have to take out your pancreas and re-route your intestines.

JEREMIAH (to Dr. Bailey): Did you tell her that my lungs don’t do too well with anesthesia?

DR. BAILEY: Don’t I always have your back?

ADDISON: Your kidney function is decreasing rapidly and I’m afraid you’re going to go into multi-system organ failure if we don’t operate.

JEREMIAH: If I say no?

DR. BAILEY: There’s no guarantees Jeremiah, you know that. It’s gonna be a long hard surgery and put a lot of stress on your body.

JEREMIAH (smiles): Yeah but I’m me.

DR. BAILEY (smiles back): But you’re you.

JEREMIAH: So if we don’t operate I die. And if … we do operate I may die.

ADDISON: Basically yes.

JEREMIAH: Well I like those odds. 26 years with this disease is awesome and that’s the reality. So if I get lucky … great. And if I don’t … (he looks at Dr. Bailey and takes her hand in his) it’s been sweet.

DR. BAILEY: It’s gonna stay sweet.

(she throws his hand back, he shrugs smiling)

(Cut to Dr. Shepard & Alex with Samuel who’s lying on hospital bed now in a communal room with his wife standing next to him holding his hand)

DR. SHEPARD: You understand that we’ll need to do a psych evaluation:

MRS. LINDEN: How many times do we have to tell you? He wasn’t trying to kill himself. It was an accident.

SAMUEL: They’re just trying to do their job hon.

MRS. LINDEN: Well … No their job is to make you better.

DR. SHEPARD: Where were you when the gun went off?

MRS. LINDEN: I was in the next room and I heard the shot and it was awful.

SAMUEL (looking at his wife): It’s over now.

ALEX: Why didn’t you call 911?

MRS. LINDEN: Cause he was only unconscious for a moment and then … then he was walking and talking and…

DR. SHEPARD (interrupts): You’re going to have a give a report to the police.

SAMUEL: Police?

MRS. LINDEN: Wha, what do we need to talk the police about?

ALEX: We have to report any gunshot wounds to the police. It’s the law.

(Dr. Shepard and Alex walk off. Mrs. Linden strokes her husband’s cheek and mouths it’ll be okay. He turns his head away slightly)

(Cut to empty hallway with hospital beds. Cristina is now lying down still with Kalpana’s chart. Her wheelchair is next to her with a dictionary on it. George comes in eating a banana and his lunch bag in his hand)

GEORGE: You’re officially AWOL you know?

CRISTINA: I’m working. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with the crazy woman on fourth.

GEORGE: You are the crazy woman on fourth.

CRISTINA: I made a break of freedom. Will you hand me that dictionary?

(George hands it over.)

GEORGE: You have a better patient than me and you don’t even have a patient.

(he sits down in Cristina’s wheelchair)

GEORGE: Meredith has CF case. Alex’s got the gunshot wound. Izzie’s got the mystery arrhythmias. I’m not a nanny! I’m a surgeon. Cutter. But no I’m getting fake labs for fake patients so she can do a fake surgery.

(George empties his lunch bag roughly onto the bed. Realization dawns on Cristina)

CRISTINA (to herself): She’s faking it.

GEORGE: It’s real to her. It’s Alzheimer’s.

(Cristina quickly gets off the bed.)

CRISTINA: The missionary. Kalpana. Ah! (she hits George on the side of the head and walks off) Oh god. Thank you!

GEORGE: Ow! Uncalled for.

(Cut to Nurse’s station where Izzie is searching through patient charts. Cristina appears with the Kalpana’s chart)

CRISTINA: Hey Izzie, how-ver (?) studies…

IZZIE (interrupts): Hey! I’ve been looking for that everywhere.

(takes chart off Cristina and starts writing in it)

CRISTINA (continues): … negative right?

IZZIE: Oh. The echo tests showed mild mitralstenosis. The till test was negative. We’re doing EP studies.

CRISTINA: I can tell you what’s wrong with her without sticking electrodes in her heart.

(Cristina takes a seat in a desk chair)

IZZIE (disbelieving): Really. Just by the chart?

