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#405 : A Jamais Réunis

C'est le jour d'Halloween et le jour des surprises pour les médecins du Seattle Grace. Alex reçoit une visite inattendue mais néanmoins bienvenue, celle de Rebecca/Ava. Quant à Meredith, elle est convaincue que les cendres de sa mère la hantent et cherche un endroit où les mettre. Parallèlement, elle va aider Sloan à opérer un garçon pour qu'il ait des oreilles. Cristina essuie un refus de la part du Dr Hahn qui est de retour au Seattle et Callie apprend à ses collègues la relation qu'entretient son mari avec Izzie. Richard doit faire face à son récent divorce et Bailey à l'attitude de son mari qui lui repproche de privilégier son travail. Callie et Cristina se découvrent des points communs et se rapprochent.


4.07 - 14 votes

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Haunt You Every Day

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A Jamais Réunis

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"I will show you love" - recap 4x05


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Les médecins avec leur patient

Les médecins avec leur patient

George, Lexie et Richard

George, Lexie et Richard

Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh)

Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh)

Erica Hahn

Erica Hahn

Un patient qui a mal à la tête

Un patient qui a mal à la tête

Erica Hahn

Erica Hahn

Erica Hahn et Cristina

Erica Hahn et Cristina

Erica Hahn

Erica Hahn

Lexie Grey

Lexie Grey

Lexie et George

Lexie et George

Un patient

Un patient

George et Lexie

George et Lexie

Meredith et Cristina

Meredith et Cristina

Lexie et George

Lexie et George

George et Izzie

George et Izzie

Cristina Yang

Cristina Yang

George et Izzie qui mangent

George et Izzie qui mangent

Izzie, George et Meredith qui mangent

Izzie, George et Meredith qui mangent

Une patiente déguisée

Une patiente déguisée

George et Lexie

George et Lexie

Une patiente et Lexie

Une patiente et Lexie

George, Lexie et une patiente

George, Lexie et une patiente

Ava qui revient

Ava qui revient

Izzie et George

Izzie et George



George O'Malley

George O'Malley

Alex qui retrouve Ava

Alex qui retrouve Ava

Les internes dans leur vestiaire

Les internes dans leur vestiaire

Plus de détails

Scénario : Shonda Rhimes et Krista Vernoff - Réalisation : Bethany Rooney

Meredith rêve qu'elle marche dans les couloirs de l'hôpital jusqu'à la morgue. Elle a des flashes en même temps des évènements marquant de sa relation avec Derek et sa mère (Quand Derek la sauve de la noyade, quand elle est sous l'eau dans son bain, quand sa mère lui dit qu'elle est ordinaire, etc...).

Il y a une raison pour laquelle les chirurgiens apprennent à manier les scalpels; nous aimons croire que nous sommes des scientifiques pur et dur, on aime faire semblant de n'avoir peur de rien.

Elle ouvre une porte de la morgue et se voit morte elle-même. Meredith se réveille.

En réalité on devient chirurgien parce que, quelque part, au fond de nous-mêmes, on croit pouvoir couper se qui nous hante.

Meredith fouille dans son placard et en sort une urne funéraire.

Izzie et Alex sont en train de décorer une citrouille et des cupcakes pour halloween en plein milieux de la nuit quand Meredith arrive avec l'urne. Meredith prend un sac et transvide les cendres à l'intérieur. Izzie lui demande qu'est-ce que c'est et Meredith lui répond : ma mère.

A l'hôpital, Cristina remplace une affiche d'appartement à louer sur le tableau par la sienne mais le Chef la voit. Il lui dit qu'il vient de divorcer d'avec Adele et qu'il se cherche un endroit ou vivre. Cristina retire l'affiche du tableau et la donne au Chef en lui disant que l'appartement de Burke est maintenant le sien.

Tout le monde regarde Meredith aux vestiaires quand Christina arrive et demande ce qui se passe. Izzie lui dit que Meredith à amener sa mère dans un sac plastique. Meredith leur dit que sa mère la hantait et que c'est pour ca qu'elle devait la sortir de son placard. Callie arrive et annonce que comme c'est férié aujourd'hui, la pit va être très occupé. Izzie lui demande s'ils doivent faire leur tournée de patient avant d'aller à la pit, mais Callie la coupe et lui dit de ne s'adresser qu'à Bailey et non à elle. Quand Bailey demande pourquoi, Callie dit devant tout le monde qu'Izzie a couché avec Georges.

Devant une chambre Lexie, déguiser en Fraisinette, discute avec la fille d'un patient, déguisé en chat. La fille demande pourquoi son père n'a toujours pas reçu ses médicaments, ils sont en retard d'une demi heure. Si Lexie a le temps de se déguiser elle a forcement le temps de s'occuper de son père. George arrive et dit a Lexie de toujours s'assurer de donner les médicaments a tout le monde avant de faire autre chose. George lui dit ensuite que Christina la faisait marcher avec l'histoire du déguisement et Lexie retire son chapeau, dépité.

A la clinique un homme va voir Bailey. Sa jambe a des spasmes violents. Il dit que son pied n'est pas le sien, comme s'il était mort. Il répète que se n'est pas son pied et qu'il veut se le faire amputer. Bailey est abasourdi.

Meredith et Derek se fonce dedans au tournant d'un couloir et Meredith échappe ses dossier et le sac plastique contenant les cendres de sa mère. Elle dit à Derek qu'elle allait la porter dans la voiture parce que personne ne voulait qu'elle la laisse dans son casier. Elle lui dit qu'elle essaie d'évoluer mais qu'elle n'arrive pas décider si elle laisse les cendres dans son casier ou dans sa voiture. Un jeune garçon les interromps en disant qu'il est venu voir sa mère qui travail a la cafète mais qu'elle la envoyer voir le Dr. Sloan. Derek l'accompagne.

Sloan est au bureau des infirmières et tend un dossier de patient a Olivia mais elle lui dit de ne plus regarder les infirmières comme il fait. Elles ont formé un club : Les infirmières unies contre Mark Sloan. Mais Mark ne prend pas ca du tout au sérieux.