CRISTINA: No from the pill she took.

IZZIE: They were contraceptives Cristina! Why are you so obsessed with this? Just go back to bed!

CRISTINA: I think she’s doing this to herself.

IZZIE (disbelieving): You think she’s inducing ventricular arrhythmias? She’d have to be crazy to do…

CRISTINA (interrupts): No, no, no. She’d have to have Munchausen’s.

IZZIE: Okay wait. You think she’s secretly ingesting something to produce real symptoms? (Dr. Burke has come in behind Cristina searching for a chart) … Seriously?

CRISTINA: Yeah just run it by Burke and tell me what he thinks.

IZZIE (handing the chart to Dr. Burke): Tell him yourself he’s standing right behind you. (Cristina looks up) Dr. Burke.

(Izzie walks off. Dr. Burke looks at Cristina. Cristina sighs and puts her hand over her face)

(Cut to Alex walking away from Samuel who’s still lying in bed with his wife sitting next to him. He’s walking to Dr. Shepard who’s going over some files sitting at a nurse’s station)

DR. SHEPARD: Where are we?

ALEX: Oh, O.R. 2 in 20 minutes. He’s prepped. Transport’s on the way.

(They hear loud whispered yelling coming from Samuel & Mrs. Linden and look over)

MRS. LINDEN: Do you understand that? 21 years!

DR. SHEPARD: What’s that all about?

ALEX: I haven’t got a clue.

(Camera pans over to Samuel & Mrs. Linden)

SAMUEL: How many times do I have to tell you? I’m sorry. I love you, I forgive you.

MRS. LINDEN: You cheated on me! You cheated on me! And you do not get to play the martyr here!

SAMUEL: I’ve got a bullet in my head!

MRS. LINDEN: And that doesn’t make us even!

SAMUEL: You shot me!

(Cut back to Dr. Shepard and Alex)

DR. SHEPARD: I think we need to get the police up here right now.

(Alex nods and Dr. Shepard picks up a phone)

(Cut to Cristina and Dr. Burke talking in the office behind the nurse’s station)

CRISTINA: I mean she obviously loves the patient role. She practically lives in hospitals. And … and, and we’re like an imaginary family to her because her really family blows her off to go take care of other people. … And, and I saw her take something.

DR. BURKE: It’s not enough. We have to rule out everything else. Everything physical.

CRISTINA: She even lied about her job. She’s a pharmacy tech. Not a phd.

DR. BURKE: So she’s a liar. I’ve been lied to before.

(Dr. Burke sits down. Cristina gives him a look.)

CRISTINA: Hey we’re not talking about us here.

DR. BURKE: Maybe we should be.

CRISTINA: I didn’t lie!

DR. BURKE: You withheld with truth. How was I …

CRISTINA (interrupts): Okay you know what? I distinctly remember you breaking things off with me. And you didn’t seem so upset about it. And this (indicates herself and him) this is, this is not a relationship. This is not real…

DR. BURKE (interrupts): Cristina!

CRISTINA (starts walking out of the room): Okay and and so what’s the big display of fake hurt and drama?

(she opens the door)

DR. BURKE: Cristina!

CRISTINA: I’m supposed to be in bed.

(she leaves & closes the door)

DR. BURKE: Cristina!

(Dr. Burke is left looking frustrated)

(Cut to Samuel being wheeled away to the O.R. Mrs. Linden is standing where his bed used to be. Dr. Shepard leaves Samuel and looks over and makes eye contact with Meredith. The cops come to where Mrs. Linden is, Dr. Shepard goes over there.)

OFFICER: Ma’am why don’t you have a seat? We need to ask you a few questions.

MRS. LINDEN: Oh, I, I, of course.

(Camera pans over back to Meredith at the Nurse’s station looking at a chart. Addison comes up behind her looking through some files.)

ADDISON: Oh, nothing like a domestic dispute to liven up a pre-op, huh?

(Meredith gives her a look. They both walk over to a bed where Jeremiah and Dr. Bailey are. Jeremiah is looking at some forms)

JEREMIAH: Where do I sign?

DR. BAILEY: Here for consent and here for D.N.R and no extraordinary measures.

(Jeremiah signs)

DR. BAILEY: Good. Okay lift up for me.

(Jeremiah lifts up in obvious pain as Dr. Bailey uses her stethoscope to listen to his heart beat)

JEREMIAH: You should probably call my parents.

DR. BAILEY: Call them yourself when you walk out of here.

(Cut to George walking into Ellis Grey’s room)

GEORGE: Dr. Grey I have those labs …

(He stops when he sees her bed empty again. The male nurse walks in behind him)

MALE NURSE #1 (amused): Oh no, you didn’t. You lost her again? Again?

GEORGE: I am a surgeon. A surgeon.

MALE NURSE #1 (chuckles): Yeah well you won’t be when Dr. Webber finds out you lost Ellis Grey again.

(George turns around looking a little scared. The male nurse laughs and walks away)

(Cut to an O.R. where Dr. Burke and Izzie are performing some sort of test on Kalpana)

DR. BURKE: We’re using 3 different catheters. Why are we doing that Dr. Stevens?
IZZIE: Programmed electrical stimulation maps the heart’s electrical system to find the focus of the irregular…

INTERN #1 (interrupts): Um, doctors. Sorry to interrupt.


INTERN #1: Her urine’s blue.

DR. BURKE: What?

(Intern holds up a bag holding Kalpana’s urine which sure enough is blue)

IZZIE: Why is her urine blue?

(Dr. Burke sighs, realizing something)

(Cut to Richard walking down the hall frustrated and angry. George is rushing following behind)

RICHARD: She says she has a surgery scheduled with Dr. Shepard!

GEORGE: I turned my back for 5 minutes.

RICHARD (angry): Why did you turn your back at all? I told you to take care of her! (he calms down and speaks quietly) Just get out of here. You wanna find a hot surgery then find one. You’re free. I’ll take care of her.

(Richard walks off through some double doors. George looking upset goes back the way he came, opening a door roughly)

(Cut to the O.R #2 with Dr. Shepard and Alex performing surgery on Samuel)

ALEX: This is one sick bastard. We should flip him over and give him a spine.

DR. SHEPARD: Hold back on the retractor Dr. Karev. (speaks to another intern) Little suction bogie.

BOGIE: Suction.

ALEX: Covering for his wife after she shot him.

DR. SHEPARD: He did cheat on her.

ALEX: And that guilt’s worth a bullet in the head?

DR. SHEPARD: Relationships are built on sacrifice.

ALEX: Not that kind of sacrifice.

DR. SHEPARD: Hmm, I don’t know. Sometimes a bullet’s worth it.

(Cut to ‘clean room’[where the doctors sterilize themselves] of an empty O.R. Ellis Grey is cleaning her fingernails. Richard walks in decked out in dark blue scrubs as well)

ELLIS (smiling): Ah, Richard. I thought you’d never get here. Look the O.R is empty. I have a little time before my surgery.

(She moves in and kisses him. He kisses her back. Can I just say I knew it! I just knew that they had an affair back in the day! He just cares way too much about her. He eventually pulls away. Ellis looks extremely confused)

ELLIS: I don’t think I’m supposed to be here.

RICHARD: No. (He cups her face with his hand. She puts her hand over his and sighs) No you’re not. Come on I’ll take you back to your room.

(Ellis smiles and nods. Richard helps her walk out of the room)

(Cut to the O.R with Dr. Bailey, Addison and Meredith performing surgery on Jeremiah)

ADDISON: We need more traction Dr. Grey.

DR. BAILEY (to Meredith): Here give me some suction there.

(Meredith gives suction)

DR. BAILEY: Now Grey retract the duodenum. Good. (to another Doctor) How’s he doing?

DOCTOR #1: Harder to ventilate. No urine output since we started.

ADDISON (shakes her head): He’s shutting down.

DR. BAILEY: Did you increase his peak pressures?