Derek arrive avec le gamin et quand il voit Sloan il l'appel Papa. Mais Derek et le garçon éclatent de rire, c'est une mauvais blague de Derek. Le garçon n'a pas d'oreille et il demande à Sloan de lui en faire.

Norman demande a Alex s'il peut rentrer chez lui car il est malade, mais Alex lui dit que des chirurgiens ca travail pendant 10-12-14h sans manger et sans rechigner, c'est l'un ou l'autre. Alex ouvre le rideau pour aller voir une patiente et c'est Ava/Rebecca. Alex envoie Norman travailler plus loin et Rebecca/Ava lui dit qu'elle se demandait comment elle voulait se déguiser pour Halloween mais que finalement la seule qu'elle désirait vraiment être c'étais Ava et Alex l'embrasse.

Sloan regarde des radios de la tête du jeune garçon quand Meredith arrive. Le garçon espère en fait que Sloan puisse faire l'opération gratuitement. Mark lui dit qu'il n'est pas le seul impliqué, qu'ils ont besoin d'anesthésiste et d'infirmières, d'un bloc, etc. Il raconte a Meredith que les infirmières on formé un club contre lui alors se n'est pas le moment d'aller leur demander service. Meredith lui dit que sa mère était populaire, elle pourrait essayer de mettre ca sur pied... Sloan lui dit que si sa marche, il va l'opérer gratuitement.

Alex et Ava s'embrassent dans la salle de repos des employés de l'hôpital mais Ava repousse Alex. Elle lui demande pourquoi il n'est pas revenu et elle lui dit qu'elle est revenue pour lui. Alex sourit et recommence a l'embrasser, il lui dit qu'ils vont parler de tout ca plus tard.

Bailey parle avec un autre médecin qui lui propose des anxiolytiques pour le patient qui veut se faire amputé. Bailey doit se rendre a la pit alors elle va voir le patient et lui prescrit des médicaments. Le patient refuse car il veut absolument voir un chirurgien.

Meredith parle avec le chef et lui demande un bloc et de l'équipement pour l'opération du petit garçon. Quand le chef refuse elle lui dit que sa ne dérangeait jamais sa mère d'opéré gratuitement. Richard accepte, le bloc 2 est libre a 18h.

George et Izzie sont à l'entrer des ambulances avec Lexie et Izzie est furieuse que Callie est tout dit a tout le monde. Une ambulance arrive, une femme a reçu une brique à la tête à travers son pare-brise. George et Lexie la reconnaisse, c'est la femme déguiser en chat qui réclamait des médicaments pour son père.

Bailey est a la pit et soigne un garçon qui a perdu un doigt et qui lui raconte comment c'est arriver dans un concours de citrouille a la tronçonneuse. Il dit a Bailey qu'il a amené la tronçonneuse car son doigt est pris dedans, mais il ne la trouve plus, quelqu'un la voler. Bailey entend soudainement un bruit de tronçonneuse et elle se précipite avec plusieurs médecins. L'homme qui voulait se faire amputer est en train se couper lui-même le pied.

Sloan, Torres, Yang et Bailey sont autour de l'homme qui est sous anesthésiant. Mark regarde s'ils peuvent sauver le pied, mais le nerf est foutu. L'homme n'avait pris aucune drogue, Callie ne comprend pas comment il a pus rester conscient assez longtemps pour le trancher en entier.

Callie et Mark sont en train de retirer leur vêtement de chirurgie et Mark offre son aide a Callie si elle a besoin de quelqu'un pour se remonter le moral, surtout la nuit. Il est au courant pour George.

Le chef, Izzie et Georges annonce la nouvelle au père d'Erin, la jeune femme qui a eu l'accident de voiture. Erin étais donneuse d'organe et s'il la débranche son père pourrait avoir son cœur.

Derek fonce dans Sydney juste devant les escaliers et elle se présente à lui. Meredith à assister a toute la scène avec le jeune garçon et elle est jalouse. Elle lui demande s'il trouve Sydney jolie et il lui dit qu'il aime les gens joyeux.

Meredith demande de l'aide a Bailey pour l'opération bénévole, mais elle lui dit qu'elle na pas le temps. Le petit garçon s'approche et Bailey craque, elle accepte.

Derek, Izzie et Georges sont au chevet d'Erin avec son père. Derek le convainc de donner les organes d'Erin, mais il refuse d'avoir le cœur, il dit de le donner au prochain sur la liste.

Cristina et Meredith sont a la cafète en train de manger et elles discutent de comment Meredith pourrait disposer des cendres de sa mère. Izzie et George arrivent et Meredith demande s'ils sont ensemble et Izzie acquiesce mais Cristina n'approuve pas du tout et s'en va.

Alex est avec Ava dans un lit de la salle de repos. Norman le bip mais il dit que sa peut attendre. Ava parle de sa fille à Alex et elle lui demande qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire tout les deux, mais il c'est endormi.

Le chef accueille Dr. Hoan pour le prélèvement d'organe et lui dit que le patient n'a pas accepté car c'est le père de la donneuse. Christina et Izzie se battent pour pouvoir assister le Dr. Hoan mais Erica Hoan lui dit a Christina que comme elle n'est pas lesbienne, Christina ne pourras pas l'impressionné comme elle la fait avec Marlow ou Burke et elle prend Stevens.

Cristina se plain devant l'homme qui s'est amputé et Norman qu'elle ne peut pas faire la transplantation et qu'elle est prise avec une amputation a la place.

Hahn entre dans la chambre d'Erin et son père est à son chevet. Hahn lui dit que s'il est prêt ils vont pouvoir commencer. George, Izzie et Lexie reste quand Hahn quitte et Georges réussit à le convaincre d'accepter la transplantation avec le cœur de sa fille.