DOCTOR #1: Any higher we’ll blow his lungs. (monitor beeps) Bradycardia. 20 of atropine. (injects atropine)

ADDISON: Try ventilating him manually. See if he starts coming back up.

(Doctor #1 starts pushing on a bag)

DR. BAILEY (to Addison): Did we miss any bleeders?

ADDISON (shakes her head): The surgical field is clear.

MEREDITH: Agonal rhythm. (monitor is beeping faster)

DR. BAILEY: Any pulse with that?

DOCTOR #1: No carotid.

DR. BAILEY: Okay starting CPR. (she hands over her suction pipe and starts performing CPR)

ADDISON: Extraordinary measures Dr. Bailey. He’s DNR.

DR. BAILEY: Nah uh. This is just good medicine.

(The others stop what they’re doing)

(Cut to Kalpana’s room with Dr. Burke and Izzie)

KALPANA: Blue urine?

DR. BURKE: A second drug screen was positive for amitriptyline which I’m sure you know causes ventricular arrhythmias.

IZZIE: You knew it wouldn’t show up on a routine drug screen but I’m guessing you didn’t realize it would turn your urine blue.

KALPANA: I didn’t do this to myself. You have to believe me. I’m sick! I’m sick. I have something …

DR. BURKE (interrupts): No you’re just deceiving yourself, manufacturing things that really aren’t there. Seeing only what you want to see. Wasting our time, our resources and throwing away your own life. Your illness is in your head Kalpana. We will be transferring to psych.

(Cut back to Jeremiah’s O.R. Dr. Bailey is still performing CPR)

DR. BAILEY: Come on! Come on, don’t give up. Come on.

MEREDITH: You’re getting tired. Let me take over Dr. Bailey.

(Dr. Bailey moves away and pulls Meredith to where she was standing. Meredith starts performing CPR)

ADDISON: Dr. Bailey his intestines are cyanatic. There is no blood circulating.

DR. BAILEY: Then shunt it to his brain where he needs it. (she looks at Meredith) You call those compressions?

(She moves Meredith out of the way and resumes CPR. Meredith and Addison make eye contact)

DR. BAILEY: Fight it. Come on.

(Addison shakes her head. Everyone has stopped what they’re doing.)

DR. BAILEY: Why isn’t anyone moving? Whose recording?

ADDISON: It’s been 10 minutes since we had a perfusing rhythm.

(She tries to stop Dr. Bailey. Dr. Bailey shrugs her off. The monitor flat lines)

ADDISON: It’s your call Dr. Bailey.

DR. BAILEY (still continues CPR): 1,2,3,4. … 1,2,3,4 … 1 …

(She stops. The only sound is the monitor flat lined. Dr Bailey pulls of her mask.)

DR. BAILEY: Aystole. (she looks at the clock) Time of death 19:26.

(She walks out of the O.R trying not to cry)

(Cut to Dr. Bailey cleaning her hands furiously in the room adjoining the O.R. She stops when she sees some doctors covering up Jeremiah’s body. Addison walks in and starts washing her hands. Dr. Bailey resumes washing her hands. Meredith walks in. Dr. Bailey leaves the room)

ADDISON (sighs): It’s hard to accept the end when you’re too close.

(She looks down at the wedding ring she has put back on her finger after cleaning her hands. Meredith notices this. Addison sees her looking)

ADDISON: Look I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me Meredith. But if there’s the slightest chance that he does, I’m not leaving Seattle.

(Addison leaves the room. Meredith looks after her)

(Cut to Dr. Shepard and Alex with Samuel in a post-recovery ward)

SAMUEL: What did she tell them?

DR. SHEPARD: That you cheated on her. That she was drunk. You were cleaning your guns in the kitchen.

SAMUEL: I’m not gonna press charges.

ALEX: It doesn’t matter. She confessed. Assault the first degree.

SAMUEL: They arrested her?

ALEX: Man you should be grateful.

SAMUEL: You know what I am? I’m stupid. Nothing will make you feel more stupid than cheating on the woman you love. You don’t know what you’re missing.

(Dr. Shepard ponders this. Alex does too and makes eye contact with Izzie who’s putting a chart away at the nurse’s station. She smiles and walks away.)

(Cut to Cristina in her room wearing her own silk dressing gown. Her mother is back sitting by the window. Cristina is up standing pacing the room)

HELEN: Your latte is by your bed and I’m pretty sure it’s cold.

CRISTINA (sighs): I don’t need it.

HELEN: You should be in bed.

CRISTINA: Stop it. I’m fine. Okay? My brain is fine. My body is fine. I’m fine.

HELEN: I don’t know why I came.

CRISTINA (annoyed): Then why did you? You know I’m … You know just stop it. I don’t … I’m sorry I’m not that person. I’m sorry, I don’t, I don’t need you here taking care of me.

(Izzie walks in smiling)




IZZIE: You were right. Kalpana definitely suffers from Munchausen’s.
CRISTINA (turns to her mother): See I was right. (speaks to Izzie) I wasright. (speaks to herself, closing her eyes) I was right.


(She keeps her eyes closed but her face starts screwing up)


CRISTINA (starts crying): I was right. I was … (Izzie stops smiling and looks at Cristina as if she’s grown a second head) I was right. Oh…I’m, I’m (lets out a sob) I’m right. I’m (sobs) I’m right. I’m …



(Cut to Richard talking with Alex)

RICHARD: You took the clinical skills section of your medical board exams after most interns. So the results are only now coming out. I got a call from U.S.M.L.E this morning.

(Realization dawns on Alex)


ALEX: Oh. … So you’re, you’re saying …


RICHARD: Karev you’re still an M.D. You still get to practice medicine. The hospital grants you 4 months to re-take the exam. You study it. You pass it. You put it behind you. One misstep doesn’t affect your career.


ALEX (nods): Right, right, right. Thanks.


(Richard begins to walk away)


ALEX: What happens uh if I take the exam for a second time and I don’t pass?


RICHARD: You’ll no longer be a surgical resident at Seattle Grace. Failing again is not an option.

(Richard walks away)

(Cut a room where Dr. Shepard is sitting by himself with his divorce papers. He is struggling to sign them)

(Cut to Cristina’s room where she is sobbing loudly on her bed. Meredith comes running in. Izzie, George and Helen are in there)

MEREDITH (panicked): What’s going on?

CRISTINA: I can’t stop. I can’t. I can’t stop…( sobs)

IZZIE: Crying. She can’t stop crying.

MEREDITH: I can see that! What did you guys do to her?

IZZIE: Nothing!

GEORGE: She’s going to dehydrate. Cristina do you want some water?

(Cristina shakes her no, still sobbing)


(Meredith moves in to hug her)


(George pulls Meredith away. Cristina has shied away from Meredith)

IZZIE: I already tried that. It just made it worse.

HELEN: I knew she’d break sooner or later. Just a matter of time.

CRISTINA: I will kill her!!!!

(Meredith starts escorting Helen out of the room)


HELEN: I’m her mother!

MEREDITH: We don’t do well with mothers here. Why don’t you leave and come back later.

(George tentatively hands Cristina a tissue. Meredith walks
back in)

MEREDITH: Cristina …

CRISTINA (still sobbing): Make, make it stop. Make it sto-opp.

(Continues crying. George tries to hand her another tissue)

CRISTINA (yells): Somebody sedate me!!!!

(George runs out of the room. Cristina continues sobbing)

MVO: Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. 
(Cut to Ellis Grey’s room. Richard is standing over her. He
finds a soft armed restraint)

MVO: And when the damn bursts all you can do is swim.
(George is watching through a window)

MVO: The world of pretend is cage. Not a cocoon.
(George walks in)

MVO: We can only lie to ourselves for so long.
(George takes the restraint from Richard and places it on
Ellis’s arm himself. Richard watches him. Ellis looks at Richard.)

(Cut to Kalpana’s room where she is by herself)

MVO: We are tired. We are scared. Denying it doesn’t change the truth.