Cristina et Izzie se croisent dans les escaliers de service et Izzie lui dit qu'elle na pas le droit de la juger vu se que Cristina a fait ou vu que Meredith qui a coucher avec Derek qui étais alors un homme marier.

Derek croise encore Sydney qui lui pose des questions sur sa généalogie mais il dit qu'on l'attend quelque part et il s'en va rejoindre Sloan un peu plus loin. Apparemment Sloan a fait courir le bruit que Derek étais en chasse...

Meredith a réussi à réunir tout le personnel nécessaire pour l'opération des oreilles du jeune garçon. Elle lui dit qu'ils vont aller rejoindre sa mère.

Callie, Norman et Cristina sont en salle d'op pour l'amputé. Callie se plaint d'avoir le mariage le plus court de l'histoire et Christina d'avoir été plaqué a l'église et sa les fait beaucoup rire. Norman ne comprend rien mais soudainement il s'évanouit.

Alex se fait réveiller par son bipper et il se dépêche de s'habiller. Il est arrivé quelque chose avec un de ses internes. Ava lui dit qu'ils doivent parler et Alex lui dit qu'il va revenir.

Meredith et Sloan se prépare pour l'opération et Meredith lui dit qu'elle na jamais fêter halloween.

Derek fait des tests à Norman quand Alex arrive, il a fait une attaque cardiaque et il à un caillaux de sang, on ne sais pas s'il va s'en sortir.

Hahn est en train d'enlever le cœur de père d'Erin. Lexie et Georges assistent de loin et Lexie lui dit qu'elle est désolée pour son mariage.

Ava s'est rhabiller et attend Alex. Sloan est en train de coudre les oreilles au jeune garçon et Meredith s'émerveille. Hoan choc le nouveau cœur de l'homme et le cœur repart. Alex ne cesse de répéter ''allez'' a Norman pour qu'il se réveille et il ouvre les yeux. Il ne se souvient pas se qui c'est passer.

Meredith croise Lexie et elles se racontent leurs opérations respectives. Lexie lui dit que quand sa mère est morte elle a déterré la chatte préférée de sa mère du jardin, car elle l'adorait et elle l'a ré enterrer a coté de sa mère au cimetière. Meredith lui dit merci et s'en va.

Bailey se chicane avec son mari, Tucker, car elle n'est toujours pas rentré et qu'elle na pas pu voir son fils dans son costume d'halloween. Elle raccroche et George arrive et la salut. Bailey lui demande comment ca va, et Georges s'excuse de l'avoir déçu. Bailey lui dit qu'elle ne pardonne pas se qu'il a fait, mais qu'il faut être deux pour ruiner un mariage.

Cristina croise Hoan et lui dit qu'elle na jamais coucher avec personne pour avoir de l'avancement et que ses remarque étais non-professionnel et inapproprié. Le chef arrive et annonce a Christina que le Dr. Hoan va travailler au SGH dorénavant, Christina lui répond qu'elle ne lui donne plus son appartement.

Alex va voir Norman et s'excuse de ne pas l'avoir cru ou aider. Norman explique à Alex pourquoi il a choisi la chirurgie.

Meredith prend les signes vitaux du garçon avec de nouvelles oreilles. Il lui dit que l'océan serait bien pour les cendres de la mère de Meredith.

Richard et Derek se plaignent du fait que Richard soit à l'hôtel et que Derek doit sortir avec de nouvelles filles.

Alex retourne dans la salle de repos mais Ava est partie et elle a laissé son tee-shirt.

Il n'y a pas que les chirurgiens, en fait je ne connais personne qui ne soit pas hanté par quelque chose ou par quelqu'un. Et qu'on essaie de faire disparaitre la douleur avec un bistouri ou en la cachant au fond d'une armoire, nos efforts échoue, généralement.

George sort de l'hôpital et croise Izzie assise sur un banc. Ils se disent qu'ils ont survécu à la journée et ils se sourient.

Le seul moyen de se remettre les idées en place c'est de tournée un nouvelle page.

Cristina fait visiter l'appartement à Callie.

Ou de laissé une vieille histoire reposé en paix...

Meredith vide les cendres de sa mère dans un lavabo de chirurgie quand Richard arrive. Elle lui explique que c'est le seul endroit ou sa mère voudrait reposer. Richard l'aide à finir de vider les cendres.

...Reposé enfin en paix.

(Meredith sees herself dead in the hospital hallways)

(Meredith is talking to Derek)

Meredith: Pick me. Choose me. Love me.

(Meredith is drowning in the bathtub)

Derek: You're the love of my life, I can't leave you. But you're constantly leaving me.

(Derek pulls a dead Meredith out of the water)

(Meredith is with her mom)

Ellis: Imagine my surprise when I wake up after five years and discover you're no more than ordinary)

(Meredith is in the morgue)

MVO: There's a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. We like to pretend we're hard, cold scientists. We like to pretend we're fearless.

(She opens the door to a freezer and sees herself)

Dead Meredith: Pick me, choose me, love me.

(Meredith wakes up to realize she was dreaming)

MVO: But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere, deep down, we think we can cut away that which haunts us...

(Meredith enters the dining room to find Alex and Izzie. Alex is carving a pumpkin and Izzie is baking)

Meredith: What are you guys doing up?

Izzie and Alex: Couldn't sleep.

MVO: Weakness, frailty...death.

(Meredith dumps her moms ashes into a Ziploc bag)

Izzie: What is that?

Meredith: My mother.

Alex: Happy freaking' Halloween.

(Cristina is at the bulletin, Richard is nearby)

Richard: Yang...you're moving out of Burke's place, huh?

Cristina: Yes, sir.

Richard: My wife has filed for divorce.

Cristina: I'm very sorry, sir.

Richard: At any rate, I need a place to live. And Burke's place...I...I was there once. I suppose actually it's your place now, right?

Cristina: No, it's still Burke's place. Now it's yours.

(Meredith is in the locker room with the other interns)

Cristina: What are we looking at?

Izzie: Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work.

Meredith: I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me.

Alex: And now she's haunting us all.

Meredith: I'm putting her to rest.

(Sydney enters)

Sydney: Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse the past, one cuts off all of one's hair and buries it in the earth. You might try that, too.

(Callie enters)

Callie: Okay, listen up. Today is a holiday, which means the pit will be overrun. You've got the usual drunken stupidity...

Bailey: And then you've got Seattle's annual chain saw pumpkin carving contest. I love this city.

Callie: Stay on your toes, stay on top of your interns, okay?

Izzie: So we should round before heading to the pit or...

Callie: Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens.

Cristina: Oh, we're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?

Callie: Oh, not you. Just Stevens.

Bailey: Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?

Callie: Because she's been sleeping with my husband. All righty, then. Have a good day.

(Callie and Izzie leave)

Cristina: Okay, this is even more disturbing than your bagful of mommy.

(Lexie is in the hall with Erin and her father, Jack)

Erin: His medication was due half an hour ago. I mean, the man is living in the hospital while he waits on a heart.

Jack: Erin, honey. I'm thinking it's kinda hard for anyone to take you seriously in your mouse costume.

Erin: See, I work with 5 year olds, dad. My costume is appropriate. Hers is not. Look, I'm...I'm just saying, if you have time for Halloween costumes, you probably have time to provide my father with basic care.

(George walks up)

George: Hi, I'm Dr. O'Malley. We'll take care of your father right away.

Erin: Thank you.

George: You should always make sure they have their meds before you do anything else.

Lexie: Okay. Thanks.

George: I like your costume.

Lexie: Oh, well, Dr. Yang said that we...

George: Yang...is screwing with you.

Lexie: Oh, I knew it

(Bailey is in the clinic when James walks up)

James: Are you the doctor?

Bailey: Oh, I am.

James: Good. That's...that's good.

Bailey: Is your leg hurting you?

James: It's...it's not the leg. It's the foot. And...and it's not hurting so much as... as it's not mine. Something happened. I...I can't explain it. But this...this foot does not belong to me. It...it's...it...it...it feels like it's a corpse foot.

Bailey: Oh, did you lose feeling in the foot? Is it numb?

James: No, it's...it's not numb. It's just...it's not mine. Please, I'm...I'm not crazy. I...I work at a bank. I'm not crazy. Please. I just...I...I need a surgeon. I need you to get me a surgeon who will remove it.

Bailey: A surgeon who will remove your foot? A surgeon who will amputate your seemingly healthy foot?

(Meredith is in the hall and runs into Derek)

Meredith: Oh!

Derek: What is that?

Meredith: It's charts.

Derek: Meredith.

Meredith: It's my mom.

Derek: What?

Meredith: I had her in the cubby, and she was freaking people out. So I was just gonna go put her in the car. Do you think that's disrespectful, to leave her in the car?

Derek: It's a little...

Meredith: It's not that strange.

Derek: Oh.

Meredith: I'm trying to figure out how to put her to rest. I can't shove her in the back of my closet anymore. I have to deal with her.

Derek: Well...

Meredith: And this is me trying to evolve. I'm trying here. So...cubby or car?

Derek: You're asking me if I think you should put your mom's ashes in your cubby or your car? Okay, and you don't think that's very, very strange?

(Ryan walks up)

Ryan: Are those really your mom's ashes?

Derek: It's strange, right? It's strange.

Meredith: Are you lost?

Ryan: No, my mom works in the cafeteria. And she said I could come up here and look for Dr. Sloan. Do you know him?

Meredith: Um, can you take care of him?

Derek: Yeah. Can you...take care of her?

(Mark walks up to the nurse's station)

Mark: Good morning.

Olivia: Don't do that. Don't smile at me.

Jolene: Don't smile at her. Don't smile at me, either.

Olivia: We're on to you.

Jolene: We've compared notes.

Mark: Compared notes? Really?

Jolene: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Compared notes, compared pickup lines compared techniques.

Mark: Techniques?

Jolene and Olivia: Identical.

Mark: Identical?

Olivia: We formed a club. Nurses unite against Mark Sloan.

Mark: Are there any, uh, club activities?

(Derek walks up with Ryan)

Mark: Oh, man. You would not believe what just happened to me.

Derek: There's a, uh, kid looking for you.

Mark: What?

Ryan: Daddy?

Mark: What?

(Mark looks shocked. After a minute Ryan smiles and Derek gives him some money)

Derek: Nicely done.

Ryan: Thanks.

Mark: I'll be getting you back for that.

Derek: Looking forward to it.

Ryan: You're not my father. But I am hoping you'll build me some ears.

(Alex is in the hall when a nurse walks past)

Nurse: Dr. Karev, request for you. Curtain three.

(Alex is on the way to curtain three and runs into Norman)

Norman: Dr. Karev, I'm feeling a little under the weather. And...and rather than risk spreading germs to the patients, I thought I would head home for the day.

Alex: Norman, do you want to be a surgeon or do you want to go to bed? Because it's one or the other. Surgeons stand up through 10...12...15-hour surgeries without food, without bathroom breaks without complaints. Surgeons do not go home because we have a tickle in our throat.

(Alex opens the curtain and finds Ava)

Norman: Well, it's not a tickle in my throat as much as...

Alex: Make yourself busy, Norman.

Norman: Right.

Ava: All the moms in my town, they all dress up for Halloween. So I was thinking, what

would I want to be if...if I had to dress up or what I...and the only thing I could come up

with, the only thing that I wanted to be...was Ava.

(Alex grabs her and kisses her)

(Meredith walks up to Mark and Ryan)

Meredith: You found him.

Ryan: You two know each other? You know his parents?

Meredith: His mom works in the cafeteria. What's all this?

Ryan: It's letters from the kids in my class.

Mark: Letters to me. He has the internal structure to hear, he just doesn't have a

canal or external structure.

Ryan: So I thought if I came in with my letters, Dr. Sloan might feel sorry for

me and do the surgery for free.

Mark: Uh, look, I'd like to help, I would if I could, but pro bono surgery...

Ryan: You should probably know that on my way here this morning, three different people

thought I was in a costume. My head looks like a permanent Halloween costume. Just thought you should know that.

Meredith: You're good.

Mark: Pro bono surgery is not just about me giving you my time. A surgery like this requires OR time, an anesthesiologist, a general surgeon to remove the cartilage from your ribs, at least two surgical nurses.

Meredith: Couldn't you ask them for help?

Mark: I could, but I don't have any social capital. The nurses hate me. They've formed a club

that's all about hating me. And the other doctors don't owe me any favors 'cause I've never done any for them. I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I would if I could.

Meredith: I have social capital. Or I don't. Nobody knows me, but they knew my mother. So maybe I can make this happen.

Mark: Fine, make it happen. You manage that, I'm all yours.

Ryan: These people who knew your mother, do they know you brought her to work in a baggie?

(Alex and Ava are in the on-call room)

Ava: Oh, you...you didn't come for me. You...you chickened out. When I... when I was

leaving, when I was...when I asked you to give me a reason to stay, you chickened out, which I...I get. I get that. It was a lot. It was scary, and I...I know I can be kinda intense, but I thought...I thought...oh! I thought after the... the chickening out part, I thought...you would come for me. I came back for you, which basically...makes me a beggar. I'm a beggar for Halloween.

And now you're mocking me.

Alex: I'm not mocking you.

Ava: We need...to talk.

Alex: We will.

(Bailey and Raj are talking about James)

Bailey: Body dysmorphic disorder?

Raj: You can prescribe him some anti-anxiety meds to try to lessen the urgency he's feeling.

Bailey: The man is requesting an amputation, and the best you can come up with is anti-anxiety meds?

(Nurse calls Bailey)

Nurse: Dr. Bailey.

Bailey: Chain saw contest time?

Nurse: Yep.

Bailey: Mr. Miller. I have to get to the ER. But I'm gonna write you a prescription

for some medication I think may help you.

James: Medication? I need... I...I need a surgeon. A surgeon can take off the foot.

Get me a surgeon!

Bailey: I am a surgeon, and I can tell you right now that you won't persuade me

or any other surgeon to do what you're asking. Please try this medication.

(Meredith is in Richard's office)

Meredith: I have an earless boy.

Richard: I'm sorry?

Meredith: Sloan has agreed to build him ears pro bono if you will donate the OR and all the equipment...

Richard: I'm sorry, Grey. My pro bono slate is full. There are protocols to be followed, all sorts ..of red tape.

(Ryan enters)

Ryan: Trick or treat.

Meredith: Get it? He's trick-or-treating...for ears.

Richard: Grey...

Meredith: You know, my mother, she was big on pro bono surgeries.

Richard: OR 2 is free at 6:00 P.M.

Meredith: Thank you.

(Lexie, George and Izzie are in the ambulance bay)

Lexie: If you two need to talk, I could wait over there.

Izzie: Why? It's not like we have any secrets anymore. Callie told everyone. Everyone.

George: Yeah, it's gonna be a long day.

Ray: Erin Shandley, 34, massive head trauma when a brick came through her windshield.

GCS of 3 in the field.

George: A brick came through her windshield?

Ray: Damn kids were screwing around on a bridge, Halloween crap.

Izzie: I'm looking at brain matter here.

Ray: I checked. She's a donor.

Lexie: Oh, my god.

Izzie: What?

George: Her father's on three. He's waiting for a new heart.

(Bailey is in the ER with a fingerless patient)

Man: It was awesome. It was the sickest pumpkin head you ever saw. And then the next thing you know, it's, like, blood gushing, and it totally stained my pumpkin head.

Bailey: You don't say?

Man: Made it even sicker, though. I brought it in...the digit.

Bailey: Oh, you have the finger?

Man: Yeah, but it's, like, lodged in the chain saw.

(He looks down)

Man: Wait. It was right here. Who took my saw?

Bailey: What...sir, the cut isn't clean enough to consider re...

Man: Yo, who took my saw?

(They hear the saw starting)

Bailey: Oh...oh, no.

Cristina: What is that noise?

Norman: I have no idea.

(They open the curtain to find James attempting to cut his leg off with the chainsaw)

James: Aah! Aah!

Man: Sick!

(Mark and Callie are in James' surgery)

Mark: The tibial nerve is shot. There's nothing salvageable here.

Callie: Completely mangled. I can't believe he held that saw to his leg long enough...was he high?

Bailey: No, I just gave him some morphine for the pain, but the tox screen was clean before that.

Callie: Unbelievable. All right, I'll finish the job. Yang, go ahead and prep him for complete amputation.

James: Thank you. Thank you so much.

(Norman looks sick)

Bailey: Hey, you okay?

Norman: Oh, severed limbs don't sit well with me. Just a little queasy is all. But I'm fine.

I'll help Dr. Yang.

Bailey: Okay.

(Mark and Callie are talking)

Mark: Gotta love Halloween...when all the crazies come out to play.

Callie: Mmm, I kind of get it. I mean, I get that you can wake up one day, and your life doesn't feel like your own.

Mark: I heard...about your marriage. And if there's anything you need me to do to cheer you up, I'm around, day or night...night in particular.

Callie: I was married. I said "till death do us part," okay? In a church. I mean, it was the church of Elvis, but still it was a church. I just...I can't believe this is my life.

(Richard and Izzie are in Jack's room telling him about Erin)

Jack: I don't understand. How did this happen? How could this happen?

Izzie: Injuries like these happen very quickly. She probably didn't feel any pain at all.

Richard: Mr. Shandley. According to Erin's driver's license...she was an organ donor. And as next of kin, if you agree to take her off of life support, you could direct the heart to yourself. She is young, she was healthy. She would be a perfect match for you, sir.

Jack: Could you just please go away?

Richard: Mr. Shandley, if you would just...

Jack: Please, please go away. Please.

Richard: Dr. O'Malley will bring you to see your daughter if you like.

(Derek runs into Sydney in the hall)

Sydney: Oh!

Derek: Oh, so sorry. Excuse me. Oh, no, no. You okay?

Sydney: No apology necessary.

Derek: Okay.

Sydney: I'm Sydney, by the way. Dr. Sydney Heron. General surgery. Big fan of your work. Yeah. Uh, we were seated together once at an M&M. Anyway, uh, now seems as good a

time as any to make it official...our introduction.

Derek: Ah, Derek Shepherd. Pleasure. It's, uh, it's very, very nice to meet you. Nice meeting you, too.

(Meredith and Ryan have been watching this exchange)

Meredith: You think she's pretty?

Ryan: Yeah, I like cheerful people.

Meredith: I can be cheerful.

Ryan: I think the ashes thing makes that kinda unlikely.

(Meredith goes to find Bailey)

Meredith: Dr. Bailey, we're gonna help, uh, rebuild a little boy's ears today, pro bono. And I thought maybe you could donate some time.

Bailey: Uh, thanks to the fine, upstanding citizen who cut off his foot on my watch, I've got a mountain of paperwork. On top of that, I promised to try and get out here in time to see my son

in his Halloween costume.

Meredith: Is Tuck even old enough to know what Halloween is?

Bailey: He's not, but his father is, and that's who I promised.

(Ryan enters)

Ryan: Trick or treat.

Bailey: For ears? He's trick-or-treating for ears?

Meredith: Yeah. Could you also persuade some of the surgical nurses to help out? They seem to really like you.

Ryan: Trick or treat.

Bailey: Uh, stop that. All right, I'm in.

(Jack is visiting with Erin)

Jack: She's warm. It doesn't make sense.

Derek: I'm sorry. She's breathing with the help of machines. Erin... the person that you knew... isn't there anymore.

Jack: Uh...would you bring the paperwork? You can have her...have her...her organs. That's what she wanted.

George: And her heart?

Jack: Give it to someone else.

(Meredith and Cristina are in the lunch room)

Cristina: We could scatter her off the roof.

Meredith: She was afraid of heights.

Cristina: They're ashes, Meredith. The ashes aren't acrophobic.

Meredith: I need to put my mother to rest. I need to not become her. I need to not die emotionally crippled and alone. And I need to not attend the wedding of Derek Shepherd and Sydney Heron. I need to put my mother to rest.

Cristina: Sydney heron?

(Izzie and George join them. There is an awkward silence)

Izzie: Just ask.

Meredith: So you two are together?

George: Yeah.

Meredith: Like "together" together, in love together? Sexy love, not sibling love?

Izzie: Yes. Yeah. We're together.

Meredith: And...you two have been...I mean, without any of us knowing...doing this the whole time?

Izzie: Just once.

George: Iz.

Izzie: I said she could ask questions. Just once. And now we're waiting to...be together...out of respect.

George: For Callie's feelings.

(Cristina scoffs then walks away)

Meredith: She's not judging.

Izzie: Right.

Meredith: I have an earless boy waiting for me...but...I'm happy for you guys.

(Alex and Ava are in the on-call room when Alex's pager goes off)

Alex: Norman.

Ava: Do you have to go?

Alex: No. Norman can get by for a few more minutes without me. How are you? I mean, how have you been?

Ava: I'm in love with my daughter. She's perfect. She's...I mean, she sucks on her fingers. It's her new thing. And she makes, like, this perfect little cartoon suckling sound.

Alex: And your husband?

Ava: My husband's in love with my daughter, too. You look tired.

Alex: I haven't been sleeping much.

Ava: I haven't been sleeping much either. The baby wakes up all the time. Not as much now that I figured out that if wrap her in whatever shirt I'm wearing...

Alex: She smells you.

Ava: Yeah and she sleeps. Alex...what are we doing? I mean, what are... what are we gonna do?

(Alex falls asleep)

(Erica and Richard are at the nurse's station)

Richard: Dr. Hahn. Thank you for coming at such short notice.

Erica: Oh, not a problem. Are we harvesting the heart for UNOS or is the recipient here?

Richard: I'm hoping the recipient is here, but he hasn't agreed yet.

Erica: I've never had much trouble talking a heart patient into taking a heart.

Richard: It's his daughter's heart.

Erica: Okay.

(Izzie and Cristina walk by)

Cristina: Get him to OR two and page Torres.

Nurse: Okay.

Izzie: Where are you going?

(Richard and Erica are still talking)

Richard: His daughter was in an auto accident.

(Cristina and Izzie are approaching)

Cristina: Hey, uh, what's Hahn doing here?

Richard: She's been declared brain dead...

Izzie: Heart transplant. Don't even think about it. It's my patient.

Cristina: Dr. Hahn, I understand you're doing a heart transplant today, and I thought I'd volunteer to scrub in.

Izzie: Isobel Stevens. She's my patient, the donor. So if you need any information, I have it, all of it. She's...she's my patient.

Erica: You've got some eager junior residents around here.

Richard: Mm, lucky me. Take your pick.

Erica: Well, Yang, I appreciate the offer, but I date men. So I don't think you'll be able to impress me the way you've impressed your mentors in the past.

Cristina: I...what?

Erica: You sleep with them, right? Preston Burke, Colin Marlowe... that's your thing.

Cristina: It's my...it's... I'm...I'm sorry. What does that have to do with anything?

Erica: My theory is if you had the chops in the OR you wouldn't need to try to impress in the bedroom. Stevens, is it?

Izzie: It is.

Erica: Let's go, Stevens.

(Cristina and Norman are in the hall)

Cristina: You know, I bust my ass here, and Burke skips town with my cardio reputation. So now instead of a heart transplant, oh, I get to participate in the amputation of a crazy man's foot.

James: I'm not... crazy.

Cristina: Cutting off your foot is crazy.

James: Walking through your life like you have no power, like you have no say... no say in your own destiny...like you have no control over your own body, walking through life like that is what's crazy.

Norman: I still think it's cutting off your foot with a chain saw that's crazy.

(Erica is in Jack's room)

Erica: Mr. Shandley, I'm Dr. Hahn. The transplant team is in place if you're ready to say good-bye.

Jack: You must not have children.

Erica: I'm sorry?

Jack: If you had children, you'd never say that. You'd never say, "if you're ready to say good-bye.

Erica: Mr. Shandley, I'm very sorry, but I want to suggest one last time...

Jack: No, I am not taking her heart. I can't have my daughter's heart beating in my chest. It would haunt me every day of my life. No!

Erica: All right. I'm very sorry for your loss. Page me when he's ready.

(Erica leaves)

George: Mr. Shandley... I don't have kids, so I don't know what it's like to lose a child,

but I do know what it's like to lose a parent. Your daughter loved you. I saw her this morning.

She was fighting for you. She was fighting for your life. You're her dad. You're her dad. She didn't want to leave you. I know that. I also know that she would want you to have her heart. I would've given my dad my heart if I could. If I could've saved him...I would've given him my heart.

Jack: All right.

(Izzie and Cristina are in the stairwell)

Izzie: It's not my fault Hahn chose me.

Cristina: Whatever.

Izzie: I can't believe that you are judging me. That after what Hahn said to you, that you are judging me.

Cristina: It's not the same thing.

Izzie: It is the same thing. It's exactly the same thing. I'm sorry that I hurt Callie. I didn't mean to hurt her.

Cristina: You slept with her husband. I slept with my boyfriend. It's not the same thing.

Izzie: Meredith slept with another woman's husband. Meredith slept with another woman's husband. The two of you are like this closed circle. You can commit whatever crime you want, and in your little circle, it's all fine. I...I know that you didn't sleep with Burke to get ahead. And if Hahn had asked me, I would've defended you. I'm not even asking you to defend me. I'm asking you to just cut me an inch of slack. And believe me when I say that I am sorry I hurt Callie.

Cristina: We are not a closed circle.

Izzie: You are.

(Derek is walking through the hall, he gets checked out by a nurse and then runs into Sydney in the hall)

Sydney: Dr. Shepherd.

Derek: Yes.

Sydney: Here's a question... were there actual shepherds in your lineage?

Derek: I'm sorry. What?

Sydney: You know, shepherds. The ones who watch over sheep. I mean the genealogy My name for example, not actually after the bird

(Derek looks up and sees Mark smiling nearby)

Derek: You know, I...I'm sorry. Would you excuse me?

Sydney: Of course.

Derek: Okay, thank you. (To Mark) Yeah, you did this.

Mark: Payback's a bitch.

Derek: Oh, man. What the hell did you tell her?

Mark: I put the word out that you were lookin'.

Derek: That I'm looking?

Mark: Lookin'. It sounds way dirtier without the G."

Derek: And you wonder why they formed a club?

Mark: You heard about that?

(Meredith and Ryan are in the hall)

Meredith: Okay, so we have one plastic surgeon, a general surgeon, an anesthesiologist, one, two, three scrub nurses and an OR. Let's call your mom, kid. You're gonna get some ears.

(James' surgery)

Callie: He cut off his foot. He cut off his perfectly good foot.

Norman: Well, people do some very strange things.

Callie: Oh, well. I had the world's shortest marriage.

Cristina: I was left in a church while I was literally wearing a wedding dress.

Callie: George cheated on me right in front of me, and I missed it.

Cristina: Burke sent his mother to say good-bye to me.

Callie: I'm gonna be a divorcé.

Cristina: Now Erica Hahn thinks I'm a fraud.

Norman: I'm, uh, I'm not feeling very...

(Norman faints)

Cristina: Norman!

Callie: Norman?

(Alex's pager goes off.)

Alex: Oh, crap.

Ava: What?

Alex: My intern, something happened. I don't know what.

Ava: We need to talk.

Alex: Well, we will. I'll come back. Okay?

Ava: Okay. Don't chicken out.

(Mark and Meredith are in the scrub room)

Mark: You know, I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd pull this off.

Meredith: I'm actually pretty surprised myself, considering it was my first time trick-or-treating.

Mark: Your first time?

Meredith: My mom never made it home in time to take me, never got it together to make me a costume. Plus she said it was rude to knock on people's doors and beg for food.

(Mark stops and stares at Meredith)

Meredith: What?

Mark: Just...the apple fell pretty far from the tree, huh?

(Alex runs into the OR)

Derek: Dr. Karev, you want to slow down?

Alex: I just heard. Did he have a stroke?

Derek: He did. 3 inches to the left, he'd never talk again.

Alex: Yeah, but it's gonna be okay, right?

Derek: No way to know till we get the clot out and he wakes up.

Alex: But he...but he's gonna be okay...

Derek: Karev, stop talking.

(Jack's transplant surgery)

Lexie: Is your marriage really over?

George: Yeah.

Lexie: I'm sorry.

George: Thanks.

Lexie: Did Meredith really bring her mom's ashes to work?

(Ava is pacing the on-call room waiting for Alex to come back)

(Alex is in Norman's surgery)

(Meredith and Mark are in Ryan's surgery)

Meredith: Look at that.

Mark: Not a bad day's work.

(Jack's transplant)

Erica: Paddles. Let's see what we've got. There it is.

George: There it is.

(Alex is in Norman's surgery)

Alex: Norman, Norman, come on, come on, come on.

Norman: What happened?

(Lexie and Meredith are in the hallway)

Lexie: I just saw a heart transplant.

Meredith: I just helped build a little boy some ears.

Lexie: That's cool. I dug up my mom's cat.

Meredith: What?

Lexie: My mom didn't leave any instructions 'cause it was so...unexpected. So...we had to figure out on our own what she would have wanted. And my mom loved that cat. So...I dug her up... the cat...um, from her little grave in our backyard. And I snuck into the cemetery in the middle of the night and reburied her right beside my mom. And...it was creepy and morbid, carrying around a dead, decaying cat in the cemetery in the middle of the night, but...it made my mom really happy. At least...I like to think it did.

Meredith: Thanks.

Lexie: You're welcome.

(Bailey is in the ambulance bay on the phone)

Bailey: Look, Tucker, I said I'm sorry. No. I didn't...no, I...Tucker...perfect.

(George walks out)

George: Hi. We just put a man's daughter's heart in his chest.

Bailey: His daughter's heart? Well, that just makes you want to throw up, now doesn't it? You all right?

George: You're Dr. Bailey. You hear everything. And if you haven't heard everything, I'm sure you've heard.

Bailey: About your marriage? Yeah, I probably would've.

George: I'm sorry...if I...disappointed you.

Bailey: I'm not your mother, O'Malley.

George: I have to apologize to her now, too.

Bailey: O'Malley...look, you're not a bad guy. And I don't mean to let you off the hook entirely,

because what you did was unkind and hurtful and wrong. But you're not a bad guy. I'm...I'm just saying, it...it takes two. To reach the point you reached in your marriage, it takes two. I mean...I mean, I'm here late at night, Halloween, helping an earless boy get ears, and my husband wants to act like that isn't an important thing. He wants to act like...it isn't a good thing that I did today. Now that isn't just on me. That's him wanting things to be the way he wants. That's him wanting things to be purely black-and-white. I mean, I missed my son's first Halloween, and my heart is aching inside of my chest, but, you know, that doesn't mean anything. It...it doesn't count because in a black-and-white world, I simply didn't make it home, and that makes me the bad guy. You know, always. I'm always the bad guy. You hear what I'm saying?

George: Sorry you missed your son's first Halloween.

Bailey: Look, what I'm saying to you is...okay, I was there. All right? I was there the day your father died. I was there when you came back from Vegas, married after a week and...all I'm saying is...it's not black-and-white...and you're not a bad guy.

(Cristina walks up to Erica Hahn)

Cristina: I did not sleep my way to the top. I'm attracted to a talent that resembles my own, not that it's any of your business. Your comments were unprofessional and inappropriate. You know what? You're inappropriate and unprofessional.

Erica: This is gonna be so much fun.

(Richard walks up)

Richard: Dr. Yang, did you hear? Dr. Hahn has agreed to become our new head of cardio-thoracic surgery.

Erica: Lookin' forward to it, Dr. Yang.

(Erica leaves)

Cristina: You can't have my apartment.

(Alex is in Norman's room)

Alex: I'm...sorry I didn't listen when you said you weren't feeling well. I'm sorry I didn't answer your page.

Norman: Do you know why I chose surgery?

Alex: No.

Norman: I'm a little south of 60 and blood makes me squeamish. See, I wanted to go into psych because I like to talk.

Alex: I've noticed that.

Norman: But I had this voice in my head telling me to choose surgery. It was as if... my Mary Beth was whispering in my ear. And so I listened. And do you know what I think now?

Alex: No.

Norman: I think I was about to have a massive stroke...and my Mary Beth wanted me to be surrounded by... world-class surgeons when it happened.

Alex: So what are you gonna do now?

Norman: Uh, well, I'm gonna go into psych. Because you people, you surgeons, my god...you're all just a bunch of little children running around with your scalpels and your severed feet and your inappropriate sex in inappropriate places. You all need a good shrink.

(Meredith is in Ryan's room)

Ryan: Dr. Grey?

Meredith: Hi.

Ryan: I had a goldfish, and when he died, we flushed him down the toilet, back to the sea.

Meredith: Okay.

Ryan: Back to the sea is better than your cubby.

(Derek walks past Richard)

Derek: You okay?

Richard: I don't know if I can handle one more night in that hotel. What's the matter with you?

Derek: I have to start dating.

MVO: It isn't just surgeons.

(Alex enters the on-call room. Ava is gone but her sweater is there)

MVO: The truth is, I don't know anyone who isn't haunted by something...or someone. And whether we try to slice the pain away with a scalpel or shove it in the back of a closet, our efforts usually fail.

(George and Izzie are on a bench outside)

Izzie: We made it through this day.

George: Yeah, we did. We made it through this day.

MVO: So the only way we can clear out the cobwebs is to turn a new page...

(Callie and Cristina are in her apartment)

Cristina: Uh, so it's the kitchen, uh, bedroom, bathroom. There's the sofa. You can sleep here.

Callie: Great. So, uh...do you mind if I clean up a little?

Cristina: Yes. I mind a lot.

MVO: Or put an old story to rest...

(Meredith is in the scrub room washing her moms ashes down the drain)

Richard: Grey.

Meredith: Chief.

Richard: What are you doing, Grey? This is a sterile environment.

Meredith: It's my mother. And I think this is where she'd want to be.

(Richard grabs some of the ashes and helps her)

Richard: Should we say a prayer?

Meredith: She didn't believe in anything.

MVO: Finally, finally to rest.

Richard: Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

Kikavu ?

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labelette  (07.11.2020 à 22:31)

J'ai regardé cet épisode juste après en avoir vu un de NCIS, donc c'était sympa de voir "le directeur Vance" dans Grey's Anatomy. D'autant plus qu'il s'est amputé la jambe (beurk, même pas endormi !) alors que dans NCIS des vétérans étaient mutilés.

Je pense que c'était le dernier épisode avec Norman ("Richard Gilmore") qui va changer de service et avec Ava aussi (revenue voir Alex, mais repartie après avoir pris du bon temps avec lui).

Cristina veut bien donner l'appart de Burke au Chef, mais quand elle apprend qu'il a embauché le Dr Hahn, elle se rétracte et décide de le partager avec ... Callie ! J'avais oublié cette colocation !

L'histoire du petit sans oreilles était sympa. Meredith s'est bien débrouillée pour que tout le monde donne un peu de son temps pour qu'il se fasse opérer gratuitement.

Les cendres d'Ellis Grey sont dispersées dans les conduits de l'hôpital, elle n'aurait pas pu rêver mieux !


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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