(Cut to Dr. Bailey on mezzanine in the hospital. She makes a phone call on a mobile phone)

DR. BAILEY: Hi. Mrs. Tait? It’s Miranda. (she nods, her voice

breaks) Miranda Bailey. I’m calling about Jeremiah. (she starts crying) I’m so sorry.

(Cut to Cristina’s room where she is now lying on her bed, silent tears still drip down her face. Her mother is entering things into her phone. Dr. Burke stops by dressed in a suit ready to go home. He enters the room and Cristina looks at him. He looks at her mother who stops what she’s doing and stares. He puts down his stuff on a chair, smiling at her mother. She smiles back. He moves to stroke Cristina’s hair)

HELEN: She doesn’t want to be touched.

(Dr. Burke pulls away and looks at Cristina whose trying not
to cry. He takes off his jacket and gets into the bed next to her. He holds her in his arms as she starts to cry again.)

DR. BURKE: Ssh. Ssh.

(He pulls her closer and kisses her forehead)

MVO: Sooner or later we have to put aside our denial … and face the world head on gun’s blazing.
(Cut to Alex whose just entered Joe’s bar. Izzie is waiting for
him looking absolutely gorgeous. He still seems upset about the news Richard gave him)


ALEX: Hey.

IZZIE: You look great.

(She moves into to kiss his cheek but he moves away)

ALEX: Thanks.

IZZIE (smiling): Are you okay?

ALEX (abrupt): Yeah you ready to go.

IZZIE (losing the smile): Yeah. You just … you don’t seem like yourself.

ALEX: No, ah look…We’ve got dinner reservations so we should go, so ah … let’s go.

IZZIE: Okay.

(Alex goes out the door. Izzie looking upset grabs her purse and follows him. Pan to Meredith taking off her coat and Dr. Shepard putting his briefcase on a chair.  They’re taking a seat at a high table.)

MVO: Denial. It’s not just a river in Egypt. It’s a freaking


MEREDITH: I’m glad we’re doing this.

DR. SHEPARD: Me too. Want a drink?

MEREDITH: Yes. (Dr. Shepard knocks over his briefcase off

the chair.) Oh.

DR. SHEPARD: I’ve got it.

MEREDITH (bends over): I’ll get it.

(Dr. Shepard gets his brief case. Meredith picks up his divorce
papers which have fallen out. She looks at them. The camera shows the place for where Dr. Shepard’s signature should be, but he hasn’t signed it.)

MVO: So how do you keep from drowning in it?

(Meredith looks at Dr. Shepard pointingly. Dr. Shepard looks
down. Meredith continues to stare at him.)

Kikavu ?

Au total, 267 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

17.10.2022 vers 23h

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Derniers commentaires

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diana62800  (17.10.2022 à 23:34)

Bailey était au top tout le long de l'épisode, j'aurais tellement aimé qu'elle arrive à sauver son patient, je suis triste pour elle :( :( 

Derek qui appelle Addison Satan, la pauvre :D 

J'aime beaucoup le couple Derek/Meredith, 

mais je suis contente que Derek ne signe pas les papiers,

Ça nous permet de voir Addison (que j'adore) plus longtemps ;) 

labelette  (29.09.2020 à 22:19)

Addison / Satan est top, même si on a envie de la détester, on n'a pas forcément envie qu'elle parte (du moins tout de suite) !

Dr McDreamy (mamour) porte trop bien son nom, quand on le voit sourire, on comprend pourquoi Cristina et Izzie l'appellent comme ça.

Cristina qui ne veut pas rester alitée, pas étonnant de sa part !

On l'avait déjà vu dans le dernier épisode, mais là on a la confirmation : Bailey est bien humaine ;-) Elle est profondément touchée par la mort de son 1er patient.


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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3.23m / 0.5% (18-49)

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20.02 : Keep The Family Close (inédit)
Jeudi 21 mars à 21:00
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Jeudi 14 mars à 21:00
3.62m / 0.6% (18-49)

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !